900字范文 > 氟吸附 fluoride adsorption英语短句 例句大全

氟吸附 fluoride adsorption英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-29 00:37:12


氟吸附 fluoride adsorption英语短句 例句大全

氟吸附,fluoride adsorption

1)fluoride adsorption氟吸附

1.In the process of iron removal from groundwater with contact oxidation technique, the ferric oxide particle deposits on the surface of activated aluminum continuously, and this could affect thefluoride adsorption of activated aluminum.地下水中的铁离子通过接触氧化作用在活性氧化铝表面不断沉积积累,这一过程影响了活性氧化铝的氟吸附性能。


1.Groundwater Quality Evaluation and Adsorption of Fluoride Study in Tian Jin;天津市地下水质量评价及氟吸附研究

2.The Influence of Iron-xoide Deposition from Groundwater on the Fluoride Adsorption by Activated Alumina地下水中铁沉积对活性氧化铝氟吸附性能影响

3.The study on the fluoride is removed by using active zirconium dioxide as fluoride absorbent氟离子吸附剂活性氧化锆的除氟研究

4.The optimal technique parameter mensuration of sodium fluoride adsorb hydrogen fluoride氟化钠吸附氟化氢最佳工艺参数测定

5.Preparation and Adsorption Behavior of Silica Gel Loaded with ZrO_2 Towards Removal of Fluoride from Water;硅胶负载氧化锆吸附剂的制备及吸附除氟研究

6.Study on Titanic Oxide as a New Fluoride Adsorbent新型氟离子吸附剂活性二氧化钛除氟的研究

7.Improvement of the Quality of Hexafluoropropene (HFP) by Adsorption;吸附法提高六氟丙烯(HFP)质量的研究

8.Efficacy of NAMH on Adsorbing Fluorine in the Diet of Pigs;NAMH吸附猪饲料中氟的效果研究

9.Experimental Study on Artificial Soil Absorption of Fluoride;人工土壤层对氟离子的吸附实验研究

10.Study on the Adsorption Characteristics of Pseudomonas to Fluoride Ions假单胞菌(Pseudomonas)对氟离子吸附特性的研究

11.Study on Removal of Aqueous Fluoride by Adsorption of Modified High Alumina Cement改性高铝水泥吸附除去水中氟的研究

12.Effects of Interaction of Al-F on the Adsorption Characteristics and Distribution of Fluoride in Tea Garden Soil;铝—氟交互作用对茶园土壤氟的吸附特征及形态分布的影响

13.A Study on the Removing Fluorine from Water with the Zeolite Changed by Fe(Ⅲ) Ion;载铁改性沸石吸附剂去除含氟水中氟离子的研究

14.Effects of Interaction of Ca-F on Adsorption Capability and Form Distribution of Fluoride in Tea Garden Soil钙氟交互作用对茶园土壤氟的吸附能力和形态分布的影响

15.Effect of Adsorption Solution pH on the Distribution and Transformation of Extraneous Source Fluoride in Tea Garden Soil Under Interaction of Calcium-Fluoride吸附液pH对钙氟交互作用下茶园土壤外源氟形态分布的影响

16.Study of Coagulation-adsorption Method Treating High Concentrated Chemical Wastewater Containing F and P混凝-吸附法处理高浓度含氟磷废水的研究

17.Study on the Sorption, Leaching and Degradation of Fipronil in Soil;氟虫腈在土壤中的吸附、淋溶以及降解特性研究

18.Study of Removing Arsenic from Fluosilicic Acid by the Modified Activated Carbon;改性活性炭吸附去除氟硅酸中砷的研究


Fluorochemical adsorbent氟吸附剂

3)adsorbing fluorine吸附氟

4)fluoride removal by adsorption吸附除氟

5)fluoride adsorption isotherm氟等温吸附

6)adsorption capacity of fluoride ion氟吸附容量


吸附剂类高分子氧化剂分子式:CAS号:性质: 指以各种吸附剂为载体,利用分子间的吸附作用与小分子氧化剂结合得到的高分子氧化剂。其中所用的吸附剂可以是硅藻土、硅胶、石墨和分子筛等无机吸附剂和人工合成高分子有机吸附剂,采用的小分子吸附剂包括金属氧化物,如Ag2CO3、CrO3,气体型氧化剂,如臭氧等,和小分子液体氧化剂,如三氯乙醛等。上述氧化剂被吸附以后稳定性增加,使用更加方便,而且价格低廉。如硅胶在低温下吸附臭氧,能使烃基羟基化,或者将仲醇氧化成醛,在常规液相反应条件下操作困难。由于吸附剂与氧化剂之间的吸附力与温度关系密切,温度低,吸附性强,因此吸附剂类高分子氧化剂多在低温下反应,利用提高温度脱吸附可以使吸附剂再生回收。
