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分析案例 analysis case英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-26 04:29:30


分析案例 analysis case英语短句 例句大全

分析案例,analysis case

1)analysis case分析案例

1.Finally,several typical failureanalysis cases are introduced.阐述了塑封GaAs MMIC的主要失效模式和失效机理,根据40余例实际案例,得出了其使用中的失效机理分布,并给出几例典型的失效分析案例。

2)case study案例分析

1.The utilication of OCE management model in nursingcase study;OEC管理模式在护理案例分析中的应用

2.Inspiration from the review of a paper on inter-kingdom fusant: acase study;“跨界融合子”审理对我们的启示:审稿案例分析

3.The Case Study of the Management Information Systems of HLMCC;HLJMCC公司管理信息系统实施案例分析


1.iii.Case Studies ---Take Wenzhou City as an Example(三)案例分析——以温州为例

2.CISTI & DTIC:Case Analysis & RevelationsCISTI和DTIC:案例分析与启示

3.Thoughts on Case Selection in Case-based Instruction案例教学中案例的选择与组合——以《公共管理案例分析》教学为例

4.This article describes a classroom based case study which contains twocomponents: body text of case details and its analysis.本文是一篇教学性的案例,含案例正文和案例分析两部分。

5.Furthermore, the case about the impact assessment of cassava-based ethanol and gasoline has been analyzed.以木薯燃料乙醇和汽油为案例,进行了案例分析。

6.The Case Analysis of Transfer Pricing Occurring in AA Precise Machine (Guangzhou) Co.,Ltd.;《案例》:AA精机(广州)有限公司转让定价的案例分析

7.Design of CBR insurance fraud case analysis system;基于案例推理的保险欺诈案例分析系统设计

8.Analyses of 45 female mental disorder patients suffering from sexual assault;女性精神障碍45例被性侵害案例分析

9.A survey of 731 cases forensic psychiatric expertise;731例司法精神医学鉴定案例分析

10.Forensic pathological studies of the relationship between traumas and diseases: with report of 219 autopsy cases;219例损伤与疾病关系的尸检案例分析

11.The Analysis and Discussion for a ConsuHing Case of a "double - pocr students";一例“双差生”的咨询案例分析与探讨

12.Case analysis of 126 sexually assaulted female psychiatric patients;126例女性精神病人性侵害案例分析

13.Colleges and Universities "Education for All-around Development Levies" Case Analyses Pedagogy高校《素质教育课》案例分析教学法探析

14.The phenomenon of road surface material emanate in constructing路面施工中材料的离析现象案例分析

15.The Analysis of the EU"s Review Standard on Merger Cases试分析欧盟对企业合并案例的审查标准——以案例分析为素材

16.Teaching Case for Static System Division of Beam Bridge“梁式桥静力体系划分”教学案例分析

17.The second part consists of three section which are theoretical framework, the text and the conclusion.案例分析共三部分,分别是分析逻辑,正文和结论。

18.Reflections on Reform in Case Analysis Teaching in Business Administration Course--Case Analysis in Enterprise Strategy Management;工商管理课程案例教学改革的思考——以企业战略管理案例分析为例


case study案例分析

1.The utilication of OCE management model in nursingcase study;OEC管理模式在护理案例分析中的应用

2.Inspiration from the review of a paper on inter-kingdom fusant: acase study;“跨界融合子”审理对我们的启示:审稿案例分析

3.The Case Study of the Management Information Systems of HLMCC;HLJMCC公司管理信息系统实施案例分析

3)cases analysis案例分析

1.The writer practice the method in this article, which divided into two parts:cases analysis and experiment report.文章以案例分析与实验报告来尝试、呼应作者在《音乐考试学论略》①中提出的相关研究方法,并侧重于音乐理论类考试质量的研究。

4)case analysis案例分析

1.Case analysis of a complaint against the detention of ship in PSC;一起PSC滞留船舶申诉案例分析

2.Innovation ofcase analysis curriculum and educational model;案例分析型课程及教学模式创新

3.CDMcase analysis for pure low temperature waste heat power generation of cement PC kiln;水泥PC窑纯低温余热发电CDM项目案例分析

5)analysis of cases案例分析

1.In this paper, it was discussed how to use DNA as information process tool,not as matter evidence,ma-king use of graph theory, in order to solve some complex logic-computing problems byanalysis of cases.用脱氧核糖核酸 (DNA)作为信息处理的工具 ,运用图论方法 ,解决案例分析中较为复杂的逻辑计算问题 ,展示了DNA分子计算的光明前景 。

2.Logic calculus of Discrete Mathematics has been applied toanalysis of cases, in particular, on information handling.案例分析中常用到离散数学中的逻辑演算,特别是在信息处理方面。

6)case analyse案例分析


