900字范文 > 跨文化适应性 Cross-cultural adaptation英语短句 例句大全

跨文化适应性 Cross-cultural adaptation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-19 15:51:16


跨文化适应性 Cross-cultural adaptation英语短句 例句大全

跨文化适应性,Cross-cultural adaptation

1)Cross-cultural adaptation跨文化适应性

2)cross-cultural adaptation跨文化适应

1.Many researchers paid attention to the influencing factors ofcross-cultural adaptation.跨文化接触会影响人的适应,影响跨文化适应的因素有内部因素和外部因素,外部因素包括生活变化、社会支持、旅居时间、文化距离、歧视与偏见等,内部因素包括认知评价方式、应对方式、人格、与文化相关的知识与技能、人口统计学因素。

2.On surface,it seems to be a problem of language skills in bilingual teaching,but behind it,lies the issue ofcross-cultural adaptation.对少数民族地区双语教师这样一个特殊的教师群体而言,使用两种语言进行教学在表面上是语言技巧问题,但隐藏在现象背后的却是深层次的跨文化适应问题。

3.In this field,cross-cultural adaptation has been the popular focus.跨文化适应一直以来都是跨文化研究领域的热门,在国外跨文化研究已有很长的历史,且涉及的应用范围也很广。


1.Viewing Culture Shock in the Process of Cross-cultural Adaptation;跨文化适应过程中的“文化休克”现象

2.A Study of Cross-Culture Acculturation Mode Based on Psychological Contract;基于心理契约的跨文化适应模式研究

3.A Research on Cross-cultural Adaptation of Japanese Sojouners in Shanghai日本旅居者在上海的跨文化适应研究

4.The Cross-cultural Adaptation of Korean Students in Beijing在京韩国留学生跨文化适应问题研究

5.A Survey on the Adaptation of China Company Web Sites Design of English Version from the Cross-cultural Perspective;中国企业英文网站设计的跨文化适应度研究

6.Cross-Cultural Adaptation Study of Foreign Experts or Teachers in Chinese Universities in the Chongqing Area;重庆高校外专外教跨文化适应问题研究

7.A Study on Cross-cultural Adaptation of Bilingual Teachers of Ethnic Minorities;少数民族双语教师跨文化适应问题研究

8.Analysis of Cross-Cultural Difference and Life Event Based on Game Theory;跨文化适应和生活事件超载的博弈分析

9.Construction of evaluation of athletes cross-cultural adaptability;运动员跨文化适应能力评估体系的构建


11.A Study of Cross-Cultural Adaptation of the International Students Studying in Chongqing Universities重庆市高校来华留学生跨文化适应调查研究

12.A Study on Cross-Cultural Adjustment of Japanese and American Expatriates in China日美两国外派人员在华的跨文化适应研究

13.Investigating the Intercultural Adaptation of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Students Studying in Shanghai"s Universities就读于上海高校的港澳台大学生的跨文化适应

14.Study of Cross-Cultural Adaptation Problems of American Students in China在华的美国留学生跨文化适应问题研究

15.Research on Overseas Students" Acculturation and Management Strategies留学生跨文化适应现状与管理对策研究

16.A Research on the Adjustment,Stressor and Strain of Chinese Students and Academics in Germany;跨文化适应与应激、应激源研究:中国学生、学者在德国

17.A Study on the Relationship among Chinese Overseas Students Acculturation, Social Support and Life Satisfaction in Britain;中国留英高校生跨文化适应、社会支持与生活满意度的相关研究

18.The Study of Acculturation Process and Mode on Cross-Culture Management;跨文化管理中的文化适应过程与模式研究


cross-cultural adaptation跨文化适应

1.Many researchers paid attention to the influencing factors ofcross-cultural adaptation.跨文化接触会影响人的适应,影响跨文化适应的因素有内部因素和外部因素,外部因素包括生活变化、社会支持、旅居时间、文化距离、歧视与偏见等,内部因素包括认知评价方式、应对方式、人格、与文化相关的知识与技能、人口统计学因素。

2.On surface,it seems to be a problem of language skills in bilingual teaching,but behind it,lies the issue ofcross-cultural adaptation.对少数民族地区双语教师这样一个特殊的教师群体而言,使用两种语言进行教学在表面上是语言技巧问题,但隐藏在现象背后的却是深层次的跨文化适应问题。

3.In this field,cross-cultural adaptation has been the popular focus.跨文化适应一直以来都是跨文化研究领域的热门,在国外跨文化研究已有很长的历史,且涉及的应用范围也很广。


1.Research on Overseas Students" Acculturation and Management Strategies留学生跨文化适应现状与管理对策研究

2.In entering a college,the students may invariably come across"culture shock", as they undergo the process ofacculturation.高校新生入学后的适应过程,是典型的跨文化适应过程,必然遭遇"文化休克"。

3.The study aims to find out the state of Chinese overseas studentsacculturation and life satisfaction, to probe into their influencing factor and their relationship, and to analyze predictable factor of life satisfaction.本研究以在英高校的中国留学生为研究对象,采用自编的《中国留英高校生跨文化适应》问卷、肖水源设计的社会支持量表和增改后迪纳的生活满意度量表对被试的跨文化适应状况、社会支持状况和生活满意度进行研究。

4)cross-cultural adjustment跨文化适应

1.The objective of this research was to explore the relationship ofcross-cultural adjustment with stressor and strain.本文旨在探讨在德国的中国学生/学者跨文化适应与应激源和应激之间的关系。

5)intercultural adaptation跨文化适应

1.Followed the development of national education research, theintercultural adaptation of minority students came into researchers view.随着我国民族教育研究的深入以及民族教育事业的发展,少数民族学生的跨文化适应问题日益受到研究者的关注。

6)cultural adaptation competence跨文化适应能力

1.Individualscultural adaptation competence tends to be affected by various factors, amongwhich the impact of cultural factors can not be ignored.本文旨在研究文化因素对个人跨文化适应能力的影响,着眼于中美之间对于提出反对和批评时所倾向采取的间接和直接交流方式的不同所进行的适应。


