900字范文 > 抗震能力评估 Anti-seismic capacity evaluation英语短句 例句大全

抗震能力评估 Anti-seismic capacity evaluation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-09 13:15:14


抗震能力评估 Anti-seismic capacity evaluation英语短句 例句大全

抗震能力评估,Anti-seismic capacity evaluation

1)Anti-seismic capacity evaluation抗震能力评估


1.Evaluation of the Anti-Seismic Capacity of the Reinforced Concrete Frame-Wall Structure;钢筋混凝土框架—剪力墙结构抗震能力评估

2.A Method of Seismic Capacity Evaluation for Bridges Based on Push-over Analysis;基于PUSH-OVER分析的桥梁抗震能力评估方法研究

3.EAC-RCSW and Its Application in Reinforced Concrete Structure Including Shear Wall含剪力墙钢筋混凝土结构抗震能力评估软件的开发及应用

4.Simplified stiffness-based approach for seismic performance evaluation of moment-resisting frame基于刚度的框架结构抗震能力评估简化方法(英文)

5.The Nonlinear Earthquake Response Analysis of Frame-Supported Multi-Ribbed Slab Structure and Damage Performance Based Seismic Evaluation Methods;框支密肋壁板结构非线性地震反应分析及基于损伤性能的抗震能力评估方法研究

6.Application of capacity spectrum method in bridge seismic evaluation能力谱方法在桥梁抗震性能评估中的应用研究

7.Application of capacity spectrum method in anti-seismic evaluation of bridges能力谱方法在桥梁抗震性能评估中的适用性

8.Evaluation on Anti-seismic Capability of Reinforced Concrete Frame-shear Wall Structure;钢筋混凝土框架—剪力墙结构抗震性能评估

9.Dynamical elastic-plastic analysis and structural seismic capacity evaluation of municipal solid waste incineration and power generation plant厂房结构弹塑性动力分析与抗震性能评估

10.Earthquake-resistance Behavior Evaluation of Hubei Province Archive Building by Static-nonlinear Analysis;用静力非线性方法评估省档案馆库房的抗震能力

11.Evaluation of Seismic Performance of Existing Building Structures by Pushover Method;PUSHOVER法评估已建建筑结构的抗震性能

12.Aseismatic performance evaluation of a long-span continuous rigid frame bridge with tall piers高墩大跨径连续刚构桥抗震性能评估

13.Research of Static Nonlinear Method Apply to the Seismic Behavior Assessment of Existing Building Structures;静力弹塑性法在既有建筑结构抗震性能评估中的应用研究

14.Earthquake Resistance Research and Damage Evaluation of Frame-ShearWall Structure框架—剪力墙结构基于性能的抗震研究及破坏评估

15.Evaluation method of seismic performance of frame-supported shear wall structure based on probability and displacement基于概率和位移的框支剪力墙结构抗震性能评估方法

16.Analysis of Earthquake Response and Seismic Performance Evaluation of Existing Damage Buildings;既有损伤结构地震反应分析与抗震性能评估

17.The Performance-Based Earthquake-resistant Evaluation Method of Rubber Bearing Base Isolation;橡胶垫基础隔震结构基于性能的抗震评估方法

18.Performance-based Seismic Design Method and Application in Seismic Evaluation of Tall Building Hybrid Structure;基于性能的抗震设计方法及其在高层混合结构抗震评估中的应用


seismic evaluation抗震性能评估

1.Application of capacity spectrum method in bridgeseismic evaluation能力谱方法在桥梁抗震性能评估中的应用研究

2.And its core is the seismic design andseismic evaluation.基于性能的抗震思想是以结构的非线性静力推覆分析为基础,以结构的抗震设计方法和抗震性能评估方法为核心的抗震设计方法。

3)seismic performance assessment抗震性能评估

1.The fundamental of Incremental Dynamic Analysis(IDA) is introduced in this paper,and theseismic performance assessment of bridge piers is coded.简述了增量动力分析(IDA)方法的基本原理,编制了IDA的计算程序,结合桥墩的抗震性能评估,研究了恢复力模型对评估结果的影响。

4)seismic performance evaluation抗震性能评估

1.Many uncertain factors are involved inseismic performance evaluation and the probabilistic results drawn from inadequate information are suspectable.结构的抗震性能评估中包含许多不确定性因素。

2.A modified pushover analysis andseismic performance evaluation for tall building are proposed in the paper.探讨了应用静力、动力弹塑性分析结果进行抗震性能评估的基本原则。

5)seismic evaluation抗震评估

1.Based on Push-over analysis,a new method ofseismic evaluation for reinforced concrete frame structure is introduced.本文阐述了基于Push-over分析的抗震评估方法,提出使用层间位移角以及结构在大震下的塑性铰转角来评估框架结构的抗震性能,给出了新的抗震性能评估的步骤。

2.Two important aspects of alleviating earthquake disaster are seismic design of new structures andseismic evaluation as well as the retrofit design of existing structures.基于性能的结构设计是21世纪抗震设计的发展趋势,而新建结构的抗震设计与在役结构的抗震评估及加固设计则是减轻地震灾害的二个重要方面。

3.The performance-basedseismic evaluation and strengthening method is introduced to proove the criterion of "no damage under frequent earthquake, repairable under moderate earthquake, no collapse under severe earthquake" for an existing reinforced concrete structure in the case of reducing retrofit cost with viscous energy dissipation braces.根据我国79系列规范设计的某钢筋混凝土高层建筑,由于使用功能的改变需要对结构进行抗震评估和加固。

6)seismic assessment抗震评估

1.A plastic collapse mechanism analysis mode ofseismic assessment for existing reinforcement concrete bridges with flexible foundation and bearing pads was developed.将钢筋混凝土桥墩墩顶在单位水平力作用下的变位,分解为桥墩的弹性弯曲变位、基础转动产生的变位及基础平动产生的变位之和,从而建立了一种计入弹性基础效应和弹性支座效应的钢筋混凝土梁桥横桥向抗震评估的塑性倒塌分析模型,给出了等效弹性地震荷载计算方法、钢筋混凝土梁桥塑性倒塌分析计算公式及独柱墩在地震力作用下的双线性刚度实用分析方法。


