900字范文 > 细菌生长 bacterial growth英语短句 例句大全

细菌生长 bacterial growth英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-24 11:48:52


细菌生长 bacterial growth英语短句 例句大全

细菌生长,bacterial growth

1)bacterial growth细菌生长

1.Thenbacterial growth was detected by spctrophotometry.目的 :探讨聚乙二醇 (polyethyleneglycol,PEG)与变形链球菌作用后 ,其抑制细菌生长的效果。


1.destroying bacteria or inhibiting their growth.消灭或抑制细菌生长。

2.Destroying or inhibiting the growth of bacteria.抗菌的消灭或抑制细菌生长的

3.Effect of Several Kind Physics Factors on the Bacterial Growth光、电、次声对细菌生长特性的影响

4.An agent, such as a chemical or biological material, that inhibits bacterial growth.细菌抑制剂一种抑制细菌生长的制剂,如化学或生物物质

5.The results showed that the capacities of four types of bacteria for adhesion to Dacron, Pyrolytic carbon and PTFE coincided with the bacterial-growth curve.结果四种细菌对三种材料粘附能力与细菌生长曲线基本一致。

6.Halobacterium Salinarums on the Impact of Growth and Hydrogen Production of Rhodobacter Sphaeroides盐生盐杆菌对类球红细菌生长和产氢的影响研究

7.bacteria growing in a sugar medium在糖基中生长的细菌

8.The bacterial growth vegetated along.细菌的生长繁殖很快。

9.bacteria growing in a matrix of nutrients生长在培养基中的细菌.

10.The inhibition of growth, but not the killing, of bacteria.细菌抑制抑制细菌的生长,但不将其杀死

11.Effects of Plant-growth Promoting Rhizobacteria on Growth of Tomato不同植物促生细菌对番茄生长的影响

12.Characteristics of the effect of light wavelength on the growth of photosynthetic bacterial biofilm光照波长影响光合细菌生物膜生长特性实验

13.GROWTH CURVE OF Lactobacillus plantarum STRAIN P158 AND ITS BACTERIOCIN CHARACTERIZATION植物乳杆菌P158的生长曲线及其细菌素的特性

14.any drug that destroys bacteria or inhibits their growth.用来破坏细菌或约束其生长的药物。

15.When big 1/200,DCD restrains the growth of the bacteria;当>1/200时,双氰胺抑制细菌的生长。

16.Bacteria living at greater depths could survive longer.生活在更深处的细菌能存活更长时间.

17.Study and Prediction of Bacrerial Regrowth in Water Distribution System;配水管网中细菌再生长的研究与预测

18.Isolation of a Naphthalene-degrading Strain and Analysis on Its Growth Characteristics可降解萘细菌的分离与生长特性分析


bacteria growth细菌生长

1.Effects of pH and COD onbacteria growth and bactericidal performance while wastewater is being reused;污水回用时pH、COD对细菌生长及杀菌性能的影响

2.Effect of common ions in effluent onbacteria growth and control in wastewater reuse;污水回用时常见离子对细菌生长及控制的影响


4)bacterial regrowth细菌再生长

1.However,recent results have shown that phosphorus determines also the extent ofbacterial regrowth in distribution system.生物可同化有机碳(AOC)一直被认为是控制管网水中细菌再生长的主要因素,最近的研究表明磷也有可能成为限制因素。

2.Limitation of phosphorus onbacterial regrowth was studied in source water, water treatment process and a main distribution pipe of J waterwork in T city, by modified assimilable organic carbon(AOC) method and microbially available phosphorus(MAP) analysis.该研究配水干管中 ,水样的AOCpotential、AOCP 为AOCnative的 2~ 8 7倍 ,磷成为细菌再生长的限制因

3.In the experiment, a bioassay called Bacterial Regrowth Potential (BRP) was used to investigate the effect of phosphorus onbacterial regrowth in the water sample that was made from some raw water taken from a reservoir located in northern China.利用细菌再生长潜力 (BacterialRegrowthPotential,BRP)的微生物分析方法 ,研究了水中的磷对其生物稳定性的限制因子作用 。

5)bacterial regrowth potential细菌再生长潜力

6)growth specialities of bacterium细菌生长特性


