900字范文 > 鼻整形术 Rhinoplasty英语短句 例句大全

鼻整形术 Rhinoplasty英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-27 22:41:31


鼻整形术 Rhinoplasty英语短句 例句大全



1.Rhinoplasty with Medpor surgical implant material;Medpor外科种植体在鼻整形术中的应用


1.The application of the open rhinoplasty in the treatment of deviated nose开放鼻整形术在歪鼻畸形矫正中的应用

2.Many plastic surgeons perform rhinoplasty from within the nose, making their incision inside the nostrils.大多数整形美容外科医生做鼻整形术时,喜欢在鼻孔内做切口,这样在术后就不会留有瘢痕。

3.As early as 600BC a Hindu surgeon reconstructed a nose by using a piece of cheek, and by AD 1000 rhinoplasty (nose surgery using skin from the forehead) was being performed.而在西元一千年时,就已经有进行鼻整形术了(使用前额皮肤塑鼻的外科手术)。

4.Early local flap reconstruction in nasal defect due to severe infection after rhinoplasty鼻整形术后感染导致局部组织缺损的早期皮瓣修复

5.Rhinoplasty can be performed under local or general anesthesia, depending on the extent of the procedure and on what you and your surgeon prefer.鼻整形术可以在局麻或全麻下进行,这主要取决于手术范围的大小和你与你的医师的偏好。

6.Surgical shortening or reshaping of the nose.鼻部整形术外科手术中鼻子的整形或截短

7.Corrective methods for the dissatisfied appearance of nasal tip after augmentation rhinoplasty隆鼻术后鼻端形态不佳的修整方法探讨

8.Applied Anatomic Study and Clinical Application in the Plastic Surgery of the Nasal Tip of SMAS Tissue Coverage鼻端SMAS组织的解剖研究及其在鼻尖整形术中的应用

9.Exploration of aesthetic surgery procedure to nose tip and related anatomic study;鼻尖部整形美容手术探讨和相关解剖学研究

10.Stage II Reconstruction of the Postoperative Nasolabial Deformity of the Complete Bilateral Cleft Lip Through Cross Transplantation of the Lower Lip Flap下唇组织瓣交叉转移术二期整复双侧完全性唇裂术后鼻唇部畸形

11.Repairing the flat apex and broad alar nose by bilateral nasal vestibule approach双侧鼻前庭切口入路鼻尖低平鼻翼宽大整复术

12.Application of Autogenous Cartilage Combined with ePTFE in Rhinoplasty自体软骨与膨体聚四氟乙烯在鼻整形手术的应用

13.Observation of clinic effects of hypothermic plastic material after rhinoplasty低温热塑板材用于鼻部整形术后的临床效果观察

14.Stage-I functional reconstruction of traumatic deviated nose deformity with chronic rhino-sinusitis伴慢性鼻及鼻窦炎的外伤性歪鼻畸形一期鼻功能性整复

15.To explore the endoscopic technique in technique in treatment of deviated nose内窥镜下鼻—鼻中隔成形术治疗外伤性歪鼻

16.Analysis on modified septorhinoplasty via nasal endoscope for 52 cases鼻内窥镜改良鼻中隔成形术52例分析

17.Correction of Secondary Bilateral Cleft Lip and Nasal Deformitiy with Abbe Flap and Open RhinoplastyAbbe瓣联合开放路径鼻整形法矫正双侧唇裂术后继发畸形的临床应用

18.Alar cartilage suture technique for correction of bulbous and boxy nasal tip应用鼻翼软骨缝合技术矫正球形与方形鼻尖


correction of the deviated nose歪鼻整形术

1.Objective:To explore the therapeutic effect and correlated factor of endoscopic-assistedcorrection of the deviated nose.目的:探索经鼻内镜行歪鼻整形术的疗效及相关因素。



1.Conclusion hypothermic plastic material has hemostasis and good shape effects onrhionplasty.目的低温热塑板材于鼻部整形术后的辅助疗效观察。

2.Conclusion: hypothermic plastic material has hemostasis and good shape effects onrhionplasty.目的:低温热塑板材于鼻部整形术后的辅助疗效观察。

5)rhinoplastic operating instrument set鼻整形术器械包

6)comprehensive rhinoplasty综合鼻整形手术


