900字范文 > 自适应带宽分配 Adaptive Bandwidth Allocation英语短句 例句大全

自适应带宽分配 Adaptive Bandwidth Allocation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-22 03:03:33


自适应带宽分配 Adaptive Bandwidth Allocation英语短句 例句大全

自适应带宽分配,Adaptive Bandwidth Allocation

1)Adaptive Bandwidth Allocation自适应带宽分配

1.The adaptive bandwidth allocation mechanism in the spectrum allocation algorithm is researched in this paper.本文主要研究认知无线电网络频谱分配技术中的自适应带宽分配机制。

2.An adaptive bandwidth allocation mechanism(ABAM) is proposed to make full use of the bandwidth not occupied by the license users.为充分利用认知无线电网络中授权用户未占用的带宽,提出一种自适应带宽分配机制(ABAM),采用二维Markov链对认知无线电网络中ABAM机制性能进行了建模分析,得到了带宽利用率等系统性能指标的解析结果。


1.Research of Adaptive Bandwidth Allocation Mechanism in Cognitive Radio Network认知无线电网络中自适应带宽分配机制的研究

2.An Adaptive Bandwidth Allocation Mechanism and Performance Analysis in Cognitive Radio Networks认知无线电网络自适应带宽分配机制及性能分析

3.Adaptive Bandwidth and Sub-carrier Allocation for OFDMA DownlinksOFDMA系统下行链路自适应带宽与子载波分配方案

4.Effective Bandwidth Analysis of Adaptive Optics Control System自适应光学控制系统的有效带宽分析

5.Fingerprint recognition algorithm based on FMT and self-adapted tied spectrum band width基于FMT与自适应绑定频域带宽的指纹匹配方法

6.Adaptive Antenna Array Performance Analysis and Quantitative Calculation for Anti-Jamming to Broadband.自适应天线阵抗宽带干扰性能分析和定量计算

7.A New Target Recognition Algorithm by UsingAdaptive Fuzzy Matching With Wide-band MMW Radar一种宽带毫米波雷达目标自适应模糊匹配识别新算法

8.800MHz-1.2GHz CMOS Adaptive PLL Design;800MHz-1.2GHz CMOS变带宽自适应锁相环设计

9.Algorithm of target tracking based on Mean-Shift with adaptive bandwidth of kernel function核函数带宽自适应的Mean-Shift跟踪算法

10.Study of bandwidth adaptive Mean-Shift tracking带宽自适应的Mean-Shift跟踪算法研究

11.Downlink Packet Scheduling Technologies Deploying Adaptive Antenna Array in Broadband Wireless Access Networks;采用自适应天线阵列宽带无线接入系统的下行分组调度技术

12.Simulation and Analysis of Novel Adaptive Synchronization Method of Non-coherent UWB System一种新的非相干超宽带自适应同步方法的仿真与分析

13.An adaptive relay node set selecting mechanism based on available bandwidth estimating带有带宽感知的自适应转发节点集合建立机制

14.A Bandwidth Allocation Scheme for Satellite IP Broadcast Network一种适于卫星IP广播网中的带宽分配策略

15.The bandwidth must be allocated to the real-time application.带宽必须分配给实时应用。

16.Link adaptation algorithm for UWB systems with dynamic rate and payload size optimization动态优化速率和帧长的超宽带链路自适应算法

17.Study on Performance of Adaptive High-power Interference Cancellation System in Wide-Band;宽带大功率自适应干扰抵消系统性能研究

18.Research and Realization of Adaptive Broadband Power Line Communication MODEM Based on DSP;基于DSP的自适应宽带电力线MODEM的研究与实现


adaptive resource allocation适应性带宽分配

1.Based on the research of call admission control algorithm and the characteristics of bidirectional terrestrial television system of multiple services,we propose a new multi-level degradation call admission control algorithm which combines queue strategy andadaptive resource allocation strategy.本文基于对已有的呼叫接入控制算法的研究以及地面电视双向方案的业务特点,将缓冲队列策略与适应性带宽分配策略相结合,提出一种适用于多重业务的地面电视系统双向方案的多级降级呼叫接入控制算法。

3)adaptive bandwidth自适应带宽

1.Fast dynamic Gaussian mean-shift algorithm based onadaptive bandwidth;基于自适应带宽的快速动态高斯核均值漂移算法

2.The classical mean shift algorithm is extended to be theadaptive bandwidth mean shift algorithm,and then theadaptive bandwidth mean shift object tracking algorithm(ABMSOT) is proposed.首先提出了一种经典均值移动算法的推广算法,即自适应带宽均值移动算法,进而提出了基于自适应带宽均值移动的二维视频目标跟踪算法(ABMSOT)。

3.A new nonparametric estimation method calledadaptive bandwidth mean shift (ABMS) algorithm is applied to realizing image smoothing and segmentation,which removes noises and trivial texture and preserves the structural features of the image objects.一种新的非参数估计算法——基于交叉置信区间(ICI)规则的自适应带宽中值偏移(ABMS)算法应用到视频图像平滑和分割过程中,以有效去除图像的噪声和微纹理信息并保留图像中物体的轮廓结构特征。

4)bandwidth adaptive带宽自适应

5)adaptive bandwidth selection自适应带宽选取

6)adaptive bandwidth adjustment自适应带宽调整

1.Additionally, anadaptive bandwidth adjustment (ABA) algorithm based on zero-crossing counting and sampling point jitter detection was employed.所提的基于过零数统计和采样点往复跳动检测的自适应带宽调整算法具有很低的计算复杂度,在不延长环路捕获时间的条件下提高了同步环路的跟踪精度并改善了高信噪比时的误比特率性能。


