900字范文 > 船舶试航 Ship trial英语短句 例句大全

船舶试航 Ship trial英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-27 04:23:15


船舶试航 Ship trial英语短句 例句大全

船舶试航,Ship trial

1)Ship trial船舶试航

2)take over a new ship/sea trial run船舶交接/试航

3)ship maneuverability / free running model test船舶操纵性/自航模试验

4)ship underway vibration test船舶航行振动试验


1.Application of formal safety assessment to the risk assessment of theship-pilotage;FSA在船舶引航风险评估中的应用


1.It"s hard to pilot a vessel in rough weather.在大风浪中为船舶引航是很困难的。

2.Design and Realization of No.1 Zhenghe Pilotage System郑和一号船舶引航系统的设计与实现

3.Application of FSA to Ship Pilotage Safety Assessment;综合安全评估在船舶引航安全评估中的应用

4.The Influence in Logistics Efficiency Caused by the Linkage of the Pilotage and the Port Area s Work;船舶引航与港区作业联动对物流效率的影响

5.Developing ship financing charter party and promoting the shipping industry发展船舶融资租赁 引领航运事业振兴

6.Article39 The duty of the Master in the management and navigation of the ship shall not be absolved even with the presence of a pilot piloting the ship.第三十九条船长管理船舶和驾驶船舶的责任,不因引航员引领船舶而解除。

7.Pilotage refers to the guidance of vessels entering or leaving ports or sailing in certain areas on rivers and territorial seas引航是指引领船舶进出港口,或在江河内海一定区域航行。

8.Pilotage Provisions for Vessels of Foreign Nationality Navigating in Songhua River for Trial Implementation外国籍船舶在松花江水域引航规定试行

9.marine integrated navigation system船舶综合导航系统船舶组合导航系统

10.Application of GPS Ship Navigation System in Safety Management of Yangtze River Piloting;GPS船舶导航系统在长江引航安全管理工作中的应用

11.Except in wreckage, no person board the ship is allowed to disembark and no pilot is allowed to guide the ship out of the quarantine anchorage without the permission of CIQ.船上的人员,除因船舶遇险外,未经卫生检疫机关许可,不准离船;引航员不得将船引离检疫锚地。

12.Working Group on Ship"s Routeing船舶航路安排工作组

13.at and from the port船舶在港口和自港开航

14.Convention regarding the Measurement of Vessels Employed in Inland Navigation内河航行船舶丈量公约

15.marine beacon transmitter船舶导航无线电发射机

16.minimal ship"s inertial navigation system小型船舶惯性导航系统

17.Master, Officers, Crew or Pilots not to be considered Owners within the meaning of this Clause6 should they hold shares in the Vessel.若船长、级船员或引航员持有保险船舶的股份,不视为本第6条意义上的船东。

18.Master Officers Crew or Pilots not to be considered Owners within the meaning of this Clause7 should they hold shares in the Vessel.若船长、级船员、员或引航员持有保险船舶的股份,不视为第7条意义上的船东。


take over a new ship/sea trial run船舶交接/试航

3)ship maneuverability / free running model test船舶操纵性/自航模试验

4)ship underway vibration test船舶航行振动试验


1.Application of formal safety assessment to the risk assessment of theship-pilotage;FSA在船舶引航风险评估中的应用

6)ship pilotage船舶引航

1.Grey assessment model on risk factors ofship pilotage;船舶引航风险成因灰色综合评价模型


