900字范文 > 城市联网 urban networking英语短句 例句大全

城市联网 urban networking英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-17 19:08:29


城市联网 urban networking英语短句 例句大全

城市联网,urban networking

1)urban networking城市联网

2)Discussion on the urban networking of fire controlling浅谈消防城市联网

3)city alliance城市联盟

1.Study on hypo-region cooperation and management——Fujiancity alliance as the case区域协调与管理研究——以福建省城市联盟为例

2.A New Path Seeking for Establish City Alliance in Regional Perspective to Promote Old Industrial Resource based Cities Reformation in Northeast China——A Case Study of Daqing东北地区资源型城市转型的城市联盟制度探索——以大庆市为例

3.By researching this new phenomenon, the paper uncovers the connotation ofcity alliance, the inner dynamics of establishingcity alliance and its value creating mechanism.本文通过对城市联盟这一新生事物的研究,揭示了城市联盟的内涵、建立城市联盟的内在动力与城市联盟的价值创造机制。


1.World Union of Martyr Cities - Cities of Peace世界蒙难城市-和平城市联盟

2.On Dynamics of City Alliance and Value Creation Mechanism;城市联盟的动力与价值创造机制研究

3.The Cities Alliance and Its Significance under the Background of Regional Cooperation区域合作背景下的城市联盟及其意义

4.A New Path Seeking for Establish City Alliance in Regional Perspective to Promote Old Industrial Resource based Cities Reformation in Northeast China--A Case Study of Daqing东北地区资源型城市转型的城市联盟制度探索——以大庆市为例


6.On the Significance and the Developing Orientation of Xiaquanzhang City Combination;厦泉漳城市联盟发展的意义及取向探析

7.Study on hypo-region cooperation and management--Fujian city alliance as the case区域协调与管理研究——以福建省城市联盟为例

8.Coordination and Governance Mechanism of Megalopolis:Existing Situation of Cities Alliance and Proposed Policies;城市连绵区的协调与管治机制:城市联盟的现状与对策

9.Justice Blackmun had been the swing vote in League of Cities.法官布莱克曼在“城市联盟”问题上一直持左右摇摆态度。

10.An appropriate economic compensation mechanism will be a precondition for the effectiveness of cities alliance.有效的经济补偿机制是城市联盟有效发挥作用的一个重要的前提。

11.Largely as a result of League of Cities, some important federal statutes were challenged on Tenth Amendment grounds.主要由于“城市联盟”一案,以《第10修正案》为依据,一些重要的联邦法令受到了挑战。

12.The Concept and Co-operation Means of Urban Strategic Alliance;城市战略联盟的内涵与运作形式研究

13.While highlighting the market offers signs of developers will try to form a price alliance?京城楼市突现捂盘迹象开发商将组成价格联盟?

14.Research on the sharing of information resources network in Wuhan megalopolis武汉城市圈信息资源共享网络联盟研究

15.Innovative Patterns of Organizational Structures on High-tech Industries Alliance of City Agglomeration in Henan Province中原城市群高技术产业联盟的组织机构创新

16.The Concept of Establishing a Regional Library Consortium in Medium-and Small-sized Cities在中小城市建立区域联盟图书馆之构想

17.Establishment City Spatial-networking Confederation:A Path Choice of Governance of Transforming Chinese City;城市空间中的网络联盟:转型期中国城市治理的路径选择

18.Cities made leagues and alliances as trade increased, and small cities put themselves under the protection of great ones.随着贸易的发展,城市里组织起协会和联盟,小城市常常置身于大城市的保护之下。


Discussion on the urban networking of fire controlling浅谈消防城市联网

3)city alliance城市联盟

1.Study on hypo-region cooperation and management——Fujiancity alliance as the case区域协调与管理研究——以福建省城市联盟为例

2.A New Path Seeking for Establish City Alliance in Regional Perspective to Promote Old Industrial Resource based Cities Reformation in Northeast China——A Case Study of Daqing东北地区资源型城市转型的城市联盟制度探索——以大庆市为例

3.By researching this new phenomenon, the paper uncovers the connotation ofcity alliance, the inner dynamics of establishingcity alliance and its value creating mechanism.本文通过对城市联盟这一新生事物的研究,揭示了城市联盟的内涵、建立城市联盟的内在动力与城市联盟的价值创造机制。

4)city association城市联盟

1.Synergetics of City Association System;基于协同理论的城市联盟动力机制

2.This essay focuses on the research of dynamics system ofcity association that the interest between cities tends to become identical.城市联盟打破行政区域划分的限制,消除城市市场壁垒;促进城市一体化建设,优化资源配置。

5)chain reaction among cities城市联动

6)city league城市联赛

1.Thecity league tournament is Asia forecasts the plan the key project whichpromotes in Wuhan.城市联赛是亚洲展望计划在武汉推广的重点项目,本文运用问卷调查法,专家访谈法对参加武汉市足协组织的城市联赛的运动员,武汉市足协组织管理者进行访谈调查,同时结合群众体育学、体育社会学、体育经济学、体育管理学等相关理论对武汉市城市联赛竞赛运动员的个人基本情况、参赛情况、参赛动机、影响因素及武汉市足协在组织竞赛中的现状进行初步分析,从中发现问题,并提出可行性建议,为武汉市足协在组织管理城市联赛提供参考,本文结论如下:1。


国际电信联盟标准(见国际电信联盟)国际电信联盟标准(见国际电信联盟)standards of ITU: see International Telecommunication Union; ITU切网1 Ulan欠jnL心n厅泊ngb泊。zhun国际电伯联盟标准(,tan由Ids际电信联盈。of TYLJ)见国
