900字范文 > 新剂型 new dosage forms英语短句 例句大全

新剂型 new dosage forms英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-29 08:08:42


新剂型 new dosage forms英语短句 例句大全

新剂型,new dosage forms

1)new dosage forms新剂型

1.Progress in research ofnew dosage forms for nasal administration;鼻腔给药新剂型研究进展

2.As drug carriers,chitosan has played an important role in the less administration frequency,lowtoxicity,and cure efficiency enhancement innew dosage forms.在以壳聚糖作为载体的药物新剂型中,壳聚糖在减少给药次数、降低药物毒副作用、提高药物疗效等方面具有重要作用,综述了以壳聚糖为药物载体的新型制剂的各种类型和特性,主要包括缓控释制剂、结肠靶向制剂、纳米制剂等,并对其发展趋势进行了展望。


1.Studies on Chemical System and New Dosage Form of Compound Holly Bark Preparation;复方救必应制剂化学体系及新剂型研究

2.distributing samples of a new detergent;区分新型洗涤剂的样品;

3.new pattern strong efficient nickel plating brightener新型强效镀镍光亮剂

4.Microbial flocculant is a new type of flocculant.微生物絮凝剂是一类新型絮凝剂。

5.Applied Evaluation of Novel Adjutants in WG新型助剂在水分散粒剂中的应用评价

6.A New Herbicide Adjuvant:Methyl Esterfied Cottonseed Oil Emulsion新型除草剂助剂甲酯化棉籽油乳剂的研究

7.It is suggested that the new type composite catalyst should be developed.建议研制开发新型的复合型催化剂。

8.Study on Synthesis and Properties of Ester-phenolic Antioxidant新型酚酯型抗氧剂的合成及性能研究

9.Preparation of a new type of water resistance adhesive for formed coke一种新型耐水性型焦用胶粘剂的制备

10.A New Environmentally Friendly Ferrous Hydrogen Sulfide Scavenger.一种新型的铁基环保型硫化氢清除剂

11.bolaform surfactant波拉型表面活性剂(新型端亲水性基团染色助剂,可作为洗涤剂等)

12.Transition metal catalyst based on nickel containing coordinated N and O atoms is a new type of polyolefin catalyst.含氮氧配位原子的镍催化剂是一类新型催化剂.

13.A New Injectable Vehicle--Bile Salt/Phosphatidylcholine Mixed Micelles System注射剂的新型赋形剂——胆盐/卵磷脂混合胶束系统

14.Research on the Synthesis、Characterization and Activity of a New Herbicide Antidote;新型除草剂解毒剂的合成、表征与生物活性研究

15.Study and Application of a New Seed-coating Regulator in Rice Seedling Raising for Scattering Transplanting Without Seeding Tray;新型水稻种衣剂“无盘抛秧剂”的研究与应用

16.The Exploitation and Research of 30% Cuppric Nonyl Phenolsulfonate ME;新型杀菌剂30%壬菌铜微乳剂的开发与研究

17.Study on Tinidazole Composite Microcapsules Vaginal Suppository;新型阴道用栓剂—替硝唑复合微囊栓剂研究

18.Sandell Reagent--A New Reagent That is Used to Mensurate of Reductibility of Sugar;Sandell试剂——一种糖类物质还原性测定的新型试剂


new dosage form新剂型

1.Research innew dosage forms of biotech drugs;生物技术药物新剂型研究——国内研究现状及建议

2.Overview the currently prevailingnew dosage form of veterinary drugs both in and out of China,which mainly focus on controlled release dosage form and liposome,then transdermal-drug delivery system,cyclodextrin inclusion compound,solid dispersion,etc.作者概述了当前国内外兽药制剂的新剂型,兽药新剂型的研究主要集中在缓控释制剂和脂质体制剂,其次是透皮给药系统、环糊精包合物、固体分散体等。

3)new alkali auxiliary新型碱剂

1.The concentration ofnew alkali auxiliary S and Na2SO4,the temperature and time of fixing were studied.新型碱剂S是主要用于活性染料固色的一种新型碱剂。

4)new additives新型助剂

1.Research on carbon monoxide shift catalysts in traditional industries,new additives and their advantages and disadvantages were introduced.总结了传统工业用变换催化剂的研究进展情况,介绍了变换催化剂的新型助剂及其优缺点、工业化应用前景。

2.The advances in the research on plastic functional agents have three ways:the improvement of traditional additives,appearing ofnew additives,rare-earth additives being focus.从传统助剂的改进、新型助剂的涌现、稀土类助剂成为热点三个方面介绍了高分子材料功能助剂的应用和发展。

5)new-type suppository新型栓剂



