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粗纤维 crude fiber英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-09 11:01:08


粗纤维 crude fiber英语短句 例句大全

粗纤维,crude fiber

1)crude fiber粗纤维

1.Determination ofcrude fiber in peanut residues with acidic detergent;酸性洗涤剂法测定花生渣中的粗纤维

2.Determination of protein,crude fiber,reducing sugar,totalsugar in ligularia fischeri and its stem on Changbai moutain;长白山区蹄叶橐吾及其嫩茎中蛋白质、粗纤维、还原糖、总糖的分析

3.Study oncrude fiber extracted from Laminaria japonica;海带中粗纤维的提取工艺研究


1.Nutritional Characteristics of Crude Fat,Crude Protein and Crude Fiber in the Fruits of Koelreuteria Paniculata laxm栾树果实中粗脂肪、粗蛋白和粗纤维的营养特性

2.The application of plant ash led to increase the crude ash and fibre.施草木灰使蕨菜粗灰分和粗纤维含量升高。

3.Investigation on proper dietary crude fiber and crude protein levels in meat geese肉用仔鹅饲粮适宜粗纤维和粗蛋白水平的研究

4.Method for determination of crude fiber in fruit and vegetableGB/T10469-1989水果、蔬菜粗纤维的测定方法

5.cordage of coir, not pulled or garneted椰壳粗纤维绳,未拉伸或扯松

6.Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for determination of crude fibreGB/T5515-1985粮食、油料检验粗纤维素测定法

7.On Optimized Proportioning of Cellulase Preparations and Crude Fiber in Ration for Feed/Gain Ratio of Growing Gooses纤维酶制剂和日粮粗纤维对生长鹅料重比的配比优化研究

8.Study on Optimum Dietary Crude Fiber and Crude Protein Levels for Meat Geese Aged from 0 to 35 Days0~35日龄肉用仔鹅日粮适宜粗纤维和粗蛋白水平的研究

9.Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy Analytic Models Established for the Crude Protein and Crude Fiber of Alfalfa Property紫花苜蓿粗蛋白和粗纤维近红外分析模型的建立

10.Optimization of Culture Medium for Fibre Degradation of Brewers’Grains by Neurospora crass Using Response Surface Methodology响应面法优化粗壮脉纹孢菌降解啤酒糟粗纤维的培养基

11.high denier fibre粗纤度纤维,粗旦纤维,高旦纤维

12.a coarse cloth resembling sacking.类似于帆布的粗糙纤维。

13.a fabric with long coarse nap.有长的粗糙细毛的纤维。

14.coarse fabric used for bags or sacks.用来制作袋子或麻布袋的粗糙纤维。

15.a rough fabric of linen warp and wool or cotton woof.亚麻和羊毛或棉布制成的粗硬的纤维。

16.a stiff coarse fabric used to stiffen hats or clothing.使衣服或帽子变硬的硬的粗糙的纤维。

17.a coarse durable twill-weave cotton fabric.一种粗糙耐用的斜纹棉布纤维。

18.a coarse twilled cotton fabric used for uniforms.用于制服的粗糙的斜纹的棉布纤维。


crude fibre粗纤维

1.The experimental study on the influence regularity of extruding-expanding oncrude fibre content of corn straw;挤压膨化对玉米秸秆中粗纤维含量的影响

2.Study on supplementation ofcrude fibre and enzyme preparation for goslings;雏鹅日粮粗纤维和酶制剂添加量的研究

3.The comparison of estimates forcrude fibre, neutral detergent fibre and acid detergent fibrein the prediction of digestible energy values of pig diets;用中性、酸性洗涤纤维及粗纤维预测猪饲粮消化能值的比较


1.Effects of theCF,calcium and phosphorus digesting rate in diets in goose of alfalf powder content;苜蓿粉含量对鹅日粮粗纤维和钙磷消化率的影响

2.About forage quality,0∶10∶0 could increase CP and EE yields of whole plant,but that also increasedCF yields,which led to lowly digestive rate and quality.对饲用品质而言,0∶10∶0处理能够提高全株粗蛋白和粗脂肪产量,但同时增加了粗纤维产量,导致饲料的消化率降低,饲用品质下降;0∶5∶5处理可提高全株粗蛋白和粗脂肪产量,但同时又降低了粗纤维产量,进而提高了全株饲用价值。

3.There have four groups, every group had 10 rex rabbits, in the first compartment fed diets with 7%,9%,12%and 14%CF respectively to research the effect of different content ofCF in diet on diarrhea frequency, performance, digestibility, pH of gastrointestinal tract, caecal VFA and physiological and biochemical parameters in blood .本试验选用30日龄断乳獭兔140只进行试验,试验分为两个试验部分:第一部分分为4个组,每组10只,分别饲以4个不同粗纤维水平(7%、9%、12%、14%)的日粮,以观测不同纤维水平对家兔腹泻的发生、生产性能、消化率、肠道pH、盲肠VFA以及血液生理生化指标的影响;第二部分分为10个组(以第一部分的7%组为对照组)每组10只,饲喂的日粮是在7%组日粮的基础上,各组依次给以0。

4)coarse fibre粗纤维

1.93%, and thecoarse fibre 7.93%,粗纤维含量为7。

5)coarse fiber粗纤维

1.At present, thecoarse fiber in soybean and agricultural food products is determined by the standard method commonly used in home and abroad.测定黄大豆及农产制品中粗纤维,目前采用国内国外通用的标准方法费时费力,而且操作繁琐,难以控制。

6)coarse denier fiber粗旦纤维


