900字范文 > 水泥系搅拌桩 cement mixed piles英语短句 例句大全

水泥系搅拌桩 cement mixed piles英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-23 20:43:06


水泥系搅拌桩 cement mixed piles英语短句 例句大全

水泥系搅拌桩,cement mixed piles

1)cement mixed piles水泥系搅拌桩

1.Quality inspection ofcement mixed piles;水泥系搅拌桩的质量检验

2)cement mixing pile水泥搅拌桩

1.Study on the technology of thecement mixing pile composite foundation and the site construction management;水泥搅拌桩复合地基技术及现场施工管理探讨

2.On the design calculation ofcement mixing pile;浅谈水泥搅拌桩的设计计算

3.Application of vacuum dewatering preloading and thecement mixing pile in bridge slope reinforcement;真空降水预压及水泥搅拌桩在桥坡加固中的应用


1.The Experience of Treatment of Peat Mould Ground with Cement Mixing Piles水泥搅拌桩对处理泥炭土地基的实践

2.Research of Application of Cement Treated Gravity Retaining Wall;水泥搅拌桩重力式挡土墙的应用研究

3.The Application of Cement Mixing Pile in Soft Soil Treatment水泥搅拌桩在软土地基处理中的应用

4.Deep cement mixing pile construction technology and quality control深层水泥搅拌桩施工工艺及质量控制

5.On the application of the cement mixer in soft soil foundation treatment水泥搅拌桩在软土路基处理中的应用

6.Experimental Studies on the Ration of Cement-mixed Soil for the Optimization of Cement-mixed Piles;优化水泥搅拌桩的水泥掺入比试验研究

7.The application of bored concrete piles occluded cement mixing pile in foundation pit support灌注桩咬合水泥搅拌桩在基坑围护中的应用

8.Application and Construction of Deep-layer Concrete Stirring Poles in Water Gate Engineering深层水泥搅拌桩在水闸工程中的运用及施工

9.The Application of Cement Deep Mixing Pile in Hydraulic Foundation Pit Engineering;水利工程中水泥搅拌桩支护结构的应用研究

10.Choosing Technology for Constructing Cement Mixing Pipes in the Dai-she Culvert Construction Site of the Huai-he River;淮河入海水道工程水泥搅拌桩施工工艺的选择

11.Application of Cement agitation pile in foundation support dewatering engineering水泥搅拌桩在基坑支护与降水工程中的应用

12.Application of cement mixing pile on one sewage treatment plant"s soft foundation treatment水泥搅拌桩在某污水处理厂软基处理中的应用

13.This article takes a brief overview of the common method of processing groundsill---- cement mixed piles.本文介绍地基处理的一种常见方法——水泥搅拌桩。

14.FEM study of concrete-cored DCM pile混凝土芯水泥土搅拌桩的有限元研究

15.Load Transfer Mechanism of Concrete-cored DCM Pile;砼芯水泥土搅拌桩荷载传递机理研究

16.Analyses about the engineering case of cement deep mixing pile in soft ground improvement;水泥土搅拌桩加固软土地基实例分析

17.Reenforce and Transact effect analysis of Deep Mixing Pile the Composite Foundation;水泥土搅拌桩地基加固处理效果分析

18.An Initial Probe into the Method of Chemical Analysis of the Deep Agitated Concrete Pile Foundation;水泥深层搅拌桩化学分析法检测初探


cement mixing pile水泥搅拌桩

1.Study on the technology of thecement mixing pile composite foundation and the site construction management;水泥搅拌桩复合地基技术及现场施工管理探讨

2.On the design calculation ofcement mixing pile;浅谈水泥搅拌桩的设计计算

3.Application of vacuum dewatering preloading and thecement mixing pile in bridge slope reinforcement;真空降水预压及水泥搅拌桩在桥坡加固中的应用

3)cement mixed pile水泥搅拌桩

1.The application of stiffenedcement mixed piles and anchor in deep foundation support;加劲水泥搅拌桩和锚钉在深基坑支护的应用

2.Discussion of present status and prospect of thecement mixed pile technology;浅议水泥搅拌桩技术的现状及展望

3.Application ofcement mixed pile in stabilizing non-soft foundation;水泥搅拌桩在加固非软土地基中的应用

4)cement-mixed pile水泥搅拌桩

1.Construction supervision of deepcement-mixed pile;深层水泥搅拌桩施工监理

2.Analysis and application ofcement-mixed piles and sand piles to protection projects of soft ground improved by vacuum preloading;水泥搅拌桩和砂桩在真空预压防护工程中应用与分析

3.Engineering application of deepcement-mixed pile;深层水泥搅拌桩在施工中的应用

5)cement mixing piles水泥搅拌桩

1.Application of soil nails andcement mixing piles in support of foundation pit;水泥搅拌桩复合土钉基坑支护应用

2.Settlement characteristic of composite foundation forcement mixing piles in soft soil软土水泥搅拌桩复合地基沉降特性试验研究

3.According to the foundation pit supporting project of Yangzi Petrochemical Company,application of the supporting structure ofcement mixing piles combined with soil anchors is introduced.结合扬子石化清净排口基坑工程,介绍了水泥搅拌桩与土锚组合支护结构的实际应用。

6)cement deep mixing pile水泥搅拌桩

1.Whencement deep mixing pile is used in highway soft clay ground,the instance shows that it is important to select some key parameters and relations,which can influence the efficiency of treatment directly.实例表明,水泥搅拌桩应用于高速公路软基处理时,须重视几个关键性参数的择取及直接影响软基处理效果的几点重要关系。

2.In this paper, some problems are pointed out which should be paid more attention to in design ofcement deep mixing piles, in the same time, the process of design ofcement deep mixing piles are summarized in order to make the design ofcement deep mixing piles in practical projects more reasonable.指出水泥搅拌桩设计计算中应注意的几个问题,同时总结了水泥搅拌桩设计计算的一般步骤,以使工程实践中的水泥搅拌桩的设计计算更为合理。

3.Some projects influenced by these factors can adopt thecement deep mixing pile of deep excavation in hydraulic foundation pit engineering.对于某些受外界因素影响而无法采用放坡大开挖方式的基坑可采用水泥搅拌桩支护。


硅酸盐水泥(见通用水泥)硅酸盐水泥(见通用水泥)portland cement硅酸盐水泥portland Cement以硅酸盐为主要成分的水泥(见通用水泥)。
