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协商 negotiation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-29 07:52:40


协商 negotiation英语短句 例句大全



1.Autonomous Formation Keeping Planning for Distributed Satellite System Based on Multi Agent Negotiation;基于多Agent协商的分布式卫星自主构形保持规划研究

2.Problems and countermeasures innegotiation of interregional water affair conflicts in the Yangtze River Delta;长三角地区跨界水事纠纷协商面临的问题及对策

3.Analysis of status in quo ofnegotiation mechanism of interregional water affair conflicts in Changjiang River Delta;长江三角洲地区跨界水事纠纷协商机制的现状分析


1.Regional Consultation and Coordination Meeting区域协商和协调会议

2.Consultative Meeting with Industry/Trade Associations同工贸协会的协商会议

3.Confer with sb. on [about] sth.与某人协商[商议]某事

ite Consultivo en Cuestiones Administrativas行政问题协商委员会(行政协商会)

5.Economic and Social Consultative Council经济和社会协商理事会(经社协商会)

6.Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research国际农业研究协商小组(农研协商组)

7.The Theory of Consultative Democracy and the Practice of China s Political Consultation;协商民主理论及中国的政治协商实践

8."Compromise" means reaching agreement through peaceful negotiation.所谓妥协,是指经过和平协商达成协议。

9.International Telephone Consultative Committee国际电话协商委员会

10.Consultative Group for the International Year of Older Persons国际老年人年协商小组

11.Interim Coordinating Committee for International Commodity Arrangements国际商品协定临时协调委员会(商品协定协委会)

12.International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers" Associations国际制药商协会联合会(制药商协联)

monwealth Banana Exporters Association英联邦香蕉出口商协会

14.Greek Shipsuppliers Association希腊船舶供应商协会

15.International Federation of Stamp Dealers" Associations国际邮票商协会联合会

16.North Federation of Advertisers Associations北方广告商协会联合会

17.SIMAJ (ScientificInstrument ManufacturesAssociation ofJapan)日本科学仪器厂商协会

18.BBMA (British Brush Manufacturers Association)英国刷类产品厂商协会



1.Grid resourcesconsultation based on Web service;基于Web服务的网格资源协商

2.Labor Relations in South Korea:From Confrontation to Consultation韩国劳资关系:从对抗走向协商


1.It is a realistic choice to construct socialist harmonious society by developing the deliberative democracy and realizing social harmony in the process ofdeliberation.认为协商民主作为一种民主治理形式,与我们所要构建的和谐社会存在许多相关性。

2.Idecompose deliberative democracy into four essential factors in order toanalyze it, they are the subject ofdeliberation, the object ofdeliberation, theprocess ofdeliberation and the outcome ofdeliberation, then I discusses thesignification, condition, characteristic and so on of each factor in separately,clarify disputes among scholars in western, ultimatel.协商民主,就是所有受政策影响的利益相关者以协商的形式参与法律和公共政策制定的过程。


1.Abargaining combination method is therefore proposed to deal with the multi-evaluation conclusions characterized by disagreement.针对多属性综合评价中存在的“多方法评价结论非一致性”问题,提出了一种意见分歧特征下的多评价结论协商组合方法。

2.With the axiomatizedbargaining modd and reference pointbargaining modd developedfor the cooperative game,the consistency of the a value and τ value of the cooperative gameand the Raiffabargaining solution of thebargaining model developed and the reference pointRaiffabargaining solution of the reference pointbargaining model developed is proved.通过对合作对策构造公理化协商模型和参考点协商模型,证明了合作对策的σ值和τ值与所构造的协商模型的Raiffa协商解及参考点Raiffa协商解的一致性。

3.he concepts of the monotonkity of the bargahing sohdon for a Gupta-Livne referencepoint with respect to thebargaining elements such as the feasible region ofbargaining,con-flict point and reference point are proposed.提出了Gupta-Livne参考点协商解关于协商可行域、冲突点和参考点等协商要素的各种单调性概念。

5)commerce negotiation商务协商

6)negotiation protocol协商协议

1.Adaptive trustnegotiation protocol;一种自适应的信任协商协议

2.It discussed the key technologies of mobile agent includingnegotiation protocol,negotiation strategy,bidding price strategy and mobile Agent,such as saving bandwidth,offline and the character of anonymity.采用移动A gen t技术构建了一种新的电子拍卖系统模型,讨论了系统的协商协议、协商策略、应价策略和移动A gen t的关键技术,给出了移动A gen t的迁移实现实例。

3.Virtual enterprisenegotiation protocol is also proposed to handle the conflict during cooperation of virtual enterprise.并给出了虚拟企业协商协议,以处理在虚拟企业合作过程中所发生的矛盾和冲突。


