900字范文 > 用地结构 land use structure英语短句 例句大全

用地结构 land use structure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-14 01:02:57


用地结构 land use structure英语短句 例句大全

用地结构,land use structure

1)land use structure用地结构

1.The research on the model & the method to adjust the agriculturalland use structure in the poor regions in Chongqing, China;重庆贫困山区种植业用地结构调整的模式与方法──以石柱土家族自治县为例

2.For this reason, ideas to rationally land use in small towns are raised in the province at the phase of bringing the layout for the small towns into the regional planning system, aiming at optimizingland use structure, improving environm.以江苏省为例 ,分析了小城镇发展中的用地问题 ,指出 ,小城镇设置具有一定的盲目性 ,造成了一定程度的土地资源浪费 ;人均用地较多 ,小城镇发展是全省耕地减少的一大原因 ;小城镇土地利用粗放 ,用地结构不尽合理 ;乡镇企业过于分散 ,浪费了土地资源 ,与城市化发展的要求也不相适应。

3.It is necessary to know the dynamic change of urban and ruralland use structure and distribution so as to optimize the structure and distribution.为了优化城乡用地结构和分布,需要了解其动态变化,信息熵的演变(1996-)在一定程度上可以反映区域各类土地利用类型的动态演变规律,信息熵在空间上的分布可以反映区域土地的分布,因此利用信息熵对济南市城乡用地结构及分布进行研究。


1.Correlation Analysis of the Changes of Industrial Structure and Land Use Structure in Anhui Province;安徽产业结构与用地结构变化的相关性分析

2.Study on the Relationship between Industrial Structure and Land Structure in China;中国产业结构与用地结构相互关系的实证研究

3.The beam-slab structure is a type of structurt often applied in basement.梁板结构是地下室中常采用的结构型式。

4.Study Small High Residences System of Xinjiang Steel Construction;新疆地区钢结构小高层住宅结构体系应用研究

5.The Study on Mutual Relationship between Urban Land Use Structure and Industry Structure Based on Chengdu City;城市土地利用结构与产业结构关系研究

6.Study on the relationship between industry structure and land use structure in Lanzhou;兰州市产业结构与土地利用结构的相关性研究

7.Analysis of Relation Between Land-use Type and Economic Structures in Handan City;邯郸市域土地利用结构与经济结构关系分析

8.Seismic Response When Considering the Effect of SSI考虑土与结构相互作用时结构地震响应分析

9.Application of steel reinforced concrete composite structures in underground structure with large span型钢混凝土组合结构在大跨地下结构中的应用

10.FEM Analysis Using Substructure Method of Superstructure-Raft Foundation-Ground Soil Interaction上部结构-筏基-地基共同作用子结构法FEM分析

11.The Application of SBFEM in the Earthquake Response Analysis of Underground Structures;SBFEM在地下结构地震响应分析中的应用

12.Study on Optimization of Land Use Structure about County in Plain Areas;平原地区县域土地利用结构优化研究

13.Dynamic Evolution Analysis on Land Use Structure in Bijie Prefecture;毕节地区土地利用结构动态演变分析

14.Analysis on Land Use Structure in Hebei Province Based on Quantitative Geography Model;河北省土地利用结构的计量地理分析

15.The studies of the different regional land-use structure of Guangdong Province;广东省土地利用结构的地域差异研究

16.The Analysis of Seismic Response of Underground Subway Structure to SV Waves;剪切地震波作用下地铁地下结构地震响应分析


18.Application Analysis about Ming Area Land Use Structure Optimization Model;矿区土地利用结构优化模型应用分析


land-use structure用地结构

1.The idea of mixed land-use properly in city has been accepted by many scholars and experts,but there is no quantitative expression about the material mixedland-use structure combining traffic ingredients.不同的城市因为有不同的城市规模、经济发展水平、城市布局和人口,应该有不同的用地结构规划。

2.Starting from the present situation of Chinese urban and rural land-use,this paper introduces the technical routine and research method of the research on the urban and ruralland-use structure and allocation,and sums up and analyzes on its features and innovative points.从我国城乡用地的现状出发,介绍了城乡用地结构与布局研究的技术路线及研究方法,并总结和分析了其特点和创新之处。

3)structure of land use用地结构

1.By the combining the typical examples of new domestic industrial districts,analyze the function department,structure of land use and configuration of space among different types of new industrial district.结合近年来国内工业新区不同类型的典型案例,分析工业新区的功能构成、用地结构和空间形态,探讨其空间布局和开发利用的规律,提出了工业新区空间发展的适宜模式。

4)land structure用地结构

1.With the help of structure variation and information entropy,the paper has analyzed the relationship between consumption structure andland structure from 1996 to .本文引入结构变化率及信息熵,对1996-江西省居民消费结构与用地结构的关系进行探讨。

2.Furthermore,in comparison with the investigation on the modern city,this article discovers fundamentals of changes in urbanland structure from the period of agricultural civilization to industrial civilization.城市用地结构反映了一定时期居民的社会生活秩序和城市性质。

5)Farmland use structure农用地利用结构

6)Land use structure土地利用结构

1.Effects of land use structure on non-point source pollution.;土地利用结构对非点源污染的影响

2.Dynamic change and driving forces analysis of land use structure in Gansu Province;甘肃省土地利用结构变化及其驱动力分析

3.Study on dynamic variation of Shannon entropy of land use structure in Gansu Province;甘肃省土地利用结构信息熵动态研究


