900字范文 > 多目标问题 multi-objective problem英语短句 例句大全

多目标问题 multi-objective problem英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-14 22:45:52


多目标问题 multi-objective problem英语短句 例句大全

多目标问题,multi-objective problem

1)multi-objective problem多目标问题

1.This paper studies hybrid multiple attribute decision making problem with real numbers and interval numbers and triangle fuzzy numbers,and an unknown weight information on indexes,and affiliate degree model is put forward,then themulti-objective problem is transformed into single-objective problem,and the ranking of alternatives is expressed by affiliate degree.研究了指标权重未知,指标值为实数、区间数、三角模糊数三种数据类型同时存在的混合型多属性决策问题,提出了从属度方法,把多目标问题转化为单目标问题,根据从属度大小对各方案进行排序。

2.This paper discusses uncertain multiple attribute decision making problem with real numbers and interval numbers and triangle fuzzy numbers, and affiliate degree model is put forward, then themulti-objective problem is transformed into single-objective problem, and the ranking of alternatives is expressed by affiliate degree.本文讨论了属性值为实数、区间数、三角模糊数三种数据类型的混合型多属性决策问题,提出了从属度方法,把多目标问题转化为单目标问题,利用从属度对各方案进行捧序。


1.Using SP-MEC for Multiobjective Optimization Problems;使用SP-MEC算法求解多目标问题

2.An Approach for Multiobjective Optimization: Pareto-MEC;一个求解多目标问题的算法:Pareto-MEC

3.An Objective Coordination Optimization Method for Multi-objective Transportation Problem;求解多目标运输问题的一种目标协调优化方法

4.Evolutionary Algorithms for Single-Objective and Multi-Objective Optimization Problems解决单目标和多目标优化问题的进化算法

5.The Study of Ideal Point Solution of Multiple Attribute Decision Making Problem;关于多目标决策问题的理想点法研究

6.New Evolutionary Algorithms for Multiobjective Optimization Problems;解决多目标优化问题的几种进化算法

7.A Descending Dimension Algorithm for the Equality Constrained Multi-objective Programming Problem;等式约束多目标规划问题的降维算法

8.A Class of Nondifferentiable Multiobjective Generalized Fractional Mathematical Programming Problems;一类非可微多目标广义分式规划问题

9.Researches on Perturbation of Multi-Objective Markov Decision Processes;多目标马氏决策过程摄动问题的研究

10.The Research on Non-uniform Problems of Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithm;多目标进化算法中非均匀问题的研究

11.A Rank-Based Evolution Algorithm for Solving the Multi-Objective TSP Problem;基于Rank的进化算法解决多目标TSP问题

12.Grey Analytical Method for Dynamic Multi-objective Decision-making Problems;动态多目标决策问题的灰色分析方法


14.A Study on Problems of Splitting and Merging in Multiple Human Tracking多人跟踪中目标分裂与合并问题研究

15.Particle swarm optimization for multi-objective programming problems求多目标优化问题的粒子群优化算法

16.Proposal of Hybrid Optimization Algorithm for Solving Multi-objective Optimization Problems一种多目标优化问题的混合优化算法

17.Multi-criteria single machine scheduling with an aging effect具有老化效应的单机多目标排序问题

18.Great Deluge Algorithm for Multi-criteria Travelling Salesman Problem多目标旅行商问题的大洪水算法求解


multi-goal problem多目标问题

3)multi-objective optimal problem多目标优化问题

1.The new representation proposed in this paper deals with the partitional clustering problem by regarding it as amulti-objective optimal problem;in this approach the niche Pareto genetic algorithm is used to solve the problem.为了解决该问题,提出将产状数据的划分问题转化为多目标优化问题,并采用小生境Pareto遗传算法进行求解。

2.This paper introduce a new and efficient multi-objective evolutionary algorithms (EMOEA) for solving unconstrained and constrainedmulti-objective optimal problems (MOPs).利用 Better函数对多目标优化问题 (MOP)建立了一种偏序关系 ,并通过这种偏序关系对种群中的个体进行排名 ,设计了一种高效的多目标演化算法 (EMOEA) ,应用有限 Markov链的有关理论证明了此演化算法的收敛性 ,同时对四个 Benchmark函数进行了数值试验 ,测试结果表明 ,新算法在解集分布的均匀性、多样性、精确性以及快速收敛性均优于已有的 MOEA。

4)multi-objective optimization problem多目标优化问题

1.A Framework for Multi-objective Optimization Problem Solving多目标优化问题的求解框架

2.In the mid-1980s, Evolutionary Algorithm was introduced to solve the Multi-objective Optimization Problem.在20世纪80年代中期,进化算法开始应用于解决多目标优化问题。

3.Themulti-objective optimization problem based on pareto is a important research direction of the evolutionary algorithm,and how to improve the efficiency of constructing the Pareto non-dominated set is a key to the algorithm.基于Pareto的多目标优化问题是进化算法的一个重要研究方向,而如何构造Pareto非支配集则是提高算法效率的关键所在。

5)multiobjective transportation problem多目标运输问题

1.For the especial demands of sustainable development,and the need of protecting natural resources and environment,themultiobjective transportation problem is studied.根据可持续发展和保护资源、环境的特殊需要,研究了多目标运输问题。

6)multiobjective minimax problem多目标minimax问题


