900字范文 > 社会循环 social cycle英语短句 例句大全

社会循环 social cycle英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-03 09:38:44


社会循环 social cycle英语短句 例句大全

社会循环,social cycle

1)social cycle社会循环

1.Water quality security ensuring duringsocial cycle of urban water城市水社会循环中的水质安全保障

2)circulation society循环社会

3)Recycling Society循环型社会

1.The Ideas and Measures of Building theRecycling Society in Japan Based on the White Paper;从《白皮书》看日本建设循环型社会的思路及对策

2.Based on stating recycling economy and the definition of recycling society,by using the Japanese constructing recycling society experience for reference,this paper offers an analysis on the necessity of construct.本文在阐述循环经济与循环社会内涵的基础上,借鉴日本建设循环型社会的经验,从系统关系和系统目标角度对建设循环社会的必要性进行了分析,并探讨了循环社会建设与工业化发展的关系。

3.This paper introduces the legislation on recycling electronic wastes in Japan and its implementation for the purpose of building a recycling society.介绍了日本为建立循环型社会在电子废弃物方面所采取的立法措施及其实施情况,及其对我国实施循环经济的启示。


1.Chapter 2 Cyclic society: the model suitable to the view of sustained development.第二章循环型社会:可持续发展观下的社会模式。

2.The Ideas and Measures of Building the Recycling Society in Japan Based on the White Paper;从《白皮书》看日本建设循环型社会的思路及对策

3.Using the Idea of Circular Economy to Construct Environmental-Friendly Society;用循环经济理念构建环境友好型社会

4.The Development of Agricultural Circular Economy and Establishment of Ecomical Society;发展农业循环经济 创建节约型社会

5.Circum-Economy is Key to Construction of Resources-Economical Society;循环经济:构建资源节约型社会的关键

6.Recycling Industry:Building A Resources-Conserving Society;循环经济:建设节约型社会的有效之举

7.The Circulation EconomyPush Qinghai Provincial Developments Economy Type Society;以循环经济助推青海建设节约型社会

8.Analysis on Constructing Harmonious Society and Developing Circular Agriculture;构建和谐社会与发展循环型农业分析

9.Economy Circulating: An Inevitable Choice to Build Economical-typed Society;循环经济:建设节约型社会的必然选择

10.Developing Recycle Economy and Building Up "Saving-water" Society发展循环经济 建设节水型社会初析

11.Circular Economy and Constructing Environmental Society--From the Perspective of Environmental Sociology循环经济与构建环保型社会——基于环境社会学的视野

12.The Road of Constructing Good Environmental Society is to Develop the Ecological Environment;发展循环经济 构建环境友好型社会的路径选择

13.Thinking about Developing Circular Economy and an Environment-Friendly Society in Liaoning;辽宁发展循环经济建立环境友好型社会的思考

14.The research on developing recycling economy and establishingrecycling economy society in Qingdao city;青岛市发展循环经济 建设循环型经济社会的研究

15.Influences of circular economy legislation on the building of resource-saving and environment-friendly society循环经济立法对“两型社会”建设的影响——以《循环经济促进法》为例

16.Circular Urban Society Development Mode--Construction of Ideal Type in Sociological Perspective;循环型城市社会发展模式——社会学视角的理想类型建构

17.The Development of Cyclic Economy as the Effective Approach to Building an Economical Type Society;发展循环经济是建设节约型社会的有效途径

18.On Energy-Saving Society Based on Cyclic Economy;基于循环经济的资源节约型社会发展的思考


circulation society循环社会

3)Recycling Society循环型社会

1.The Ideas and Measures of Building theRecycling Society in Japan Based on the White Paper;从《白皮书》看日本建设循环型社会的思路及对策

2.Based on stating recycling economy and the definition of recycling society,by using the Japanese constructing recycling society experience for reference,this paper offers an analysis on the necessity of construct.本文在阐述循环经济与循环社会内涵的基础上,借鉴日本建设循环型社会的经验,从系统关系和系统目标角度对建设循环社会的必要性进行了分析,并探讨了循环社会建设与工业化发展的关系。

3.This paper introduces the legislation on recycling electronic wastes in Japan and its implementation for the purpose of building a recycling society.介绍了日本为建立循环型社会在电子废弃物方面所采取的立法措施及其实施情况,及其对我国实施循环经济的启示。

4)circular society循环型社会

1.Construction of Japan s Circular Society and the Implications;日本构建循环型社会对我国的启示

2.This thesis put forward that our country should legislate “the law of circular economy” which takes on china’s feature and set upcircular society by analyzing the connotation of the circular economy and introducing the foreign circular economy mode combining our country’s legislation actuality of circular economy.通过分析循环经济的内涵,介绍外国循环经济立法发展模式,结合我国循环经济立法现状,提出我国应抓紧时间制定具有我国特色的循环经济法,建立循环型社会。

3.Based on the analysis of the theories ofcircular society and the study on the experiences of the developed countries, the paper analyzed the definition, the character and the needs ofcircular society.从理论的产生到许多国家付诸实施的有益尝试,建构循环型社会日益成为人们的共识。

5)recycling-oriented society循环型社会

1.In order to realize the harmonious construction of economy and environment, Japan enacted the “Basic Law for the Establishment of a Recycling-oriented Society” in the year 2000, setting the construction of arecycling-oriented society that affords sustainable development as the general goal of development.为实现经济和环境的协调发展,2000年,日本颁布《推进形成循环型社会基本法》,把建设循环型的可持续发展社会作为日本经济社会的总体发展目标。

2.It turned a lavish society in the 20th century into arecycling-oriented society in 21(st) century.日本是世界上最早进行循环经济立法的国家,从20世纪“大量生产、大量消费、大量废弃”的浪费型社会,转变为21世纪“最佳生产、最佳消费、最少废弃”的循环型社会,面向可持续发展的循环型社会法规体系功劳很大。

3.Construction of arecycling-oriented society has become an inevitable choice for human society for Sustainable development.循环型社会是以循环经济为基本经济发展模式、人与自然和谐发展的社会形态,是完全符合可持续发展主体要求的发展状态,其与循环经济有密切的联系。

6)recycle society循环型社会

1.In Japan, the construction ofrecycle society is the ideal of sustainable development.日本建设循环型社会以可持续发展为理想目标,作为日本建设循环型社会基本法的《循环基本法》,其中立法理念、基本规划和原则的确立有着深刻的国内外背景,是其解决环境与经济发展矛盾的经验教训的总结。


社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)social being定社s卜ehui eunzoi社会存在(soeial being)会意识。见社会存在决
