900字范文 > 水冲式厕所 water impulse toilet英语短句 例句大全

水冲式厕所 water impulse toilet英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-27 01:14:52


水冲式厕所 water impulse toilet英语短句 例句大全

水冲式厕所,water impulse toilet

1)water impulse toilet水冲式厕所

2)pour-flush latrine冲水厕所


1.aqua privy: Consists essentially of a squatting plate situated immediately above a small septic tank that discharges its effluent to an adjacent soakaway.蹲式冲水厕所:这种厕所的蹲坑设在一个小型便池上,粪便由此排入临近的储便池。

2.scour a ditch [toilet]冲洗水沟 [厕所]

3.cistern flush latrine:Latrine where the water for flushing comes from a cistern.水箱式冲洗厕所:冲水来自于水箱的厕所。

4.To be emptied or cleaned by a rapid flow of water, as a toilet.冲刷以快速的水流冲掉或冲净,如厕所冲水马桶

5.And of course the toilet flushes and the shower has hot and cold water.当然,厕所冲水很通畅,淋浴也有冷热水。

6.When you flush the toilet, you can hear the water sloshing about in the pipe.冲厕所时,你会听到水在管道里流动。

7.I told him our toilet wouldn"t flush.我告诉(过)他我们的厕所不冲水了。

8.holds the water used to flush a toilet.用于冲洗厕所的装满水的容器。

9.a toilet that is cleaned of waste by the flow of water through it.使用水冲洗厕所的盥洗室。

10.water-seal latrine unit(成套)水封式厕所

11.We can water flowers or clear the toilet with the wash-face water.我们可以用洗过脸的水用来浇花或者冲厕所。

12.Bye-bye! Be good at school! you use it.再见!在学校要乖一点!嘿,上完厕所要冲水。

13.The criminal put the torn papers in the lavatory and tried to flush them away.罪犯把撕成碎片的文件丢进厕所,企图用水冲掉。

14.low level cistern低冲厕水箱(俗名低箱)

15.All the toilets on the Frankfurt to Dresden train were locked because there was no water for flushing.因为没有冲厕用水,这列自法兰克福开往德累斯顿的火车上的所有厕所都上了锁。

16.Vacuum toilet is a new-type one for environmental protection in China and has advantages of water saving with very weak stink, effective flushing, etc.真空厕所在国内属于新型的环保厕所,具有节水、臭气少、冲刷效果好等优点。

17.Disssolves easily :Solidified material can disintegrate well in water and can be flushed into toilit directly.易溶与水:固结物可速容与水铲出后可直接倒入厕所,冲洗干净。

18.A split-second later there was an asthmatic cough and the sound of a toilet flushing.接着传来一阵哮喘患者的咳嗽声和厕所里的冲水声。


pour-flush latrine冲水厕所

3)water-seal latrine水封式厕所

4)water-free toilet免水冲生态厕所

1.Objective To study the effects of usingwater-free toilet in the tunnel.目的观察免水冲生态厕所在防空洞中处理粪尿的效果。

5)flushing tank ,flushing cistern厕所冲洗水箱

6)The toilet doesn"t flush.厕所不能冲水了。


