900字范文 > 距离误差 distance error英语短句 例句大全

距离误差 distance error英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-17 10:50:01


距离误差 distance error英语短句 例句大全

距离误差,distance error

1)distance error距离误差

1.New manipulator calibration method based on screw theory anddistance error;基于旋量理论及距离误差的机械臂标定新方法

2.In order to improve the precision while the new system correctsdistance error,a new method was proposed by error analysis and emulation computation.为了有效提高新系统在校正距离误差时的精度,通过误差分析、仿真计算,提出了舰炮校正距离误差的新方法。

3.Constraint equations were constructed by usingdistance error model,and the actual geometric parameters of the robot were solved,and then these parameters were used in the modified kinematics model.利用距离误差模型构造出机器人本体的约束方程,并求解出机器人的实际几何参数,进而将该参数应用于修正系统的运动学模型。


1.Study on Robot s Absolute Accuracy Calibration Based on Distance Error Model;基于距离误差模型的机器人绝对精度标定研究

2.Measuring Transport Distance Errors in Customer Cluster for Facility Location;设施选址中客户汇集引起的运输距离误差

3.The Least Distance of Vectors Color Error Diffusion Method Used in Given Colors System适用于已给定颜色处理的彩色矢量最小距离误差扩散算法


5.This last error depends on the wire spacing and diameter.后者引起的误差取决于导线的距离和直径。

6.Distance-weighted Quadric Error Metric Simplification Algorithm Based on Triangle Collapse;基于距离加权的二次误差测度的网格简化算法

7.If a bay is inclined to the general line of the base at an angle of 10 mm in 24m, the error will be 0.1 ppm.如果一个尺段偏离基线总方向的角度相应于24米距离上的10毫米,则误差为0.1×10-6。

8.The difference in longitude between two positions as a result of movement to the east.东距两地间经度差,指向东移动的距离

9.Usually the rake body makes the static readings high, and by shortening the tipstatic-orifice distance the error can be eliminated.一般排管架使静压读数偏高,缩小管端静压孔的距离可以消除这个误差。

10.For spaceborne SAR system with large squint angle, the main error source of classical range| Doppler algorithm is analyzed which causes the loss in image quality.分析了当天线斜视角增大时,导致传统距离-普勒成像算法性能下降的主要误差来源。

11.Some of the observer errors associated with timing over a measured length may be overcome by the use of the enoscope.观测员在测定车辆通过已知距离的时间中所发生的误差,可利用一种人形视车镜加以消除。

12.For spaceborne SAR system with large squint angle, the main error source of classical range-Doppler algorithm is analyzed which causes the loss in image quality.分析了当天线斜视角增大时,导致传统距离-多普勒成像算法性能下降的主要误差来源。

13.Some Misunderstandings on the Research into the Gap between the Rich and the Poor in ChinaDifferentiating Three Misunderstanding in Researching the Gap between povertyand richness;我国贫富差距研究中的三个误区辨析

14.Measurement and Error Analysis of Overhead Line Arc Sag with Large Pole Span大档距架空线弧垂测量及其误差分析

15.Study on Pitch Error Compensation of SINUMERIK 810D/840D CNC SystemSINUMERIK810D/840D数控系统螺距误差补偿技术研究

16.Judging and Repairing about thread gauges close distance error螺纹量规紧密距值误差的判断与修复

17.Exact Calculation of the Bit Error Rate for Maximum-Distance-Separable (MDS) Codes最大距离分割码误比特率的精确计算

18.The application of error separation techniqu in axis turing error measurement误差分离技术在主轴回转误差检测中的应用


error distance误差距离

1.Based on the existing study of incoherent dual point-source counteracting anti-radar missile (ARM),the attacking process of ARM was researched through analyzing the homing and moving theory of ARM,and theerror distance of ARM disturbed by dual point-source was probed into.结合现有非相干两点源抗反辐射导弹模型的研究成果,通过分析反辐射导弹的导引和运动机理,进一步细化了反辐射导弹的攻击过程,在此基础上对两点源干扰下的反辐射导弹误差距离进行了探讨。

2.And then theerror distance of ARM disturbed by dual point-source was probed into.基于导弹运行轨迹,分别建立了导弹沿中垂线入射和以一定角度入射的动态跟踪模型,在此基础上对两点源干扰下的反辐射导弹误差距离进行了探讨。

3)Range error extraction距离误差提取

1.Two methods of range error extraction which both use split gate are discussed,and the range error is separately extracted in video frequency or in intermediate frequency.阐述了2种距离误差提取方法,2种方法均采用前后波门,分别在视频和中频完成距离误差提取,通过详细的理论推导对这2种方法的误差提取电路的特性进行分析,得到距离误差曲线。

4)distance error evaluation距离误差分析

5)motion through resolution cell error距离走动误差

1.The recently proposed super resolution radar imaging algorithms, which are based on the 2-D sinusoid signalmodel,often suffer from themotion through resolution cell error(MTRC) and failed completely.现有的雷达成像超分辨算法是基于目标回波信号的二维正弦信号模型,所以模型误差,特别是距离走动误差,将使算法性能严重下降或失效、为此,本文采用距离走动误差下的一阶近似雷达成像二维信号模型,提出了一种基于非线性最小二乘准则的参数化超分辨算法在算法中,距离走动误差补偿与目标参量估计联合进行文中同时给出了算法估计性能的Cramer-Rao界及仿真结

6)Tropospheric range error对流层距离误差


60钴远距离治疗60钴远距离治疗利用60钴所产生的高能γ射线作远距离治 疗。60钴还可进行腔内或组织间治疗。见"X线治疗"。
