900字范文 > 自适应旁瓣抑制 Adaptive Sidelobe Reduction英语短句 例句大全

自适应旁瓣抑制 Adaptive Sidelobe Reduction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-10 22:25:13


自适应旁瓣抑制 Adaptive Sidelobe Reduction英语短句 例句大全

自适应旁瓣抑制,Adaptive Sidelobe Reduction

1)Adaptive Sidelobe Reduction自适应旁瓣抑制

1.A separable 2-dimensionalAdaptive Sidelobe Reduction(ASR) technique is presented after analyzing the characteristics of sidelobes in SAR image.在分析SAR图像二维旁瓣特性的基础上,提出了二维可分离自适应旁瓣抑制(ASR)方法,其原理是沿着旁瓣出现的方向进行抑制。


1.The Analyzation of SAR Image Adaptive Sidelobe Reduction Algorithms and Experiments合成孔径雷达图像的自适应旁瓣抑制算法分析和实验研究

2.An Adaptive 2D Sidelobe Suppression Technique for SAR ImageSAR图像二维旁瓣自适应抑制技术

3.One kind of suppression antenna array side lobe adaptive filtering technology一种抑制天线阵旁瓣的自适应滤波技术

4.Radar Adaptive Range Sidelobe Suppression Based on Recursive MSNR Criteria基于递归最大信噪比准则的雷达自适应距离旁瓣抑制

5.Four-channel mainlobe jamming suppression for adaptive monopulse at subarray level子阵级自适应单脉冲的四通道主瓣干扰抑制

6.Study on the Adaptive Side-Lobe Cancellation Techniquein in Phased Array Radar;相控阵雷达自适应旁瓣相消技术研究

7.The Research and Realization of the Antenna Sidelobe Adaptive Cancelling Technology;天线旁瓣自适应相消技术研究与实现

8.Application of Side Lobe Suppression Technique in Type Ⅱ IFF System旁瓣抑制技术在Ⅱ型敌我识别系统中的应用

9.Research and Implementation of Channel Equalization Technique in Adaptive Side-lobe Cancellation;自适应旁瓣对消中的通道均衡技术研究与实现

10.The Research and Digital Realization of the Antenna Sidelobe Adaptive Cancelling Technology;数字式开线旁瓣自适应相消技术研究与实现

11.Study on Adaptive Side-lobe Cancellation about Phased-array Radar相控阵雷达自适应旁瓣对消技术的研究

12.Synthesis of adaptive steering-invariant constant-beamwidth pattern with sidelobe constraints旁瓣约束方向不变恒定束宽波束自适应综合

13.Affects of sidelobes of FBG on multiplexing demodulation and suppression methods for sidelobesFBG旁瓣对复用解调的影响及旁瓣抑制方法

14.A Study on Binary-coded Sidelobe Suppression Based on Neural Fuzzy Network基于模糊神经网络的二相码旁瓣抑制

15.A Sidelobe Suppression Method for Underwater Acoustic Imaging in Presence of Strong Interferences一种用于水下声成像的旁瓣抑制方法

16.The antenna sidelobe cancelling is an effective measure to restrain active jamming.天线旁瓣相消技术是抑制有源干扰的有效措施。


18.Research on the Characteristic Matrix and Sidelobe of Acousto-Optical Tunable Filter;声光可调谐滤波器特性矩阵与旁瓣抑制的研究


adaptive side-lobe自适应旁瓣

3)sidelobe cancellation自适应旁瓣相消

1.Because of the difference in amplitude and phase between channels,the cancellation performance will usually degrade greatly in adaptivesidelobe cancellation(ASLC) system.由于通道之间幅相特性的不一致(通道失配),导致在自适应旁瓣相消(ASCL)系统中相消性能严重下降。

2.The difference in amplitude and phase between channels usually has a large influence on adaptivesidelobe cancellation in phased array radars.在相控阵雷达中 ,接收通道的幅相特性不一致对自适应旁瓣相消性能的影响很大 ,本文介绍了一种校正接收通道不一致来提高旁瓣相消性能的自适应均衡算法。

4)adaptive sidelobe cancellation自适应旁瓣对消

1.A New Method in Adaptive Sidelobe Cancellation-Auxiliary Channel Householder Transforms;一种自适应旁瓣对消的新方法──辅助通道Householder变换

2.Study onadaptive sidelobe cancellation for a phased array monopulse radar;相控阵单脉冲雷达自适应旁瓣对消研究

3.The desired signal in the auxiliary antennas of guidance radar may cause angle measurement error by using conventionaladaptive sidelobe cancellation method.制导雷达中若使用常规自适应旁瓣对消方法,辅助天线中的期望信号会引起测角误差。

5)adaptive sidelobe cancellation自适应旁瓣相消

6)sidelobe suppression旁瓣抑制

1.Slide windowsidelobe suppressionfilter for LFM and LFM derivedpolyphase coded waveforms;滑窗式线性调频及衍生多相码旁瓣抑制滤波器

2.Multi-targetsidelobe suppression of color TV signals;多目标时彩色电视信号的距离旁瓣抑制

3.Pulse compression andsidelobe suppression of a class of co-modulated signal;一类复合调制信号的脉冲压缩及旁瓣抑制


