900字范文 > 系统偏差估计 estimate error英语短句 例句大全

系统偏差估计 estimate error英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-28 15:38:54


系统偏差估计 estimate error英语短句 例句大全

系统偏差估计,estimate error

1)estimate error系统偏差估计


1.Research on the Technology to Estimate System Errors Based on Positional Information基于平台定位信息的雷达系统偏差估计技术研究

2.Estimation of CPI Bias with Chinese City Statistical Data基于中国城市统计数据的CPI偏差估计

3.A Symbol Timing Estimation Algorithm for Bit Synchronization MF-TDMA System一种用于符号同步MF-TDMA系统的定时偏差估计算法

4.The estimation of systematic deviation by using small land gravity data利用少量地面重力数据估计航空重力数据的系统偏差

5.Variance Component Esti mation with Gross Errors or Systematic Errors含有粗差或系统误差的方差分量估计

6.Uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimate方差一致最小无偏估计

7.MVUM (Minimum Variance Unbiased Estimator)极小方差无偏估计器

8.minimum variance unbiased estimation最小方差不偏倚估计

9.The Study of Frequency Offset Estimation Algorithms for OFDM Systems;OFDM系统的频率偏移估计算法研究

10.The Study of Timing and Frequency Offset Estimation Algorithms for OFDM Systems;OFDM系统中的定时和频偏估计算法研究

11.The Research of Frequency Offset Estimation and Synchronization Arithmetic in OFDM System;OFDM系统的频偏估计与同步算法研究

12.The Research on Timing and Carrier Offset Estimate Algorithm in OFDM System;OFDM系统中定时和频偏估计算法的研究

13.A Kind of Frequency Offset Estimation in OFDM Systems;一种OFDM系统中的频偏估计方法

14.Study on Doppler Spread Estimation for OFDM SystemsOFDM系统中多普勒频偏估计技术研究

15.On Frequency Offset Estimation Techniques in TD-SCDMA SystemTD-SCDMA系统频偏估计技术研究

16.A blind frequency offset estimation algorithm for OFDMAOFDMA系统中一种频率偏移盲估计算法

17.Blind Estimation of Large Carrier Frequency Offset in LOFDM SystemsLOFDM系统大载波频偏的盲估计算法

18.Blind estimation of frequency offset for OFDMA uplinkOFDMA系统上行链路频偏的盲估计


bias estimation偏差估计

1.Research on joint data association andbias estimation method in radar networks;雷达组网中联合数据关联与偏差估计方法研究

2.Taking Earth Centered Earth Fixed(ECEF) coordinate as common grid,this paper discussesbias estimation in 3-D sensor network according to the superposition of the same target in different sensors,the linearized measurement equation of range,range gain,azimuth and elevation deviation of each sensor can be derived via the first order Taylor series expansion.采用地心地固坐标系作为统一坐标系,研究了3-D传感器组网中的偏差估计问题,根据同一目标位置在各个传感器探测中的迭合条件,运用一阶泰勒展式推导出各个传感器的距离、距离增益、方位角、仰角偏差的线性化公式,利用最小二乘法在线估计出各个偏差量,并实时进行修正,仿真结果验证上述方法的有效性。

3)estimation bias估计偏差

1.The solution error and the Kalman filterestimation bias are simulated respectively using the given transfer alignment model for two cases,i.对于给定的传递对准的误差模型,针对常值外观测速度、位置误差和随机外观测速、位置度误差两种情况,分别对惯导系统的传递对准误差模型的解算偏差和KALMAN滤波器的估计偏差进行了仿真分析。

4)Systematic error estimation系统误差估计

1.Systematic error estimation is an important process for data fusion and target tracking in radar networking system, and observability is the key factor which determines the estimation accuracy.系统误差估计是雷达组网融合跟踪系统的重要环节,而可观测度又是决定误差估计效果的关键因素。

2.Actually,it′s hard to describe the observability quantitatively,so an indirect observability detection method is proposed in this paper,which focuses on how to measure the precision of systematic error estimation in unknown observability condition.现实中,一般难以定量描述系统的可观测度,因此本文首先提出了一种间接的可观测度检测方法,用于衡量未知可观测度条件下系统误差估计的精度。

5)estimation of systematical variance系统方差的估计

6)Partial residuals estimates偏残差估计


逼近函数的偏差逼近函数的偏差deviation of an approxmating function通近函数的偏差【山血位扣of ana即.油加tiI犯如‘丘.;yoo.e。。e np:6二:狱a沁川e‘中y。二明。。1逼近函数g〔K和一个给定函数f任叨之间的距离p匆,f).在同一个类叨内可以考虑用不同度量p,譬如一致度量p(g,f)一碧笃}g(x)一f(x)I,以及积分度量 /(。,,)一(i一(·)一,(·):“·)’‘’,p一和别的度量.至于逼近函数的类K则可以用代数多项式、三角多项式,还有f关于某个正交系的正交展开的部分和,这些部分和的线性平均,以及一些别的集之、
