900字范文 > 误差累积 error accumulation英语短句 例句大全

误差累积 error accumulation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-03 22:08:05


误差累积 error accumulation英语短句 例句大全

误差累积,error accumulation

1)error accumulation误差累积

1.The paper presents a new configuration scheme of gyro-free strapdown inertial navigation system(GFSINS) which is consisted of nine accelcrometers,gives the methods of angular velocity calculation for the configuration of ac- eelerometers,and analyses theerror accumulation of angular velocity of its configuration scheme by simulation.文中提出了一种新的由九个加速度计组成的无陀螺捷联惯性导航系统(GFSINS)的配置方案,给出了该加速度计配置的角速度解算方法,通过仿真分析了该配置方案的角速度误差累积。

2.To eliminateerror accumulation in the mosaicing of large-scale microscope images, a new algorithm was proposed.针对大规模显微图像拼接中的误差累积问题,提出了一种新的图像拼接模型。

3.This paper illustrates collocations in English language and their functions in terms of reducingerror accumulation, improving accuracy and fluency in L2 acquisition.词语搭配是英语中普遍存在的语言现象;在二语习得中,词语搭配对减少语言输入和输出中的误差累积、提高语言表达的准确性和流利程度具有重要意义。


1.Assembly Error Stack-up Analysis and Optimum Tolerancing for Aircraft Assembly;飞机部件装配误差累积分析与容差优化方法研究

2.A Multi-stage FastICA Algorithm to Remove Error Propagation一种消除误差累积的多级快速独立分量分析算法

3.In a traverse there is no accumulation of scale error.导线中没有尺度误差积累。

4.Rational determination of accumulative error in chain measurement length链条测试长度累积误差值的合理确定

5.Influence of Graduation Error of Dividing Disk on Error of Hob Chip Pocket Accumulated Pitch滚刀开刃磨床分度盘误差对滚刀容屑槽周节累积误差的影响

6.And then, the quality of crystal does not to the level in traditional optical-glass polishing process.又由于误差积累致使加工精度很难提高。

7.But the positioning error of INS accumulates along with time.但惯导定位的定位误差会随着时间不断积累。

8.Such trilateration is liable to rapid accumulation of azimuth error.这样的三边测量锁的方位误差容易迅速积累。

9.Analysis of the error between accumulating the area of subregion and large area dividing大区域划分为子区域进行面积累加的误差分析

10.A position and velocity correction are introduced to avoid cumulate errors.为了避免积分累积误差,引入违约修正来校正位移和速度。

11.The results of simulation shows that Kalman filter can restrain errors accumulation effectively.仿真结果显示卡尔曼滤波器能有效地抑制误差积累。

12.The effect of truncation errors is considered in the incremental virtual work equation.在这个增量形式的虚功方程中,考虑了积累误差的影响。

13.The Program and Messurement of the Cumulate Errors of Screw Distance三坐标测量机对螺纹丝杠螺距累积误差的测量及编程

14.The Evaluation of Measuring Vncertainty of Pitch Accamulated Error for Right-Angle Tooth Columnar Gears直齿圆柱齿轮周节累积误差的测量及不确定度的评定

15.Accumulating Characteristics of Hyperaccumulators and Non-Hyperaccumulators under Pb-Cd Combined Pollution超积累植物与非超积累植物吸收累积重金属的差异性研究

16.A case study for Nanning Bridge, the first long span unsymmetrical extroversion arch bridge with curve beam in the world is given.利用几何方法推导了空间钢箱拱肋节段拼装误差在拱肋最大悬臂端的累积规律。

17.integral of time multiplied by the error criterion时间乘误差积分准则

18.Analysis of Differences of Polyphenol Accumulation in Different Positions of the Same Tobacco Leaf烤烟叶片总多酚积累的位置差异分析


accumulated error累积误差

1.Accumulated error control technique applied in small mass production of piece;累积误差控制技术在单件小批量生产中的应用

2.This paper introduces the principle of the 3D Optix laser scanner briefly,discusses the method of improving the data accuracy in single piece measurement and reducing theaccumulated error of spliced joint in multi-pieces measurement with an applied example.简要介绍3D Optix扫描仪的测量原理,并结合一测量实例探讨提高单片点云数据测量精度及减小多片点云数据拼接累积误差的方法。

3.Firstly,the nonlinear problem and the cause ofaccumulated error for inertial strapdown attitude solution were analyzed.采用低精度的微惯性陀螺和加速度计作为微惯性捷联姿态确定系统元件,首先分析了捷联惯性姿态解算的非线性问题和误差累积的原因;根据姿态三角函数关系引入横滚、俯仰角的3个替换变量作为状态变量,并根据状态变量之间的约束方程和运动体前向速度测量,建立了捷联惯性姿态的一种扩展卡尔曼滤波模型;采用MTi微惯性捷联测量组合进行实验,将该扩展卡尔曼滤波方法解算载体姿态结果与捷联姿态解算结果相比较,验证了该方法抑制惯性姿态解算累积误差的能力。

3)accumulative error累积误差

1.With the purpose to reduce influence ofaccumulative error from the recurrence formula of residual stress measured with magnetic stress meter on the calculation result,based on the consideration that the stress at a same measuring point has no relation to the measuring order,the author proposed an improved calculation method for the work piece with free boundaries on both ends.为了减小CCY-84型磁测应力仪残余应力递推公式中累积误差对计算结果的影响,针对两端自由边界的工件,基于同一测点应力与其测量顺序无关的思路提出了改进的计算方法,并在实际测量770mm×1200mm×2820mm球墨复合铸铁轧辊工作层残余应力中得到了应用。

4)error accumulation误差积累

1.The problem of theerror accumulation,three different kinds of linear size marking form is analysed here.分析了尺寸公差法标注尺寸的三种形式,它们都存在不同程度的误差积累,在一定条件下采用位置度注法,可以解决尺寸标注中的误差积累问

2.Image alignment error is classified as type I error and type II error in this paper for theerror accumulation and image mismatch of microscopic image mosaicing,and a global image alignment model of image mosaicing is proposed to deal with these two types of error.针对显微图像拼接中的误匹配和误差积累问题,把图像对准误差划分为第一类误差和第二类误差,并提出了一种新的图像拼接方法。

3.(1) Study on video mosaic algorithm for 1D scan patternTo overcome the problem of registrationerror accumulation in traditional registration algorithms, this paper presents a fast and accurate video mosaic approach for 1D scan pattern.为此,本文分别对摄像机以一维和二维方式扫描时,彩色视频图像快速、准确的拼接方法进行了研究,完成的主要工作如下:(1)摄像机一维方式扫描时视频图像拼接方法研究针对目前算法中易存在的误差积累问题展开研究,提出一种当前帧到全景图像的拼接方法。

5)cumulative error累积误差

1.The simulated results show that when muzzle velocity is zero thecumulative error induced by acceleration of 0.6g加速度所引起的累积误差可达2。

2.Through the study, it is found that the equation is fine and simultaneously the step used in usual flight simulation can meet the command of step determined by the absolutely stable domain of the equation, and the main source of the error lies incumulative errors.对定步长的龙格—库塔法用于欧拉方程的四元数法求解时所表现的巨大误差作了进一步的研究 ,发现方程组是良态的 ,同时在通常的飞行模拟仿真中 ,所取的步长也是能够满足方程组的绝对稳定区域所带来的步长限制 ,而此误差产生的原因主要在于累积误

3.This paper makes further research on the error,caused by use of a single step or a variable step of Runge Kutta to solve the Euler equation of quaternion method, find that the large error results from cumulated error with single step, and when using the variable step,thecumulative error is less.结果表明 ,定步长时有很大的累积误差 ,单位四元数的“单位”性不能得到满足 ,而变步长有明显的改观 ,对一般的飞行模拟状态 ,都能得到较好的模拟结果 ,可以在实际中使用。

6)accumulative error积累误差

1.A method by which the mosaicaccumulative error can be eliminated is also proposed.提出了一种适宜于生成全方位全景图象的拼接和平滑算法 ,给出了一种消除拼接积累误差的方法 ,进而首次在立方体表面拼接成功了全方位全景图象 ,并由此生成了球面上的全方位全景图象 。

2.Through analyzing the model, the best image overlapped ratio and the accumulative stitching error are obtained,and the validity of the method which can eliminate image stitchingaccumulative error is proved in theory, contrastive samples have been also given.对图象拼接的误差及其对图象质量的影响建立了数学模型 ,通过对模型的分析得到了图象最佳重叠比例和拼接积累误差期望值的计算公式 。


变形累积效应变形累积效应effect of strain accumulated度地提高变形抗力模型精度,满足制定轧制规程的需要。中国对变形累积效应的研究始于20世纪80年代,由冶金部钢铁研究总院进行研究。这一现象的研究对人们理解和认识变形抗力与金属显微组织的内在联系,建立高精度的轧制压力计算数学模型,实现轧钢过程计算机控制提供了有力的支持。b ianxing Ieiji xiaoling变形累积效应(effeet of strain aeeumulat-ed)热塑性变形过程中,下一道次的变形抗力因上道次加工硬化的积累而增大的现象。钢在连续、多道次变形过程中,随着变形温度的降低和变形节奏的加快,前一道次变形后的奥氏体在道次间隔时间之内没有来得及发生或只部分发生再结晶软化,奥氏体以加工硬化或部分加工硬化状态进入下一个道次的变形过程,造成了后续道次的实测变形抗力将比按照传统的。一f(T,。,幻变形抗力模型的计算数值明显增大。变形累积效应的发现与研究是随着微合金钢的控制轧制工艺研究,逐渐被人们重视与认识的在变形与变形抗力之间的一种新规律。随着变形温度降低、变形程度增大、变形速度增高和道次间隔时间缩短,变形累积效应越发变得显著。其中变形温度影响最大,道次间隔时间影响次之,变形程度影响再次,变形速度影响最小。例如在宽带钢热连轧机上采用控制轧制工艺生产含有Nb、V、Ti一类的微合金钢时,在其精轧机组的后部几个道次中就明显地存在着变形累积效应,使其实测道次变形抗力比传统变形抗力模型计算的数值高出近20%,严重地影响了带钢的尺寸精度,增加了制定轧制规程的难度。变形累积效应的大小用残余应变系数又来表征:入~且/(ai一1+风一,)式中凡为第i道次的残余应变系数,久一1为第i一1道次的轧制表道次压下量,召,与召一1分别为第i道次前和第i一1道次前全部道次累积的残余变形量。将传统变形抗力模型中的变形程度项,用该轧制道次的变形程度值与前面各道次所累积下来的残余变形程度值之和,作为有效变形程度的计算值代入计算,就可以大幅
