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等离子体 plasma英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-30 05:30:00


等离子体 plasma英语短句 例句大全



bination of non-thermalplasma and heterogeneous catalysis for removal of low concentration benzene hydrocarbons in air;非热等离子体与催化相结合去除气相低浓度苯系物

2.Extraction and separation of intermediates inplasma degradation of benzene;苯等离子体降解中间产物的萃取与分离

3.Effects of energy injection on removal of benzene hydrocarbons in the air by dischargeplasma;能量注入对放电等离子体去除气相苯系物的影响


1.ion plasma wave and ionic plasma oscillation离子等离子体波和离子等离子体振荡

2.plasma-enhanced CVD等离子体增强CVD

3.stripped plasma完全电离的等离子体

4.plasma isotope separation method等离子体同位素分离法

5.high ionized laser plasma强电离激光等离子体

6.plasma disappearance等离子体消失,等离子体失踪

7.diamagnetism of the plasma particles等离子体粒子反磁性

8.collision between particles in plasma等离子体中的粒子碰撞

9.plasma particle simulation等离子体粒子数值模拟

10.plasma astrophysics等离子体天体物理学

11.plasma oscillation in solids固体中的等离子体振荡

12.hydromagnetic oscillations of the plasma等离子体的磁流体振荡

13.undisturbed plasma未受扰动的等离子体

14.plasma activated chemical vapour deposition等离子体化学气相沉积

15.quasilinear plasma theory准线性等离子体理论

16.uranium plasma generation systems铀等离子体发生系统

17.physics of high temperature plasma高温等离子体物理学

18.plasma and high energy physics等离子体和高能物理学



1.Feasibility study on temporal-resolved diffraction of high-energyelectrons produced in femtosecond laser-plasmas;利用飞秒激光等离子体产生的超热电子进行衍射实验的可行性研究

2.Numerical simulation of ozone generation in oxygenicplasmas;含氧等离子体中臭氧形成过程数值模拟

3)plasma body等离子体

1.It is discussed the effect of low temperatureplasma body treatment under different conditions on regenerated fibroin membrane and the softness of polyester cotton fabrics coated with regenerated fibroin.讨论了不同条件下低温等离子体处理对再生丝素膜和再生丝素涂层涤棉织物柔软性的影响 ,指出低温等离子体处理时高真空度、合适的轰击电流和气体对蚕丝再生丝素膜和再生丝素涂层涤棉织物柔软性有一定的影响。

2.On the basis of magnetic theory and electrode theory of gas molecule and the reaction mechanism of producing the airplasma body by surface discharging,this paper studies a new kind of magnetic-electrodeplasma body purification device,and tests it in a test of engine platform.依据气体分子磁性理论与电极性理论及沿面放电方式产生空气等离子体的反应机理,试制出一种新型的磁电极化等离子体净化装置,并在发动机台架上进行了试验。

3.The paper discusses the design of the experiment of low press radio-frequency plasma, using TFS and Langmuir to get V-Icurve including temperature ofplasma body.文章提出了低压射频等离子体实验设计体系,应用飞行时间谱仪和Langmuir单探针,测得Langmuir型V-I曲线,其中包括等离子体温度信息。


1.The propagation of electromagnetic field inplasm will produce splitting phenomenon,which has the relation with parameter ofplasm itself,propagating direction of the wave,etc.电磁场在磁化等离子体中传播会产生分裂现象,这种分裂现象的发生与等离子体本身的参数等因素有关,当这些因素满足某一关系式时,双折射现象将会消失。

2.Strongly amplified X-ray laser observed in the recent transient collisional excitation (TCE) experiments pumped by a single short pulse suggests that with the help of low level prepulse producing lowly ionized preplasma it is also possible to obtain high gain in the TCE scheme.6nm波长X射线激光研究中,提出了采用低预脉冲产生低电离度的预等离子体,后续一个ps级短脉冲既电离又加热等离子体的驱动方式。

3.It is introduced the approaches for diagnosingplasm such as static bougie,spectrum,impedance measurement etc.文章对等离子体诊断的常用方法及适用范围作了介绍,并认为对任何能反映等离子体性质的物理量的测量方法,都可以作为等离子体诊断的方法。

5)plasma technology等离子体

1.Application ofplasma technology to the solid waste control;等离子体技术在固体废弃物处理中的应用

2.Based on purifying automotive exhaust emission in cylinder byplasma technology, the influences of plasma modified gasoline on the content of NO in automobile exhaust emission were studied through thermodynamics analysis for the reactions occuried in automobile cylinder.以等离子体技术机内净化汽车尾气为前提,通过对汽缸内反应体系的热力学分析,研究了等离子体改性汽车燃油的加入对汽车尾气中NO含量的影响。

3.In this paper, the methods in common use for the decontamination of exhaust emission from automobile are reviewed; the methods of removal of the harmful components from the exhaust gas including microwave catalysis andplasma technology are stated.综述了汽车尾气治理的常用方法,介绍了微波技术与等离子体技术在汽车尾气净化中的应用现状,指出用微波与廉价催化剂相结合的集成净化是一个有研究和应用价值的汽车尾气治理方法。

6)He plasma氦离子等离子体


