900字范文 > 总最小二乘估计 TLS(total least square) estimation英语短句 例句大全

总最小二乘估计 TLS(total least square) estimation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-04 12:33:15


总最小二乘估计 TLS(total least square) estimation英语短句 例句大全

总最小二乘估计,TLS(total least square) estimation

1)TLS(total least square) estimation总最小二乘估计

2)total least squire estimation总体最小二乘估计

1.Based on the analysis of principles of least squire estimation(LS) andtotal least squire estimation(TLS), digital simulations are carried out with the aid of Matlab to compare their regression fitting optimization indexes under the sample of 8 equations 3 unknown quantities( means 2 lines and 4 tests) and the sample changing to 24 equations 6 unknown quantities( means 3 lines and 8 tests).首先分析了最小二乘估计和总体最小二乘估计两种方法的原理,然后通过matlab数字仿真实验对比了两种估计方法在不同扰动情形下的拟合优度。

3)least square estimate最小二乘估计

1.The lower bound of efficiencies ofleast square estimate with respect to the ridge estimate;最小二乘估计相对于岭估计的效率下界

2.Theleast square estimate of covariance matrices in the growth curve model with random effects;含有随机效应的增长曲线模型协差阵的最小二乘估计

3.Therefore, firstly the definition of optimal combinatorial forecasting model is given in the sense ofleast square estimate to find out the expression of weight of the above mentioned model and to prove it to be unique.笔者给出最小二乘估计意义下的最佳组合预测模型的定义,并求得其权的公式和证明权的惟一性;用回归分析方法建立多个回归模型,并按3条标准即①回归指数大、②系统误差小、③模型精度高,选定最佳非线性回归模型;用灰色理论建立多个灰色模型,并按3条标准即①后验差比值小、②小误差概率大、③预测关联度大,选定最佳灰色模型;再将最佳回归模型与最佳灰色模型有机地结合起来建立中国火灾最佳灰色回归组合预测模型。


1.generalized least squares estimator广义最小二乘估计量

2.Simulation results show that the weighted least squares estimate has better properties than the least squares estimate.模拟结果表明加权最小二乘估计比最小二乘估计有优良的性质。

3.A Least Square Nonlinear Estimation of Cumulative Reserves Model累计储量模型的非线性最小二乘估计

4.mixed three-stage least-squares estimatio混合三阶段最小二乘估计


6.Genetic Algorithms Research Based on Nonlinear Least Squares Estimation;非线性最小二乘估计的遗传算法研究

7.Weighted Least Squares Estimate for Linear Regression Model;线性回归模型中的加权最小二乘估计

8.Robustness Least Squares Estimator of Mixed Normal Distribution;混合型正态分布的抗差最小二乘估计

9.Relative Efficiencies of Least Squared Estimates in Linear Models线性模型中最小二乘估计的相对效率

10.DEM Matching Algorithm Using Least Trimmed Squares Estimator采用截尾最小二乘估计的DEM匹配方法

11.A result concerning the extension of optimally weighted least squares;推广的最优加权最小二乘估计解的一个结果

12.The Best Linear Unbiased Estimate of Parameter Matrix and Measures of Inefficiency of the Least Squares Estimate in Singular Growth Curve Model;奇异增长曲线模型中参数阵的最优估计及最小二乘估计的有效性

13.Some Necessary and Sufficient Conditions of The LSE and BLUE in Growth Curve Model;生长曲线最小二乘估计和最佳线性无偏估计相等的几个充要条件

14.In this paper, Two Different Concepts for the Recursion of Least Square Estimation is Introduced.本文阐述了两类不同概念的递推最小二乘估计。

15.Method of Data Acquisition Channel Calibration Based on LSE基于最小二乘估计的数据采集通道标定方法

16.Moderate Deviations Principle and the Law of the Iterated Logarithm for LSE in Linear Models;线性模型中最小二乘估计的中偏差及重对数律

17.Consistency of the Least Squares Estimator in Nonlinear Regression Model;非线性回归模型中最小二乘估计量的相合性

18.The Theory of Least Squares Estimation on Linear Model and It s Application;线性模型参数的最小二乘估计理论及其应用


total least squire estimation总体最小二乘估计

1.Based on the analysis of principles of least squire estimation(LS) andtotal least squire estimation(TLS), digital simulations are carried out with the aid of Matlab to compare their regression fitting optimization indexes under the sample of 8 equations 3 unknown quantities( means 2 lines and 4 tests) and the sample changing to 24 equations 6 unknown quantities( means 3 lines and 8 tests).首先分析了最小二乘估计和总体最小二乘估计两种方法的原理,然后通过matlab数字仿真实验对比了两种估计方法在不同扰动情形下的拟合优度。

3)least square estimate最小二乘估计

1.The lower bound of efficiencies ofleast square estimate with respect to the ridge estimate;最小二乘估计相对于岭估计的效率下界

2.Theleast square estimate of covariance matrices in the growth curve model with random effects;含有随机效应的增长曲线模型协差阵的最小二乘估计

3.Therefore, firstly the definition of optimal combinatorial forecasting model is given in the sense ofleast square estimate to find out the expression of weight of the above mentioned model and to prove it to be unique.笔者给出最小二乘估计意义下的最佳组合预测模型的定义,并求得其权的公式和证明权的惟一性;用回归分析方法建立多个回归模型,并按3条标准即①回归指数大、②系统误差小、③模型精度高,选定最佳非线性回归模型;用灰色理论建立多个灰色模型,并按3条标准即①后验差比值小、②小误差概率大、③预测关联度大,选定最佳灰色模型;再将最佳回归模型与最佳灰色模型有机地结合起来建立中国火灾最佳灰色回归组合预测模型。

4)least squares estimation最小二乘法估计

1.Results show that, when data accord with the Gauss-Markov hypothesis, theleast squares estimation of parameters is better than any other linear unbiased estimations, including that of genetic al.对于分析化学中可化为线性函数的非线性拟合问题,利用文献数据对最小二乘法与遗传算法所得结果进行了比较,结果充分表明在数据满足Gauss-Markov假定时,对参数的最小二乘法估计所得结果要优于任何其它线性无偏估计以及遗传算法所得结果。

5)least squares estimate最小二乘估计

1.Based on this, the paper deduces theleast squares estimate under the contaminated model.研究了污染模型下观测值的分布结构及方差,并以此为基础导出了污染模型下的最小二乘估计。

2.In order to improve the location accuracy of the ship-borne microwave OTH radar, this paper analyzes its location error quantitatively according to its geometry relations and theleast squares estimate.为提高舰载微波超视距雷达的定位精度 ,本文从交叉定位的几何关系入手 ,运用最小二乘估计定量分析了交叉定位的定位误差。

3.In this paper,the relative efficiencies of three estimators with respect to theleast squares estimate are shown.本文给出了关于最小二乘估计的三种估计的相对效率,并研究了它们的性质以及与文献[2]讨论过的另一种相对效率的关系。

6)least square estimation最小二乘估计

1.Least Square Estimation and Removal of Power Line Interference in the Electrocardiogram;心电信号中工频干扰的最小二乘估计和消除

2.The recursive algorithm ofleast square estimation in multiple linear regressions;多重线性回归的最小二乘估计的递推算法

3.On the data including the discrete points,least square estimation can not control the strong error affecting the regression curve.在含有离群值的情况下,分析了最小二乘估计不能克服粗大误差对回归曲线的影响。


