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天赋 talent英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-10 18:43:53


天赋 talent英语短句 例句大全



1.Analysis on Relations Among Philosophy Talent,Social Class and Equality in Tony s Politics;托尼政治哲学中天赋、阶级和平等的关系

2.In a se nse, the translator s aesthetic sense is influenced by his owntalent in art.译者的审美感知力在一定程度上又受其自身的艺术天赋影


1.supplied with (especially a dower or dowry).被赋予(特别是天赋、天资)。

2.genetic theory of language语言天赋论 语言天赋论

3.An inherent power or ability.天赋先天的智能或能力

4.Another rare gift is the Inner Eye, the ability to prophesy.天眼是另一项罕见的天赋,这项天赋用于预言。

5.Holy Shock - Moved to the Retribution tree, and replaced in the Holy tree by the new talent Blessing of Divinity.天赋神圣震击:转移的惩戒天赋中,由新的天赋神之祝福取代。

6.It seems that I haven"t got a gift for languages.我好像没有语言天赋,

7.He seemed to have the gift of prophecy.他似乎有预言的天赋.

8.are endowed with steel-like muscles,有天赋的钢铁般的肌肉,

9.natural charm, ability, etc天赋的魅力、 能力等

10.Especially capable or talented.富有能力的,富有天赋的

11.This ability is given to you你的这种能力是天赋的。

12.Freedom is our natural birthright.自由是我们的天赋权利.

13.She has a gift for keeping cool, calm and collected in the face of danger.她有临危不乱的天赋。

14.She is endowed with both wit and beauty.这女子天赋才貌双全。

15.She is a dancer of genius.她是个有天赋的舞者。

16.Has a genius for choosing the right words.有选择正确单词的天赋

17.The Emperor is endowed with civil and martial virtues.这个皇帝天赋文武双全。

18.She is endowed with great musical ability.她的音乐天赋很高。



1.In the 19th century, Marlowe’sgenius and originality in writing dramas and poetry are rediscovered, and his contributions to English literature fully reco.系统的马洛研究开始于19世纪的维多利亚时期,他在戏剧和诗歌方面的天赋和独创性被重新发现,他对英国文学的贡献得到充分肯定。


4)natural rights天赋权利

1.When confronted with the racial lines delimited by himself,Jefferson s universalnatural rights were challenged by blacks identity,and they also had to be reconciled with his opinions about the property right.在面临由自己设定的种族界线时 ,杰斐逊天赋权利信条的普遍性受到了其人种特殊性观念的挑战 ,同时天赋权利也面临着与财产权观念的协调性问题。

5)special rectangular antenna赋形天线

1.First, the article describes the configuration and principle of thisspecial rectangular antenna, then compares it with common antenna at coverage performance.本文分析了赋形天线的结构特点和基本原理,从覆盖效果方面与普通天线进行了对比,并以具体场馆应用为例,说明了其在解决场馆容量和克服同频干扰方面的独特应用价值。

6)Cognitive inherence认知天赋


