900字范文 > 分流制 separate system英语短句 例句大全

分流制 separate system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-17 07:35:14


分流制 separate system英语短句 例句大全

分流制,separate system

1)separate system分流制


1.Sewerage systems are either "separate"or "combined".排水系统有“分流制”和“合流制”。

2.On Improvement Plan from Combined System to Separate System in Shanghai Hanyang Sewerage System上海汉阳排水系统合流制向分流制改造方案

3.Analysis and Control of the Loop Closing Current Based on Power Flow Calculation in Distribution Network;基于配网潮流的合环电流分析与控制

4.Guidance and Control of Traffic Flow Based on Data Packet Flow基于分组流的交通流诱导与控制研究

5.Power Flow Control Capability Analysis of UPFC统一潮流控制器的潮流调节性能分析

6.Convection can be of two types: natural convection and forced convection.对流可分为两类,即自然对流和强制对流。

7.flow dividing valve分流阀(单一液流按一定比例自动分成两个支流的流量控制阀)

8.The Control of State Assets Loss and Financial Risk in Restructuring and Reposition of Redundant Personnel;改制分流中国有资产流失及财务风险控制

9.Research on traffic control schema based on property of video traffic基于视频流量特性分析的流量控制机制研究

10.Separate Control of Work in Process in Process Industry;流程工业在制品库存的分段控制方法

11.Analysis on the grain circulation system reform from the view of economics of institution;粮食流通制度改革的制度经济学分析

12.Research of Hull Block Building Sequence Based on DAP;基于DAP分析的船舶分段制造流程优化

13.A Research on the Role of Trade Unions in the Separation of Sideline from Mainline, in the Reform of Property Right of SOEs, and in the Reposition of Redundant Personnel;主辅分离改制分流中工会作用的研究

14.Principle of Vortex Separation and Development of the Belt Type Separator涡流分选原理及皮带式分选机的研制

15.Analyse of a Remanufacturing System Based on CONWIP Control基于CONWIP控制的分流再制造生产系统分析

16.The sale system has two kinds: trusting sale and second sale.出版流通机制分委托供销制和二次销售制两种。

17.Research on Network Traffic Modeling, Analysis and Web Traffic Control;网络业务流的建模分析及Web业务流控制研究

18.Experimental and Numerical Investigation on the Heat Difference Control Using Jet Flow Method;射流整流法控制热偏差的理论分析与试验研究


split-flow rolling分流轧制

1.Discussion on and practice ofsplit-flow rolling technology for hot-rolled ribbed bar;热轧带肋钢筋分流轧制技术研究与实践


4)diffluent mechanism分流机制

1.A new genetic algorithm based ondiffluent mechanism is put forward.提出一种基于分流机制的新型遗传算法 ,该方法采用优种限量繁殖、达标种交叉和劣种变异的策略 ,且交叉和变异概率根据进化质量自适应地调整。

2.Diffluent mechanism genetic algorithm has changed the traditional structure of gen.提出了一种基于分流机制的新型遗传算法。

5)Flow division control分流控制

6)restructuring and reposition of redundant personnel改制分流

1.The enterpriserestructuring and reposition of redundant personnel is very complicated, this reform implies a series of issues such as assets disposal, change of ownership, disposal of financial claims and debts, as well as the arrangement of labor relationship.改制分流是一项十分复杂的改革,涉及资产处置、产权变更、债权债务的处理、劳动关系调整等问题,政策性强,操作难度大,需要深入研究,精心设计,精心组织,精心实施。


分流制分流制 separate system【概念】用不同管渠分别收集和输送城市污水和雨水的排水方式。
