900字范文 > 超浅层小半径曲线顶管 extra-shallow-underground-pipe jacking with short-radius curve英语短句 例句大全

超浅层小半径曲线顶管 extra-shallow-underground-pipe jacking with short-radius curve英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-01 02:04:32


超浅层小半径曲线顶管 extra-shallow-underground-pipe jacking with short-radius curve英语短句 例句大全

超浅层小半径曲线顶管,extra-shallow-underground-pipe jacking with short-radius curve

1)extra-shallow-underground-pipe jacking with short-radius curve超浅层小半径曲线顶管

1.During the construction process of theextra-shallow-underground-pipe jacking with short-radius curve,the problem of the ground disturbance must be paid attention to.超浅层小半径曲线顶管工程中,地面扰动成为施工过程中必须关注的问题。


1.Numerical Simulation of Ground Disturbance of Extra-Shallow-Underground-Pipe Jacking with Short-Radius Curve超浅层小半径曲线顶管地面扰动数值模拟分析

2.Theory Research of Soil Displacement on Extra-shallow-underground-pipe Jacking with Curve Construction at Construction;超浅层曲线顶管施工阶段土体位移的理论研究

3.Study of the Ground Deformation of Extra-shallow-underground-pipe Jacking with Slight Curve in Different Speed of Jacking超浅层曲线顶管在不同的顶进速度下地表变形研究

4.Urban Rail Transit Workstrain on Minimal Radius Curve超小半径曲线上城市轨道交通工程车的通行

5.Discussion on the effect of curve radius on curve girder bridge design浅析曲线半径对曲线梁桥设计的影响

6.Application of Large Diameter & Long Distance Curve Pipe Jacking Technology大口径长距离急曲线顶管技术的应用

7.Study on the Minimum Value of Curve Radius in Shield Construction;盾构法施工最小曲线半径取值的研究

8.The Research of Lowest Radius to High-Speed Railways with Ballastless Tracks;无碴轨道高速铁路最小曲线半径研究

9.The Tunneling Technology of Minor Radius Curve Metro Tunnel Shield Method小半径曲线地铁隧道盾构法掘进技术

10.Axis Control of Shield Driving in Small Curvature Radius of Tunnel小曲率半径隧道盾构推进的轴线控制

11.Influence of Track Super Elevation on Curve Radius and Transition Curve Length on Passenger Dedicated Line客运专线超高对曲线半径及缓和曲线长度的影响

12.Study on Curve Radius Standard for Linear Metro直线电机轮轨交通线路最小平曲线半径研究

13.Optimal Design on Side Span with Small Radius Curve of Long-span Continuous Girder Bridge大跨径连续梁桥小半径曲线边跨优化设计

14.The adjusting technology of long span prefabricated box beam over small radius curved bridge小半径曲线桥梁上大跨径预制箱梁的安装技术

15.Settlement Regularity and Control in Large Diameter Long-distance Curve Slurry Pipe Jacking Construction大直径长距离曲线泥水平衡顶管施工沉降控制

16.Research on Model of"Operating Speed and Radius" on Sections of Small Curve Radius for Class Ⅱ Highway with Two-Lane双车道二级公路小半径曲线段“运行速度-半径”模型研究

17."R.Radius, represents curve dimension."半径,表示曲线尺寸

18.Study on the Criteria for Minimum Radius of Curve and the Transition Curve for 160km/h Railway Track时速160公里铁路最小曲线半径与缓和曲线设计标准的研究


extra-shallow-underground-pipe jacking超浅层曲线顶管

1.Analyses on ground surface settlement due toextra-shallow-underground-pipe jacking with curve by stochastic medium theory;采用随机介质理论分析超浅层曲线顶管施工引起的地表沉降

3)minor radius curved pipe-jacking小半径曲线顶管

4)minimal radius curve超小半径曲线


1.With rapid development of civil economy, along with reform-open policy, numbers ofSuper-Shallow-Underground-Pipe-Jacking projects are being carried out in view of national sustainable development strategy and large-scale municipal engineering.随着改革开放,国民经济的飞速发展,国家的可持续发展战略,城市建设的大踏步向前,需要进行大量的超浅层顶管项目建设。

6)small radius curve小半径曲线

1.Researches on the stability calculation and reinforcement design of the continuous welded rails withsmall radius curves;小半径曲线无缝线路稳定性计算及加固设计

2.Based on analysis of three commonly\|seen derail cases oversmall radius curves, i.通过对小半径曲线常见的悬浮、轨道破坏、爬轨 3种脱轨情况的特点分析 ,从工务角度着重论述小半径曲线上的超高顺坡率、轨距超限、方向水平及其反相位复合不平顺三者对行车安全的影响 ,并提出预防整治的对策措施。

3.Research purposes: To solve the problems on designing continuous welded rail on bridge in thesmall radius curve section.研究目的:解决小半径曲线地段桥上无缝线路设计的难题。


管浅1.谓所见狭隘浅陋。 2.指狭隘浅陋之见。
