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提取条件 extraction condition英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-07 04:45:26


提取条件 extraction condition英语短句 例句大全

提取条件,extraction condition

1)extraction condition提取条件

1.Study on the optimumextraction condition of the fat-soluble pigment from tagetes patula L.;孔雀草中脂溶性色素最佳提取条件的研究

2.To optimize theextraction condition for the polysaccharides from Coriolus versicolor mycelium, the single factor tests and response surface methodology (RSM) were applied.为了探索云芝菌丝体多糖水浸提的最佳条件,在单因子实验的基础上,采用合理的实验设计方案,应用响应面法(RSM)优化云芝多糖的提取条件。

3.The suitable levels of ethanol concentration,extraction temperature,extraction time and ratio of material to solvent were determined using one-factor experiment,and orthogonal design was used to optimize theextraction condition.结果表明,最佳提取条件为乙醇浓度(V/V)90%、料液比20/1、温度55℃、时间1 h。


1.Study on Extraction Conditions of Tremella Fuciformis Polysaccharide and Viscosity Characteristics of Its Extract;银耳多糖提取条件及提取液黏度特性的研究

2.The Influence of General Flavone Extraction Yield in Balsampear Leaf under Extraction Condition提取条件对苦瓜叶中总黄酮提取率的影响

3.Self-reference Memory Under Different Retrieval Conditions;不同记忆提取条件下的自我参照效应

4.Optimization of Extracting Condition of Flavonoids from Rhizoma of Drynaria Rhizoma Drynariae;槲蕨根茎黄酮类物质提取条件的优化

5.Extraction of Genomic DNA from Actinidia Deliciosa;美味猕猴桃基因组DNA的提取条件优化

6.A Study of the Optimum Extracting Conditions of Flavonids from Siraitia grosvenorii;罗汉果中黄酮的最佳提取条件的研究

7.Optimization of Extraction Conditions of Flavonoids from Longan Leaves龙眼叶中黄酮类物质提取条件的优化

8.Optimization of Extraction Conditions for Superoxide Dismutase from Martianus dermestoides洋虫超氧化物歧化酶的最佳提取条件

9.Optimization of Extraction Technology of Radix stemonae Polysaccharides by Response Surface Methodology响应面法优化百部多糖提取条件研究

10.Study on Extraction Conditions of Water Soluble Polysaccharide from Citrus Skin芦柑皮中水溶性多糖提取条件的研究

11.Investigation into Mechanism and Conditions of Ultrasonic Extracting Gingko Leaves银杏叶超声萃取机制及提取条件的研究

12.To investigate the best condition of the Rhizoma Smilax China extraction.探讨金刚藤皂苷提取的最佳条件。

13.Optimum conditions of extraction process of Dioscorea cirrhosa by uniform-design均匀设计法优选薯莨的提取工艺条件

14.The Best Pick of Operating Conditions of Extracting Rutin of Supersonic Method超声法提取芦丁操作条件的最佳选择

15.Optimizing the Extracting Conditions of SDF from Wheat Bran with Compound Enzyme Hydrolysis复合酶法提取麦麸SDF优化工艺条件

16.Study on extraction conditions of isoflavone in soybean germination发芽大豆异黄酮提取工艺条件的研究

17.Study on Microwave Extraction of Polysaccharide from Mulberry Leaves微波法提取桑叶多糖的工艺条件研究

18.The Research on Pectin Extraction from Wet Apple Pomace湿苹果渣中提取果胶工艺条件的研究


Extraction conditions提取条件

1.Extraction Conditions Study of Tea Polysaccharides in Xinyang MaoJian;信阳毛尖茶多糖提取条件的研究

2.Optimizing extraction conditions for sulfated polysaccharides from Hizikia fusiforme;羊栖菜硫酸多糖的提取工艺与最佳提取条件

3.The appropriate extraction conditions of polyphenols and condensed tannins from branchlets of Casuarina glauca were discussed in this paper.探讨了对粗枝木麻黄(Casuarinaglauca)小枝多酚(Polyphenols)和缩合单宁(Condensedtannins)的适合提取条件。

3)extracting condition提取条件

1.Study on theextracting condition and deproteinization of laminaria japonica aresch polysaccharide;海带多糖提取条件的优化和脱蛋白研究

2.Study of theextracting conditions of Flavonoids from Rose Laevigata;金樱子黄酮类化合物提取条件研究

3.Onextracting conditions and distribution of rice prolamine;水稻醇溶蛋白提取条件和总含量分布


1.Study on theExtraction Conditions of Pigment From Sansevieria trifasciata Prain;虎皮兰色素提取条件的研究

2.Study the effects of temperature, time and ratio of tea to water on extracted rate, and determine the content of tea polysaccharide (TPS)and the content of protein in the tea extraction.采用单因素分析优化茶多糖(TSP)提取参数,正交设计确定最佳提取条件,研究浸提温度、浸提时间、料液比对TSP得率、茶多糖含量及蛋白质含量的影响。

3.The monascus pigments were extracted from the red yeast taking alcohol as the solvent,and the effect of extracting conditions for the extraction rate was investigated, and the pigment structure was characterized by FTIR and UV.探讨了提取条件对提取率的影响,并用FTIR和UV对色素结构进行了表征。

5)extract condition提取条件

1.The effect ofextract condition on extract ratio and restraining bacteria was tested, using Sinocalamus latiflorus as material.以麻竹叶为材料,以干燥方法、溶剂浓度等为试验因素,用正交试验方法,选取了较优处理组合,进行了提取条件对提取率和提取物抑菌影响的试验。

2.OBJECTIVE To optimized theextract condition of flavonoids from Ficus pandurata root.目的探讨琴叶榕根中以芦丁为标准的总黄酮含量的最佳提取条件。

3.The rice bran extraction was obtained by physical method and biologic method,and theextract conditions that influence the extract rate were studied.利用物理方法和生物技术方法相结合的方法获得米糠营养提取物,探讨了提取条件对米糠营养提取物提取率的影响。

6)extracting conditions提取条件

1.In order to study the change of the flavonoids content between fresh tea and tea products, at first,extracting conditions as ethanol concentration, extracting temperature, extracting time, pH value ect are studied for the optimumextracting conditions.为探讨茶叶鲜叶与成茶中总黄酮含量的变化,首先对提取条件:乙醇浓度、提取温度、提取时间、pH值等进行研究,以确定最佳提取条件。


煤炭提取残余物-轻组分烷烃油-酸性提取物与异丙烯的F-C的反应产物CAS:98072-40-3中文名称:煤炭提取残余物-轻组分烷烃油-酸性提取物与异丙烯的F-C的反应产物英文名称:Extract residues (coal), light oil alk., acid ext., Friedel-Crafts reaction products with isobutylene Extract residues(coal),light oil alk.,acid ext.,Friedel-Crafts reaction products with isobutylene
