900字范文 > 可靠传输 reliable transmission英语短句 例句大全

可靠传输 reliable transmission英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-13 00:46:21


可靠传输 reliable transmission英语短句 例句大全

可靠传输,reliable transmission

1)reliable transmission可靠传输

1.According to the analysis,a newreliable transmission mechanism is proposed,which outperforms the original scheme in term of effective usage of the channel bandwidth.在此基础上改进了原有的传输方案,提出了一种新的基于流媒体的隐蔽通信的可靠传输机制,并进行实现和实际测试。

2.In this paper, we provides a basis forreliable transmission of speech over noisy communication channels by quantifying the amount of residual redundancy inherent in the CELP line spectral pair (LSP) parameters .为进一步研究语音在噪声信道中的可靠传输提供了理论依据和研究方法。


1.Based on NIOS Ⅱ reliable transmission of LVDS基于NIOS Ⅱ的LVDS可靠传输

2.Research on a Reliable Application Layer Multicast Protocol;基于应用层多播的可靠传输协议研究

3.Research of Reliable Transmission Mechanism in BH RTIBH RTI中可靠传输机制的研究

4.Research on and realization of a UDP-based reliable data transfer protocol基于UDP的可靠传输协议的研究与实现

5.Reliable Transport Algorithm Based on Hierarchy for Wireless Sensor Networks;基于层次结构的无线传感器网络可靠传输算法

6.Reliable Transmission Protocol of Correlated Data in Wireless Sensor Networks无线传感器网络相关性数据可靠传输协议

7.Survey of Reliable Transport Protocols in Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks水下声学传感器网络可靠传输协议研究

8.Study on Scalable Video Coding and the Coding Techniques for Its Reliable Transmission;视频分级编码及可靠传输的编码技术研究

9.One-wire Bus Detecting Net Secondary Stand is Managed and Reliable Transmission Research;One-Wire Bus检测网从站管理及可靠传输研究

10.Research & Implementation on RPR and Non-reliable Traffic;弹性分组环(RPR)和非可靠传输的研究与实现

11.Research on the Reliable Transport Technologies in the Broadband Satellite IP Communication Networks;宽带卫星IP通信网络中的可靠传输技术研究

12.Strategies of Reliable Transmission in Practical Network Coding System实用网络编码系统的可靠传输策略研究

13.Research of Real-time and Reliable Multimedia Data Transmission Based on UDP基于UDP的多媒体数据实时可靠传输研究

14.Reliability Improvement of High Bit Rate Microwave Systems微波高速数字传输系统可靠性的提高

15.The Reliability Analysis and Improvement of Chengdu Unicom Transmission Network;成都联通传输网络可靠性分析和改进

16.Research on Reliability Mechanism of Data Transmission in CMMB SystemCMMB系统数据传输可靠性机制的研究

17.Performance Analysis and Simulation of Message Transmission Reliability in JTIDSJTIDS数据链报文传输可靠性分析及仿真

18.Reliability Research on the GPRS Data Transmission under the High Speed Condition高速条件下GPRS数据传输可靠性研究


Reliable transport可靠传输

1.Research on reliable transport in Wireless Sensor Network(WSN) is hot issue of research.无线传感器网络的可靠传输研究一直是研究的热点,现有的可靠传输机制主要有FEC前向纠错码,ARQ自动重传以及多路径传输等,这些机制保证一定的传输可靠性,同时也大量增加冗余数据,能量消耗较大。

3)reliable transfer可靠传输

1.Energy efficient routing algorithm withreliable transfer in wireless sensor networks;无线传感器网络中数据可靠传输的节能路由算法

4)reliable transportation可靠传输

1.Then it analyzes the mechanism ofreliable transportation,and gives a solution toreliable transportation based on IP.248协议,提出基于IP传输协议存在的不可靠性,分析了可靠传输机制,设置3个定时器,给出一种基于IP的H。

5)transmission reliability传输可靠性

1.Hence,thetransmission reliability of data affects the event detection and estimation directly.针对无线传感器网络的特点,给出了无线传感器网络的传输可靠性概念,提出一种传输可靠性度量,分别在有数据融合和无效据融合两种情况下,对网络节点的能耗情况进行了分析,获得了网络节点正常工作的概率随时间的变化关系,并导出数学表达式,用于计算节点所产生的数据包成功传输给汇聚节点的概率,从而获得了求整个网络传输可靠性的计算方法。

6)sub-reliable transfer亚可靠传输

1.In order to improve the bandwidth usage of RPR which is under the protection state,we present a concept namedsub-reliable transfer,and put forth an algorithm for the discrimination from reliable ones with the help of topological matrix.为了增强处于保护状态下的RPR环网带宽的合理利用,本文提出亚可靠传输机制,并利用拓扑矩阵来制定如何对亚可靠传输业务进行界定的算法。


传播常数(见传输线)传播常数(见传输线)propagation constantChUon匕oChongsh日传播常数(propagation constant)线。见传输
