900字范文 > 双电源供电 double-power supply英语短句 例句大全

双电源供电 double-power supply英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-08 16:09:52


双电源供电 double-power supply英语短句 例句大全

双电源供电,double-power supply

1)double-power supply双电源供电

1.According to need of non-stop supplying,an intelligent optimized scheme ofdouble-power supply automatic switch system is proposed with microcontroller P89c591 as main chip by sampling and comparing in this system.双电源供电系统的自动切换是一个实时性和可靠性要求很高的控制系统。

2.In fact,there are many factor influence the accuracy of maximized demand such as demand error,setting demand,adjusting meter-reading date as well as load and co-operation ofdouble-power supply consumers.其实有许多因素将影响最大需量的准确性,如需量的误差、需量的设置、抄表例日的调整、双电源供电客户倒负荷或合环运行等;针对以上影响因素进行分析、探讨,为公平、公正、准确的计量最大需量提出了意见和建议,对做好电能计量管理及优质服务具有重要意义。


1.The Setting up of the Metering Device for Users of High-voltage Dual Power Supply高压双电源供电用户计量装置的设置

2.The Project to Improve the Technology of Dual Ecnomical Resouses Power Supply High Pressure Circuit input Counter Mutual Locked Machine;双电源供电高压进线柜机械互锁的改进方案

3.Dual power supply, backup generator, total power supply of32,000 KVA.高压双路供电,市电总供电量为32,000kVA。后备发电机,不间断电源系统。

4.equipment on yes-break supply有紧急电源供电的设备

5.Power supply: the power is supplied by North-China Power System, can offer the consumers10 KV power supply.供电:华北电网为园区供电,可为用户提供10KV电源。

6.extragalactic double radio sources and multiple radio sources河外射电双源和多重源

7.mains-operated electronic apparatus电网电源供电的电子设备

8.Study on the Electrified Railway Power Supply Voltage Rating;电气化铁路供电电源电压等级的研究

9.ESP pulsed power supply and its application电除尘器脉冲供电电源及其应用研究

10.Connect the Power Supply Cables连接电源供应器的电源线

11.Power supplies like to fail, so get a server with redundant power supplies.供电电源也爱坏掉,那就让一个服务器拥有多个供电电源。

12.Influence of Supply Mode of Collecting Electrode Resistance on Voltage-steadied Source;集电极电阻的供电方式对稳压电源的影响

13.A Design for the Single-Chip Microcomputers Power Supply Based on the Ultra-Low-Voltage Charge Pump基于超低电压充电泵的单片机供电电源设计

14.Two-way power supply lets you use either batteries or AC adaptor (sold separately).双程供电您使用电池或交流电配接器(另售).

15.Research on Induction Motor Direct Torque Control System Fed by Dual Three-level Converters;双三电平供电异步电机直接转矩控制系统研究

16.Resistance thermometer bridges may be excited from either a-c or d-c sources.电阻温度计电桥的供电可以是交流电源,也可以是直流电源。

17.Research on Measurement Technology of Bidirectional Electric Energy in Distributed Power Supply;分布式电源双向电能测量技术的研究

18.DFIG System Equipped Backup Source带有备用电源的双馈异步发电机系统


double power source mode双电源供电结构

3)double power supply system双电源供电系统

4)dual service双源(不同源)供电

5)power supply电源供电

6)power supply供电电源

1.Electrical design of thepower supply in the high speedne wsprint machine project;高速新闻纸机工程供电电源电气部分设计

2.Medical Equipment Power Supply Design;医用设备供电电源的设计

3.Selection of voltage ofpower supply for electrified railway line;铁路电气化供电电源电压等级的选择


城市供电电源 power source为城市各种用户提供电能的城市发电厂,或从区域性电力系统接受电能的电源变电站。(所)
