900字范文 > 延性措施 ductility measure英语短句 例句大全

延性措施 ductility measure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-12 08:44:24


延性措施 ductility measure英语短句 例句大全

延性措施,ductility measure

1)ductility measure延性措施

1.Some recommendations have been raised for design of connecting beams according to"Technical Regulations on Concrete Structures of High-rise Building"(JGJ3-2002),and studies on structural requirements of connecting beams andductility measures,etc.阐述了高层建筑剪力墙中连梁的工作原理及在荷载作用下的受力分析,依据《高层建筑混凝土结构技术规程》(JG J3-2002),对连梁的设计提出了一些建议,并探讨了连梁的构造要求、延性措施等,可供同行参考。

2)structural ductility measures延性构造措施

1.And some important questions are analyzed, such as joints anchor design,shear resistance design of the interface,structural ductility measures,etc.通过不同方案的比较,针对某高层建筑结构降层改造中的梁柱节点设计,提出了安全可靠的解决办法,并对梁柱节点锚固设计、界面抗剪设计、延性构造措施等相关的问题进行了分析,提出了相应的措施,可供处理同类问题时参考。

3)methods to improve service life延寿措施

4)delay measures延缓措施


1.On Ring-forming Mechanism of Rotary Pelletizing Kiln and Delay Measures球团回转窑结圈机理及延缓措施的研究

2.Delay Influence and Its Mitigation Measures of Train Operation in Urban Rail Transit城轨交通列车运行延误影响及其减缓措施

3.Study on Delay Measures for Reflection Cracking in Asphalt Overlay on Rigid Pavement of Aerodrome机场刚性道面沥青罩面延缓反射裂缝措施研究

4.This remediation activity could potentially defer landfill closure costs indefinitely.此补救措施可能会延缓垃圾掩埋无法确定的关闭成本。

5.The influential factors of gasoline (RON 90) discoloration and relevant retardation measures影响90号无铅汽油变色的因素及延缓变色的措施

6.(c) taking a decision to apply or extend a safeguard measure.(c)就实施或延长保障措施做出决定。

7.acceptable with mitigation measure [impact]在采取缓解措施后可以接受〔影响〕

8.Anti-Crisis measur es are Helpful to Pay College"s Debt反“危机”措施有利于缓解高校债务难题

9.Studies on measure for decreasing the creep of the vessel"s propulsion shaft segment船舶推进轴段蠕变减缓应对措施研究

10.Causes and Solutions of Rolled Glass Stone压延玻璃结石产生的原因及解决措施

11.Brazil continues trading assurance measures on toy export巴西继续延长对玩具进口实施贸易保障措施

12.Briefly explain the term “postponement” also known as “flexible fulfillment”.简要解释术语“延缓”,也称为“柔性实施”(或“柔性生产”)。

13.These measures can"t help to lessen the existing tension.这些措施不能帮助缓和现在的紧张局势。

14.Measurements should be taken to ease up the social conflicts brought up by polarization.应该采取措施缓和两极分化带来的社会矛盾。

15.Analysis of the Mechanism and Retarding Measures of Side Wear of Rail on Curves;曲线钢轨侧面磨耗的形成机理及减缓措施

16.Research into the Contermeasures and Measures to Alleviating the Traffic Congestion of Nanchang City;缓解南昌市交通拥挤现状的对策与措施研究

17.Research on the Reasons for the Abusing of Death Penalty with Reprieve and Control Measures;试论死缓制度过度适用的原因及控制措施

18.The Technology Measure and the Engineering Measure for Alleviateing Kaifeng City Water Shortage;缓解开封市水资源短缺的技术及工程措施研究


structural ductility measures延性构造措施

1.And some important questions are analyzed, such as joints anchor design,shear resistance design of the interface,structural ductility measures,etc.通过不同方案的比较,针对某高层建筑结构降层改造中的梁柱节点设计,提出了安全可靠的解决办法,并对梁柱节点锚固设计、界面抗剪设计、延性构造措施等相关的问题进行了分析,提出了相应的措施,可供处理同类问题时参考。

3)methods to improve service life延寿措施

4)delay measures延缓措施

5)ductility seismic fortification measures延性抗震设计措施

6)rigid measures刚性措施


不合格品纠正措施(见纠正措施)不合格品纠正措施(见纠正措施)corrective actions for nonconforming product:see corrective actionsbul,卯ping jiuzhe叫euoshi不合格品纠正措施(~tive actions for non-印雨皿吨prt泪uct)见纠正措施。
