900字范文 > 介质损耗测试 dielectric loss test英语短句 例句大全

介质损耗测试 dielectric loss test英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-12 14:31:03


介质损耗测试 dielectric loss test英语短句 例句大全

介质损耗测试,dielectric loss test

1)dielectric loss test介质损耗测试

1.But existingdielectric loss test systems have a lot of shortcomings such as poor stability and expansibility, low precision and so on.然而,现有的介质损耗测试系统普遍存在稳定性差、精度较低、可扩展性差、软硬件无法及时升级等缺点,因此介质损耗测试系统的研究和开发具有十分重要的意义。


1.Development of a Lower Power Consumption Dielectric Loss Angle Tester Based on DSP基于DSP的低功耗介质损耗测试仪的研制

2.The Research of Dielectric Loss Test System Based on SOPC;基于SOPC技术的介质损耗测试系统的研究

3.high-frequency dielectric loss measuring instrument高频电介质损耗测量仪

4.Application of lossy dielectric to image method measurement device损耗电介质在镜像法测试装置中的应用

5.Dielectric Loss Factor(tgδ) of the Test and Improvement of the Resistant Electric Bridge介质耗损因数tgδ的西林电桥测试法及其改进

6.Test method for dielectric tangent of loss angle of pyroelectric materialGB/T11297.9-1989热释电材料介质损耗角正切tanδ的测试方法

7.Dielectric Loss Test and Analysis on Windings of EM关于电机线圈介质损耗的试验和分析

8.Research and Realization of Dielectric Loss Factor On-line Monitoring;介质损耗因数在线检测的研究与实现

9.Research on On-Line Monitoring of Dielectric Loss for Transformer Bushing变压器套管介质损耗在线监测的研究

10.Dielectricloss factor measurement based on correlation analysis基于相关分析法的介质损耗因素测量

11.High precision real-time on-line measurement method of dielectric loss angle高精度介质损耗角实时在线测量方法

12.The Design and Research of the Digital Device of Dielectric Loss Measurement Based on DSP;基于DSP的数字式介质损耗测量仪的研究与设计

13.The Research and Development on the Measuring of Dielectric Loss Meter Based on dsSPIC;基于dsPIC的数字式介质损耗测量仪的研究与开发

14.Design on Measuring System of Insulating Oil Dielectric Loss Based on DSP;基于DSP的绝缘油介质损耗测量系统设计

15.The Research and Development on the Measurement Technology of Dielectric Loss of Insulating Oil;绝缘油介质损耗检测技术的研究与开发

16.Research about Frequency Conversion Measuring System of Dielectric Loss Based on DSP;基于DSP的介质损耗变频测量系统的研究

17.Research about Frequency Conversion Measuring System of Dielectric Loss with DSP Controller;基于DSP控制器的介质损耗变频测量仪的研制

18.Research on On-Line Monitoring for Dielectric Loss of Capacitive Equipment;电容型设备介质损耗因数在线监测研究


dissipation factor test介质损耗角试验

3)dielectric loss measurement介质损耗测量

1.This article introduces a new instrument of automaticdielectric loss measurement,illuminates the principle of its system and the analysis method of the data.实验证明,该仪器具有测量准确度高、抗干扰能力强等特点,可以广泛地应用于电气设备介质损耗测量。

2.The effects of various harmonic components of power supply voltage on thedielectric loss measurement are analyzed in detail.通过理论分析和试验实测研究了电源中的各种谐波对西林(Schering)电桥以及数字介质损耗测量系统中各个环节的影响。

4)measuring apparatus of the medium losses介质损耗测量仪

5)Dielectric Loss Detection介质损耗检测

6)dielectric loss meter介质损耗测量计


介质损耗角正切试验(见电容率与损耗因数试验)介质损耗角正切试验(见电容率与损耗因数试验)dielectric loss tangent test)!eZh.sunhooJ一002匕engq一e sh一yon介质损耗角正切试验(dieleetri。1055 tangenttest)见电容率与损耗因数试验。
