900字范文 > 个人数字助理(PDA) personal digital assistant (PDA)英语短句 例句大全

个人数字助理(PDA) personal digital assistant (PDA)英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-28 09:50:15


个人数字助理(PDA) personal digital assistant (PDA)英语短句 例句大全

个人数字助理(PDA),personal digital assistant (PDA)

1)personal digital assistant (PDA)个人数字助理(PDA)


1.Design of Mobile Office Information System for Safety Management Based on PDA基于个人数字助理(PDA)的安全管理移动办公信息系统设计

2.personal digital assistant个人数字助理,[港]个人数码助理,[台]个人数字助理,个人信息机

3.PDA (personal digital assistant)个人数字助理,[港]个人数码助理,个人数字化处理器,[台]个人数字助理,个人信息机

4.Application of personal digital assistant in rehabilitation assessment个人数字助理技术在康复评定中的应用

5.A personal digital assistant, pen-based computer, or other handheld computer device.个人数字助理、手写输入计算机或其他手持式计算机设备。

6.Research and Realization of Digital Mapping System Based on PDA;基于PDA的数字化测图系统研究与实现

7.The Research of Digital Surveying and Mapping in Network Based on GPS and PDA基于GPS与PDA的网络数字测图系统研究

8.When my digital secretary wants references to local yellow pages and weather forecast, the service discovery1 must be aware of my geospatial location.当我的个人数字助理想参考本地黄页和天气预报,服务发现必须关心我的地理位置。

9.The Design and Implementation of PDA Forest Resource Data Latter Processing System;PDA小班数据后期处理系统的研建

10.GZCORS PDA based data collection and processing technology research基于GZCORS的PDA数据采集与处理技术研究

11.The Research and Application of PDA-Based Personal Navigation System;基于PDA的个人导航系统的研究与应用

12.The Design And Study Of Geology Engineer Personal Data Assistant地质工程师个人数据助理产品设计与研制

13.The process of shortening a number by deleting one or more digits in least-significant position ( s ).借助于删除一个或多个最低位上的数字使一个数字缩短的过程。

14.Design and Realization of Materiel Support Data Management System Based on PDA基于PDA的保障数据管理系统的设计与实现

15.Researches on PDA Application in Data Processing of Subgrade ConstructionPDA在路基施工检测数据处理中的应用研究

16.Research on Digital Mode and Personal Information Appliance Development;数字方式及个人数字产品开发之研究

17.US Economic Growth Figures Fail to Encourage Investors美国经济成长数字无助于激励投资人

18.Each worker contributed a dollar to the Red Cross.每个工人为红十字会捐助1美元。


PDA(Personal Digital Assistant)PDA(个人数字助理)

3)Personal Digital Assistant个人数字助理

1.Application ofPersonal Digital Assistant(PDA) in Optimizing Clinical Nursing;个人数字助理在优化临床护理工作流程中的应用

2.Application of personal digital assistant technology to plant management个人数字助理在设备管理中的应用

3.The application of satellite navigation technoalogy to PDA(personal digital assistant)is studied.对卫星导航技术在PDA(personal digital assistant,个人数字助理)上的应用作了研究。

4)PDA[英][,pi: di: "e?][美]["pi "di "e]个人数字助理

1.Study and Implementation of GPS onPDA;GPS定位技术在个人数字助理上实现技术的研究

2.PDA is led into the manufacturing shop to improve the communication function of numerical control machine tools and promote information of manufacturing.为了进一步提高数控机床数据通信功能,促进数控车间制造信息化,将蓬勃发展的个人数字助理(Personal DataAssistant,PDA)引入制造车间;采用Windows CE操作系统,借助Microsoft embedded Visual Basic3。

3.This paper systemically studies the design ofPDA(Personal Digital Assistant)-based public transportation system,and specifies functions and key techniques of every module.系统研究了以PDA(个人数字助理)为平台的公共交通系统的设计思路,详细阐述了各模块的功能和关键技术的实现方法。

5)personal digital assistant(PDA)个人数字助理

6)personal digital study assistant个人数字学习助理


