900字范文 > 一体机 integrative optical receiver英语短句 例句大全

一体机 integrative optical receiver英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-15 19:56:30


一体机 integrative optical receiver英语短句 例句大全

一体机,integrative optical receiver

1)integrative optical receiver一体机

1.This paper introduced the prospect of optical receiver,including the low optical power receiving,high level output andintegrative optical receiver.介绍了当今广电光接收机的发展方向,包括低光功率接收、高电平输出和一体机等,就新时期怎样选择光接收机及光接收机的各种发展动向提出了自己的看法。

2)integrated machine一体化机


1.The Creation of Integrative Participation System of Tourism Community;旅游社区参与一体化机制的建构研究

2.multimedia ready一体化多媒体计算机

3.Optical-electro-mechanical Integration Industry.光机电一体化产业。

4.mechatronics of edm plants电火花设备机电一体化

5.Study on Management Mode of ‘Man-Machine’Integrated Marine Machinery on Board Ship;船舶轮机“人-机”一体化管理模式的研究

6.The study of electromechanical integration in engineering plant control机电一体化在工程机械控制中的研究

7.Application of Mechatronics in engineering machinery机电一体化技术在工程机械中的应用

8.Seting Up a Mechatronic Training System Facing the Future;建立面向未来的机电一体化培训体系

9.Research on Airframe/Engine Integration Design for Hypersonic Vehicle;高超声速飞行器机体/发动机一体化设计研究

10.Integrated Design of Integral Rocket-Ramjet Missile;整体式冲压发动机导弹总体一体化设计

11.On Organic Combination of School P.E. and Community Sport;论学校体育与社区体育一体化的有机结合

12.A New Access Mechanism in Universal Network Architecture一体化网络体系架构中一种新型接入机制

13.the educational mechanism of combining learning with research and production产学研一体化的办学机制

14.The Development of Hydromechatronics Small Automated Production Line;机电液一体化小型自动生产线的研制

15.Integrated Performance Numerical Simulation of Turbo-ramjet;涡轮冲压组合发动机一体化数值模拟

16.A Study on Integrated Aerodynamic/Structural Design of Joined-Wing Aircraft;联接翼飞机气动/结构一体化设计研究

17.Design and Implentation of Integrated Monitoring Analog Zoom Camera;一体化模拟监控摄像机的设计及实现

18.Mark Algorithm Research and Implementation of Combined Pneumatic Marker;标记算法研究及一体化标记机的实现


integrated machine一体化机

3)Human machine incorporation人机一体

4)integration of derrick and drilling machine塔机一体



1.Integral and Hand-on Laboratorial Teaching and Experiment Sets Researching in Mechatronics;机电一体化综合设计性实验方法及装置的研究

2.Discuss on the Integration of Computer Technology and Mechatronics;浅谈计算机与机电一体化技术的整合

3.The Application of Mechatronics on the Mechanical Engineering and its Development Trend;机电一体化技术在机械工程上的应用及发展趋势


