900字范文 > 楔形介质 wedge-shaped medium英语短句 例句大全

楔形介质 wedge-shaped medium英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-07 12:43:48


楔形介质 wedge-shaped medium英语短句 例句大全

楔形介质,wedge-shaped medium

1)wedge-shaped medium楔形介质

1.The principle and method of measuring refractive index and wedge angle ofwedge-shaped medium by use of microscope are introduced.介绍用显微镜测量楔形介质的折射率及楔角的原理和方法,它对物点聚焦而不产生像差和像散,测量精度较高。


1.Research on a Wedge-shaped Dielectric UWB TEM Horn Antenna楔形介质填充超宽带TEM喇叭天线的辐射特性研究

2.A wedge - shaped, horny prominence in the sole of a horse"s hoof.蹄叉马蹄底部的楔形角质垫

3.wedge breech mechanism楔形炮闩,楔式闭锁机

4.To connect with a tongue-and-groove joint.楔紧用楔形部件使密接

5.Effect of tooth top slope on forming quality of helix tooth shafts rolled in cross wedge rolling齿顶斜率对楔横轧螺旋齿形件成形质量的影响

6.One of the triangular characters of cuneiform writing.楔形字楔形方字的三角形字之一

7.A wedge - shaped charge pointing downward.楔形普通图记一种头朝下的楔形图章

8.Dentist: It involves me cutting the upper part of the tooth into a peg shape. Then I"ll have a porcelain tooth made to fit exactly over the peg.牙医:我会把牙齿上半截削成楔子形,然后做一颗瓷质牙齿,丝毫不差的套在楔子上。

9.A heavy hammer having a wedge-shaped head and used for splitting logs.楔手重锤有楔形头的重锤,用于劈圆木

10.Forming principle of heavy section shrinkage cross wedge rolling by single wedge楔横轧一次楔大断面收缩率成形机理

11.Study on the Evolution of Microstructure of Non-Quenched and Tempered Steel Shafts in the Course of Cooling after Three Rool Cross-Wedge Rooling非调质钢空心轴三辊楔横轧热成形后冷却相变研究

12.Finite Element Analysis of Non-Quenched and Temperde Steel Hollow Workpieces by Three-Rolls Wedge Rolling Process of Forming非调质钢空心件三辊楔横轧成形过程有限元研究

13.cross-bladed chisel bit十字刮刀楔形齿钻头

14.a shoe with a wedge heel.有一个楔形后跟的鞋。

15.Relating to, composed in, or using such characters.楔形文字的与楔形文字有关的、由楔形文字组成的或用楔形文字书写的

16.a wedge of cake [cheese]切成楔形的蛋糕 [乳酪]

17.drum ironelectric porcelain capacitor鼓形铁电瓷介质电容器

18.A wedge-shaped block used to lock type in a chase.版楔用来将铅字锁固在活版架中的楔形块


deformable media变形介质

1.And the media deformation is elasticity-plasticity deformation process,so the pressure must be kept above one certain level in reservoirs withdeformable media during the early stage of exploitation.从流体和多孔介质的本构方程出发,建立液体在变形介质油藏中渗流的微分方程。

2.In the process of developingdeformable media gas fields, the pore pressure decreases when fluids flow out of the reservoir, and the difference of pressure inside and outside the reservoir increases.变形介质气藏在开发过程中 ,孔隙压力随流体的流出而下降 ,使储层内外压差增大 ,孔隙受到压缩而体积缩小 ,孔隙度和渗透率随之降低 ,极大地影响到此类气藏的开采。

3)deformation medium变形介质

1.Productivity of horizontal well indeformation medium of low-permeability reservoirs;变形介质低渗透油藏水平井产能特征

2.Calculation and analysis of the true productivity of a well of low permeable reservoirs ofdeformation medium;变形介质低渗透油藏油井真实产能计算与分析

3.Research on Reasonable Well Spacing of Deformation Medium in Ultra-low Permeability Reservoirs变形介质特低渗油藏合理井距研究

4)deformed media变形介质

1.Analysis of reasonable pressure difference and productivity of oil wells indeformed media reservoirs;变形介质储层油井合理压差及产能分析

2.Study on production based on bilinear flow model fordeformed media reservoirs基于椭圆流模型的变形介质油藏产能研究

3.Most low permeability gas reservoirs belong todeformed media.大部分低渗透气藏属于变形介质。

5)deformable medium变形介质

1.Analysis of pressure performance of coal-bed methane throughdeformable medium;变形介质煤层气压力动态特征分析

2.A study on the development performance of thedeformable medium reservoir:Take E3 reservoir in Gaskule Oilfield as example;异常高压变形介质油藏的开发动态特征研究——以尕斯库勒油田E3油藏为例

3.A mathematical model of reservoir exploitation withdeformable medium and its numerical solution;变形介质油气藏开采数学模型及其数值解

6)deformed medium变形介质

1.Thus a mathematical model and a numerical model are established for non-Darcy percolation ofdeformed medium formation , for which a so.低渗油藏液体渗流存在一定启动压差,即只有当压力梯度超过某一阀值后液体才开始流动,其渗流规律不满足达西定律,通常存在着启动压力梯度阀值和地层绝对渗透率随地层压力动态变化的现象,为此建立了变形介质地层低渗非达西渗流的数学模型与数值模型;研制出了变形介质低渗非达西渗流的油藏数值模拟软件,它能模拟其他油藏数值模拟软件不能有效模拟的地层绝对渗透率动态变化和渗流规律不满足达西定律的油水两相三维渗流问题。


