900字范文 > 振动法 vibration method英语短句 例句大全

振动法 vibration method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-23 10:41:23


振动法 vibration method英语短句 例句大全

振动法,vibration method

1)vibration method振动法

1.Application of static pressure method andvibration method in cement stabilized macadam s proportion optimization design;振动法与静压法在优化水泥稳定碎石混合料配合比中的应用

2.The linear density and unevenness of PET spun staple fiber were measured byvibration method.通过振动法与烘箱法对比测试,证明振动法测试 涤纶原丝线密度满足准确性要求;对振动法测试的线密度不匀率与通常测试的断面不匀率数据相关性检验, 可证明其表征线密度不匀率的有效性。

3.This paper analyses co2 compressor faults in a chemical works byvibration method and diagnoses the cause of the faults according to the vibration properties.利用振动法对某化肥厂CO2压缩机的故障进行了分析研究。


1.The Identification of Flutter Derivatives for Long-span Bridges Applying the Forced Vibration Method;大跨桥梁颤振导数识别的强迫振动法研究

2.Experimental Investigation of Vortex-Induced Vibration Suppression of Marine Riser海洋立管涡激振动抑振方法试验研究

3.Study of Vibration and Noise Reduction by Minimizing Vibration Velocity for Plate Based on FEM/BEMFEM/BEM法振动板减振降噪优化设计

4.eutectic vibration brazing共晶合金振动钎焊法

5.Measurement evaluation and limits of the vibration severity of rotating electrical machinery--Limits of the mechanical vibration severityGB10068.2-1988旋转电机振动测定方法及限值振动限值

6.testing methods for dynamic mechanical properties of plastics by non-resonsnt, forced, fixed frequency oscillation非共振、固定振动下塑料温度比运动粘度测定法

7.Measurement and Control for Vibration of New Type of Variable-frequency Precisely Cropping Method新型变频振动精密下料方法的振动测控研究

8.The Vibration Mode and Vibration Spectrum Study of Aceto Nitrile Molecule by the Use of Group Theory乙腈分子振动模式和振动光谱的群论方法研究

9.This paper analyze the cause of vibration, and introduce some methods and measures of structural vibration control.分析引起这类杆件振动的原因,介绍一些抑制风致振动的结构振动控制方法及相应的控振措施。

10.Testing Analysis of the TaiYangSheng Pumping Station Pipeline Vibration and the Research on the Vibration Mitigation;太阳升泵站管系振动检测分析及减振方法研究

11.The Studies on Structural Vibration Monitoring System and Mode Shapes Testing Method;结构振动监测系统及振型测试方法研究

12.Study on Subway-induced Environmental Vibration and Isolation Method of Building from It;地铁运行所致环境振动与建筑物隔振方法研究

13.Study on vibration mechanism of pulse tube cryocooler and vibration-reduction methods脉管制冷机振动的形成机理及减振方法研究

14.Research on eliminating self-excited oscillation for vibration acceleration sensors振动加速度传感器的自激振荡消除方法研究

15.Method to Predict the Blade Vibration Stress Induced by Wake Influence尾流激振情况下叶片振动应力预估方法

16.Vortex-induced Vibration Reduction of Steel Free-stangding Tower Using Tuned Liquid Damper钢桥塔裸塔状态涡激振动的TLD减振方法研究

17.Study on Active Vibration Control of Piezoelectric Intelligent Structure;压电智能结构振动主动控制方法研究

18.Strategy Research of Vibration Control on Vehicle Active Suspension System汽车主动悬架系统振动控制方法研究


vibrating method振动法

1.FEM and experiment research on effective stress of prestressed concrete beam byvibrating method;基于振动法检测预应力混凝土梁有效应力的实验研究及有限元分析

2.This method for determinating the critical load is called thevibrating method.从而,可根据轴向受压构件一阶固有频率值推算出其稳定临界力,这种测试稳定临界力的方法称振动法。

3)perturbation method振动法

4)Viberation solution振动解法

5)physical vibration therapeutics振动疗法

1.Objective To explore the effects ofphysical vibration therapeutics for hypostatic pneumonia in elderly patients with hip fracture.目的探讨物理振动疗法对老年髋部骨折患者坠积性肺炎的预防作用。

6)mining vibration method采矿振动法

1.Practice proves that,themining vibration method is fast and precise contrast with traditiona 1 methods of measuring absciss layer.分析了巷道顶板离层的机理,指出了传统测量离层方法的弊端,论述了采矿振动法测量离层的原理,提出了采矿振动法测量离层的方法。


