900字范文 > 可再生能源供热制冷技术 renewable energy for heating and cooling英语短句 例句大全

可再生能源供热制冷技术 renewable energy for heating and cooling英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-11 18:49:48


可再生能源供热制冷技术 renewable energy for heating and cooling英语短句 例句大全

可再生能源供热制冷技术,renewable energy for heating and cooling

1)renewable energy for heating and cooling可再生能源供热制冷技术


1.Study on the Utilization of Renewable Energy for Heating and Cooling in Buildings可再生能源供热制冷技术在建筑中的应用

2.Geothermal and other types of renewable energy sources will be exploited in the surrounding areas, to supply heating and cooling service to the Olympic Green with application of water heat pump technology and other new technologies.利用奥林匹克公园周围地热资源或其它可再生能源、水源热泵技术,满足运动员村供热制冷需要。

3.Wind, solar, geothermal and other new and renewable energy resources will be developed actively, and energy conservation and comprehensive utilization technology will be promoted.积极发展风能、太阳能、地热等新能源和可再生能源,推广能源节约和综合利用技术。

bination of regenerated energy utilization and building energy saving;可再生能源利用与建筑节能融合技术

5.Proposal for the Technology Improvement Component - Renewable Energy可再生能源-技术进步项目建议书

6.Government Funded Renewable Energy Innovation in China;中国政府资助的可再生能源技术创新

7.Study tour for renewable energy to Holland and its Inspirations;荷兰可再生能源技术的考察及其启示


9.Intergovernmental Technical Meeting on New and Renewable Sources of Energy新能源和可再生能源问题政府间技术会议

10.A Pneumatic-Thermal Expansion Type Cycling Method for Solar Cooling & Heating and Power Generating可使用太阳能制冷(热)和发电的热力循环技术——气压-热力膨胀式循环

11.Preliminary analysis of the mechanism of renewable energy resources technologies popularization and application in Great Mekong Sub-Region浅析大湄公河次区域可再生能源技术推广应用机制

12.Renewable Energy in Global and China Energy Supply;全球及我国能源供应中的可再生能源

13.Energy Conservation Reconstruction Technical Analysis of An Existing Building Using Renewable Energy既有建筑采用可再生能源节能改造技术分析

14.Indirect evaporative cooling technology:high-performance application of renewable dry air energy in northwest China间接蒸发冷却技术——中国西北地区可再生干空气资源的高效应用


16.Solid adsorption refrigeration is an energy-saving and environmentally-friendly cooling technology which can make good use of waste heat and solar energy, and use crude substance as refrigerant.固体吸附式制冷是一种可直接利用热能作为驱动力和使用天然制冷剂的制冷技术。

17.Disussion on introducing rent method in the development of renewable energy technology;对可再生能源技术推广中引用租赁方法的探讨

18.Promotion of the Development of Renewable Energy in Shanxi Depending on Technological Innovation依托技术创新 促进山西可再生能源发展


renewable energy technology可再生能源技术

1.The theory of hybrid application ofrenewable energy technology is introduced in this paper,where three ways of hybrid application are drastically focused on: the hybrid application of solar energy and natural wind,earth energy an.可再生能源技术是实现绿色建筑的可靠保障之一。

3)Renewable energy heat pump可再生能源热泵

4)cold regeneration technique冷再生技术

1.Setting one national highway as example,it introduces the design process and the decision of parameter of foam asphalt cold regeneration base, puts forward the construction points and the program should pay attention to,and points out that thecold regeneration technique can save the resources and decrease the projects costs,value to prompt and apply.以某国道为例,对泡沫沥青冷再生柔性基层的设计过程和各参数的确定进行了介绍,并提出了施工要点和注意事项,指出泡沫沥青冷再生技术可节约资源、降低工程造价,值得广泛推广应用。

2.This paper illustrates the basic principle ofcold regeneration technique and introduces the application ofcold regeneration technique in super road.通过试验,分析冷再生料的物理特性及施工中的材料级配问题,阐述冷再生技术的基本原理,介绍冷再生技术在高等级公路中的应用。

3.By the application ofcold regeneration technique for cast-in-situ bituminous pavement,the paper introduced the construction procedure and quality control of cold regeneration,and discussed its significance and prospects.通过沥青混合料冷再生技术在秦皇岛市大修工程中的应用,介绍就地冷再生技术的施工工序及现场质量控制要点,阐述了沥青冷再生技术的意义及冷再生混合料应用前景。

5)cold regeneration technology冷再生技术

1.On thecold regeneration technology application of city road;城市道路冷再生技术应用浅谈

2.On application ofcold regeneration technology in reconstruction of Yuncheng-Fenglingdu expressway冷再生技术在运风高速公路改造工程中的应用

6)cold recycling technology冷再生技术

1.The exploration and application of thecold recycling technology in the highway maintenance engineering冷再生技术在公路养护工程中的探索与应用

2.Cold recycling technology was applied in the improvement works of National Trunk Highway 202 with a total length of 46 km (77.国道202线大修改造工程中应用了冷再生技术,取得良好的效果。

3.Taking the old road modification of Dingdong Road in Lingxian Shandong province as an example, this paper presents the characteristics ofcold recycling technology utilizing cement as external additive and the promotion prospect of Degong WB525 road cold recycling machine.以山东省陵县丁东路旧路改造为例,介绍了以水泥为外加剂的沥青面层冷再生技术的原理特点以及德工WB525型国产路面冷再生机的推广前景。


