900字范文 > 水运量 cargo volume forecast of waterway transportation英语短句 例句大全

水运量 cargo volume forecast of waterway transportation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-18 23:07:11


水运量 cargo volume forecast of waterway transportation英语短句 例句大全

水运量,cargo volume forecast of waterway transportation

1)cargo volume forecast of waterway transportation水运量

2)water-borne traffic水运运量

1.This paper presentsan actual example of applying the Delphi Approachin a company Swater-borne traffic forecasting,which proves that this approach, with minor modifi-cations,is fit forwater-borne traffic forecasting.定量预测方法在我国水运运量预测的应用中,存在着数据质量及模型适应性差的问题,致使这种方法的应用受到了很大的限制。

3)transport volume in Jinsha River水运货运量

1.System analysis for forecast system oftransport volume in Jinsha River;水运货运量预测系统分析

4)traffic volume transferring from water carriage水运转移量


1.Forecasting Method of Traffic Volume Transferring from Water Carriage in Highway Feasibility Study;公路建设项目可行性研究中水运转移量预测方法

2.Effects of Different N Application Rate on the Matter Accumulation and Translocation of Transplanted Hybrid Rice under No-tillage Condition不同施氮量对免耕移栽杂交水稻干物质积累与运转的影响

3.loss of traffic客货运量转移到其他运输方式的损失

4.Highway Truck Conveyance Configuration Forecasting Based on Conveyance Equilibrium and Freight Diversion;基于运力均衡与运量转移的公路货运运力结构预测

5.Simulation of thermal transport in aquifer for the sustainable running of GWHP system地源热泵系统可持续运行地下水热量运移模拟

6.operate like a pump; move up and down, like a handle or a pedal.象抽水机一样运转;象把柄或踏板一样上下移动。

7.Effects of N Application at Later Growth Stages on Matter Translocation and Quality of Rice in Cold Area of China;前氮后移对寒地水稻物质运转及品质的影响

8.Effects of soil bulk density on distribution and transportation and transformation of soil moisture and nitrogen under film hole irrigation土壤容重对膜孔灌水氮分布和运移转化的影响

9.Gap measurement of running rollers based on linear displacement sensor基于直线位移传感器的运转辊间闸距测量

10.vibration to rotation energy transfer振动 旋转能量转移

11.Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer between Gentamycin and Water-Soluble CdTe QDs庆大霉素与水溶性CdTe量子点的荧光共振能量转移作用

12.Study on Matter Translocation Characteristic and Yield Formation in Rice (Oryza Sativa L.);水稻物质运转规律及其产量形成的研究

13.Transport Mechanism of Underground Gas and Explain to Phenomenon of Blue-water at Qingshui well in Gansu地下气体运移机理及清水流量井水变蓝现象的解释

14.moving or driven rapidly in a rotary or twisting motion.以旋转或扭转运动快速移动或运动。

15.Study on Numerical Simulation of Migration and Transformation of Chlorinated Hydrocarbon in Shallow Groundwater;氯代烃在浅层地下水中运移转化的数值模拟研究

16.The transmutation of sex energy calls for the exercise of will-power, to be sure, but the reward is worth the effort. The desire for sexual expression is inborn and natural.性能量的转移要运用意志力。 性表达的渴望是与生俱有、 天生而来的。

17.In motions of rotation angular momentum appears in much the same way as linear momentum appears in motion of translation.在旋转运动中的角动量产生的方式与平移运动中的线动量的产生是基本相似的。

18.aqueous printing ink水性印墨(转移印花用)


water-borne traffic水运运量

1.This paper presentsan actual example of applying the Delphi Approachin a company Swater-borne traffic forecasting,which proves that this approach, with minor modifi-cations,is fit forwater-borne traffic forecasting.定量预测方法在我国水运运量预测的应用中,存在着数据质量及模型适应性差的问题,致使这种方法的应用受到了很大的限制。

3)transport volume in Jinsha River水运货运量

1.System analysis for forecast system oftransport volume in Jinsha River;水运货运量预测系统分析

4)traffic volume transferring from water carriage水运转移量

5)wood transportation quantity by water木材水运量

1.The dynamic predicting grey model of thewood transportation quantity by water has been set up using the method of grey system in this paper.应用灰色系统建模方法, 建立木材水运量的GM (1, 1) 灰色动态预测模型, 并结合实例对木材水运量进行预测, 取得了良好的预测效

6)water carriage quantity forecast水运量预测


地下水水资源评价(见水资源评价)地下水水资源评价(见水资源评价)d ixiashui shuiziyuan Ping】ia地下水水资源评价见水资源评价。
