900字范文 > 抗震性能目标 seismic performance objective英语短句 例句大全

抗震性能目标 seismic performance objective英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-08 22:30:21


抗震性能目标 seismic performance objective英语短句 例句大全

抗震性能目标,seismic performance objective

1)seismic performance objective抗震性能目标

1.In view of the adopted structural system,structural plan and structural height,seismic performance objectives applicable to the project are specified.根据本工程采用的结构体系、平面布置和结构高度超限特点,选用了适合本工程的抗震性能目标。

2)seismic performance objecture地震性能目标

3)Seismic performance抗震性能

1.Study on the seismic performance of RC column confined by prestrssed steel plate hoops;设置外包预应力钢板箍RC短柱抗震性能研究

2.Experimental study on seismic performance of RC shear wall joint with bi-directional single row of steel bars;双向单排配筋剪力墙节点抗震性能试验研究

3.Analysis on seismic performance of SRC-RC transfer column and the anchoring length of shape steel;SRC-RC转换柱抗震性能及型钢最小延伸长度分析


1.On seismic performance analysis of isolation earthquake design for frame structure框架结构的隔震设计之抗震性能分析

2.On the earthquake resistance of watchtowers after Wenchuan Earthquake从汶川大地震看羌族碉楼的抗震性能

3.Tentative study on the seismic performance and index for different performance level of SRC columnsSRC柱抗震性能和抗震性态水平指标试验研究

4.Exploitation of HRB 400 Anti-Seismic Steel Bars Produced by Shuicheng Steel & Iron Company and Investigation of Their Comprehensive Anti-Seismic Properties;水钢HRB400抗震钢筋的开发及综合抗震性能的研究

5.Study on Earthquake-resistant Behaviors and Strengthening of Joints of RC Frame;钢筋混凝土框架节点抗震性能及抗震加固研究

6.Seismic Analysis and Seismic Performance Evaluation for Large-span Continuous Rigid Frame Bridges大跨径连续刚构桥抗震分析及抗震性能评价

7.Seismic performance and earthquake resistant measures of timber frame houses木构架房屋的抗震性能及抗震技术措施

8.Performance-Based Seismic Design of Nonstructural Elements on Base Isolated Building;基于性能的隔震结构非结构构件抗震性能研究

9.Seismic Analysis on Frame-Tube Structure with Seismic Energy Dissipation Story;带耗能减震层的框架—核心筒结构抗震性能分析

10.Census building is aseismatic function, demolish a dangerous house, poor to aseismatic function building should maintain consolidate.普查房屋抗震性能,拆除危房,对抗震性能差的建筑要维修加固。

11.Research on Aseismatic Capability and Performance-based Seismic Design of Irregular Frame Structure;不规则框架结构抗震性能研究及基于性能的抗震设计

12.Research on Seismic Performance and Performance-Based Seismic Design of High Rise Buildings with Strengthened Stories;带加强层高层建筑结构抗震性能及基于性能的抗震设计方法研究

13.Experimental Study on Seismic Behavior of Light Heat-insulating and Energy-dissipating Reinforced Concrete Shear Wall轻型保温耗能剪力墙的抗震性能试验

14.Experimental Research on Seismic Shear Strength and Seismic Behavior of Autoclaved Fly Ash Brick Wall蒸压粉煤灰砖墙抗震抗剪强度及抗震性能试验研究

15.Study on Earthquake Resistance of Rigid Beam-to-Column Connection of Steel Structure;钢结构刚性梁柱节点抗震性能的研究

16.Static Analysis & Researches for Earthquake Resistant Behavior about Flexible Suspension Bridges;柔性悬索桥静力分析及抗震性能研究

17.The Analysis of Weak Beam Steel Moment Frames under Cyclic Load;弱梁刚性连接钢框架的抗震性能研究

18.Elastic Plastic Analysis of Seismic Performances of the Special Shaped Reinforced Concrete Column Frame Structure;异型柱框架结构抗震性能非线性分析


seismic performance objecture地震性能目标

3)Seismic performance抗震性能

1.Study on the seismic performance of RC column confined by prestrssed steel plate hoops;设置外包预应力钢板箍RC短柱抗震性能研究

2.Experimental study on seismic performance of RC shear wall joint with bi-directional single row of steel bars;双向单排配筋剪力墙节点抗震性能试验研究

3.Analysis on seismic performance of SRC-RC transfer column and the anchoring length of shape steel;SRC-RC转换柱抗震性能及型钢最小延伸长度分析

4)anti-seismic performance抗震性能

1.Appraisal of structural security and evaluation ofanti-seismic performance for reinforced concrete frame structures;框架结构安全性鉴定及抗震性能评估

2.On several measures of the improvement of short column"santi-seismic performance of reinforced concrete提高钢筋混凝土短柱抗震性能的若干措施

3.To study theanti-seismic performance of the concrete-filled square steel tube columns(CFSSTCs),a quasi-static test under the low-frequency cyclic load was designed and carried out.通过低周反复加载试验研究方钢管混凝土柱的抗震性能,分析了其在水平地震作用下的承载能力、变形能力、刚度退化、耗能能力以及结构的破坏机制,为进一步的理论分析提供参考。

5)seismic behavior抗震性能

1.Experimental research onseismic behavior of steel reinforced high strength and high performance concrete frame joints;型钢高强高性能混凝土框架节点抗震性能试验研究

2.Experimental studies onseismic behavior of connection for concrete-filled square steel tube edge column;方钢管混凝土边柱节点抗震性能试验研究

3.Experiment study onseismic behavior of bonded prestressed and unbonded prestressed concrete flat beam frame;有粘结和无粘结预应力混凝土扁梁框架抗震性能试验

6)aseismic behavior抗震性能

1.Experimental study onaseismic behavior of beam-column welding connections in steel frames;钢框架梁柱焊接连接抗震性能试验研究

2.The R.C shear wall saseismic behavior in the large capacity power by F.E.M;大型火电厂剪力墙抗震性能有限元研究

3.Study onaseismic behavior of frame structure with weakness story at bottom considering filled-wall influence;考虑填充墙影响的底层薄弱结构抗震性能研究


