900字范文 > 校园设计 Campus Design英语短句 例句大全

校园设计 Campus Design英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-28 16:06:42


校园设计 Campus Design英语短句 例句大全

校园设计,Campus Design

1)Campus Design校园设计

1.This paper proposes that, based on the humanity connotatious of a university, the bonds between traditional university culture and local architectural culture should be respected and continued while diversified demands and various levels of desires from students and staff should be embodied in the campus design.本文提出基于大学的人文内涵,校园设计应表达对大学传统文化精神和地方建筑文脉关系的尊重和延续,应体现对师生不同层面意愿和多样需求的包容和关照。

2.This paper gives a brief account to the concept, significanceand content in campus design as well as introduces the author s exploration inthis field.校园设计是以满足校园师生生理、心理需求为立足点,以创造高质量的校园生活环境为目的,对校园环境全面的整体性设计。


1.Garden Style University Campus Design--No. 3 Branch of Southern Part of Suzhou International Education Campus景园式大学校园设计——苏州国际教育园南区三校

2.Personalization campus design - Campus Planning Design of New School Area of WHUT个性化校园设计——武汉理工大学新校区校园规划

3.The Design Principle and Design Tactics Research of the Campus Space;校园空间的设计原则和设计手法研究

4.The Application Study on Campus Landscape of Campus Culture Art;校园文化艺术在校园景观设计中的应用研究

5.The Research on the University s Architecture Renewal under the Influence of Campus Cultuer;校园文化影响下大学校园更新的建筑设计研究

6.Research on Environment-Integration Design of Campus-Streets" Exterior Space in High School高校校园“园中街”外部空间环境整合设计研究

7.Discussion on Humanities Function and Design Eidos of University Garden论高校校园园林的人文功能及其设计理念

8.Design and Study on Security and Safeguard System of Campus;高校校园综合安防系统的设计与研究

9.On Outdoor Intercourse Place Design of Campus;高等学校校园室外交往场所设计研究

10.Design of College Campus Networks and Network Flow Management;高校校园网络的设计与网络流量管理

11.The Design and Plan of the Campus Network System Digitization;高校数字化校园网络系统设计与规划

12.The Design & Educational Application of Informationization Campus Network in Colleges;高校信息化校园网络设计及教育应用

13.The Study on Campus Landscape Design in Northeast of China;东北地区高校校园绿地景观设计研究

14.Principles for University Campus Layout;高校校园规划设计应遵循的几个原则

15.The Design and Management of The VLAN in The University Campus Network;高校校园网中VLAN的设计和管理

16.Design and Implementation of Campus Network for Higher Vocational and Technical College高等职业技术院校校园网设计与实现

17.The Discussion on the Campus Card System Design关于高校校园一卡通系统设计的探讨

18.The Design and Implementation of Security Firewall in the Campus Network高校校园网安全防火墙的设计与实现


school network designing校园网设计

3)campus building design校园建筑设计

4)Campus sight design校园景观设计

5)campus design strategy校园设计策略

6)campus desig n大学校园设计


1350mm双流板坯连铸机(重庆钢铁设计研究院设计)1350mm双流板坯连铸机(重庆钢铁设计研究院设计)叠 135Omm双流板坯连铸机(重庆钢铁设计研究院设计)
