900字范文 > 自动修正 automatic correction英语短句 例句大全

自动修正 automatic correction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-10 02:36:58


自动修正 automatic correction英语短句 例句大全

自动修正,automatic correction

1)automatic correction自动修正


1.Enabled the system to fixup Data Alignment faults automatically启用系统以自动修正数据排列错误

2.eliminating danger by compensating automatically for a failure or malfunction.自动修正故障来排除危险。

3.Principle and application to GPS Mileage Automatic Calibration SystemGPS里程自动修正系统的原理与应用

4.By the ACRP,regularized parameter can automatic correct to appropriate value whatever the initial condition is.通过这种正则化参数自适应选择,无论迭代初值如何选择,正则化参数都可以自动修正到最优值。

5.revising method of (thermal) electromotive force(热)电动势修正法

6.autotracing system自动描图系统(包括花样分色、修正、晒图设备)

7.Correction and Improvement of the Setting Value of Automatic Reactive Voltage Control电压无功自动控制装置定值的修正与改进

8.Autonomous Navigation Modification Based on Passive Observation to Feature Target for Cruise Missile飞航导弹地标被动观测自主导航修正技术

9.The bicycle doctor is doctoring my bicycle.自行车修理工正给我修自行车。

10.Such corrections are not automatic: something (a misadventure in Iran?像这样的自我修正并不是自动的:有些事情(涉险伊朗?)

11.Research on Automatic Correcting Speed-adjustment System of DC Motor Based on Wavelet Transformation基于小波分析自动检错修正的直流电动机调速系统研制

12.free-water surface correction coefficient自由液面水修正系数

13."Detect and Repair..." will automatically find and fix errors in this application.“检测与修复...”功能可自动查找并更正这项应用程序中的错误。

14.Study of the Error Calibration and Correction Method of the Automatic Measuring Machine for the Iinside-Size Measuring of I-Steel Crystallization Device;结晶器内腔尺寸自动测量机误差分离与修正方法研究

15.The Partitioned Group Correction Technique with Automatic Differentiation for Large Scale Sparse Unconstrained Optimization;用自动微分分划组的修正算法解大型稀疏无约束优化问题

16.Design of the Intelligent Compensating Shifting Schedule and Its Application in Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission Vehicle智能修正型换挡规律的设计及在双离合器式自动变速器中的应用

17.The President is putting everything he has behind the bill.总统正调动一切力量支持那项修正案。

18.AutoCorrect can automatically correct the misspelled word“自动更正”可自动更正误拼单词


self-correcting automatic navigation自修正自动导航

3)automatic revised honing自动修正研磨

4)Auto Make up for Advance Datas提前量自动修正

5)automatically modifying factors自动修正因子

1.Presents the design methods of a fuzzy controller withautomatically modifying factors based on the study of primary principles and realization of fuzzy controlleer.在研究模糊控制器的基本原理和实现方法的基础上,提出了一种自动修正因子模糊控制器的设计方法;研制了适合pH电极输出特点的高输入阻抗放大器,具体设计和实现了引入模糊控制的废水pH自动控制装置。

6)automatic frequency cor-relation自动频率修正


后勤指挥自动化系统(见后勤指挥自动化)后勤指挥自动化系统(见后勤指挥自动化)automated system of logistic commandhouqin zhihui zidonghua xitong后勤指挥自动化系统(automated、ys-tem of logistie eommand)见后勤指挥自动化。
