900字范文 > 民间应用 folk use英语短句 例句大全

民间应用 folk use英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-22 07:32:43


民间应用 folk use英语短句 例句大全

民间应用,folk use

1)folk use民间应用

1.According to the existence information of Panaxja ponicus,its characteristic,distribution,name research,folk use,chemical composition,biological activity,cultivation and management are summed by us.笔者查证了我国近30年的研究资料,就竹节参的形态、分布、名称考证、民间应用、化学成分、生物活性、栽培及管理等进行综述,为其药用资源的开发和可持续利用提供参考;同时对产业化发展急需解决的问题做深入阐述。

2)Yao-nationality civil medicine瑶族民间应用

3)traditional popular prescription民间用法

4)folk credit民间信用

1.In an informal social structure dominated by the informal institutions, the particularistic trust is the basis offolk credit.在非正式制度为主导的农村非正式社会结构中,基于特殊信任主义的民间信用,其博弈主体由于交易域和社会交换域的关联博弈和基于声誉的私人契约执行机制,使得民间信用契约具有自我执行的内在机制。


1.Professional Association: The New Choice for Civilian Credit in China;行业协会:中国农村民间信用研究的新视角

2.A Study on Effectiveness of Civilian Credit in Anti-poverty in China Rural Area;中国农村民间信用缓解贫困的有效性分析

3.The Evolution and Lifecycle of Chinese Folk Credit under the Informal Social Framework;非正式社会结构下民间信用演进与生命周期

4.Simulation, disorder Control and Gradual Reform of Interpersonal Trust;民间信用的演化模拟、失序控制与渐进式变革

5.An Analysis on the Logic of Forming Mechanism and the Establishment of Regulating Principles of the Nongovernmental Credit;民间信用生成逻辑的解析及疏导原则的确立

6.State Domination and Local Rent Inspiration; Analysis on Inner Motive Factors of the Expansion of Informal Finance;国家主导与地方租金激励:民间信用扩张的内在动力要素分析

7.Cost - benefit Analysis of Institutional Changes of Nongovernmental Credit System -;双重准则规制下民间信用制度变迁的成本—收益分析

8.Underground Economy and Regulation Efficiency: A Case Study of Informal Finance;“地下经济”与管制效率:民间信用合法性问题实证研究

9.The Commercial Credit among the People in Ming Dynasty-And the consumption credit;明代民间商业信用——兼及消费信用

10."Finance Goes to the Countryside": Construction of Credit between the State and Farmers;“金融下乡”:构建国家与农民间的信用

11.A Review of the Researches on the Function of Folk Faith in Recent 10 Years近十年来民间信仰功用问题研究述评

12.Research on the Relationship between Beijing Rural Credit Cooperative and the Civilian Investement of Beijing Suburb;北京农村信用社与京郊民间投资问题研究

13.The Implications of the Rural Credit Cooperatives Conversion for the Informal Financial Development;农村信用社的变异对民间金融发展的启示

14.The analysis of the Value and Effect about the Chinese Traditional folk Belief in modern society;试论民间信仰在现代社会中的价值与作用

15.Sampling and Analyzing The Special Information of Music;音乐特种信息的提取与分析——民族民间音乐的律学分析和应用

16.An Empirical Analysis of the Default Risk of the Informal Lending民间借贷信用风险的实证研究及其与商业信贷、FICO的比较

17.Folk Beliefs and Civil Society in Modern Suiyuan Areas近代绥远地区的民间信仰与民间社会

18.On the Effect of Folk Belief upon Chinese Folk Literature试论民间信仰对我国民间文学之影响


Yao-nationality civil medicine瑶族民间应用

3)traditional popular prescription民间用法

4)folk credit民间信用

1.In an informal social structure dominated by the informal institutions, the particularistic trust is the basis offolk credit.在非正式制度为主导的农村非正式社会结构中,基于特殊信任主义的民间信用,其博弈主体由于交易域和社会交换域的关联博弈和基于声誉的私人契约执行机制,使得民间信用契约具有自我执行的内在机制。

5)folk terms民间用语

6)civil time民用时间


