900字范文 > 能源再生 regeneration of energy英语短句 例句大全

能源再生 regeneration of energy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-26 18:30:54


能源再生 regeneration of energy英语短句 例句大全

能源再生,regeneration of energy

1)regeneration of energy能源再生

2)renewable energy再生能源

1.The conception of the optimal configuration ofrenewable energy was introduced in this paper.以能源消费的绿色经济效益最大化为目标,利用能源消费的边际效益均衡原理、经济学中的边际效用理论建立可再生能源优化配置模型,分为区域间优化配置和用户间优化配置两个层次。

2.According to the basic characteristics of ecological buildings,the application ofrenewable energy in the ecological buildings was described,which includes solar energy,wind energy and geothermal energy.根据生态建筑的基本特征,阐述了可再生能源包括太阳能、风能、地热能等在生态建筑中的应用,为住宅节能和建筑节能设计提供参考依据。


1.Section on New and Renewable Resources of Energy新能源和可再生能源科

2.New and Renewable Sources of Energy新能源和可再生能源

3.Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy (UNCNRSE)新能源和可再生能源会议(能源会议)

4.programme on equipment for producing new and renewable energy新能源和可再生能源生产设备方案

5.American Council On Renewable Energy (ACORE)美国可再生能源委员会

6.Renewable Energy Review Journal可再生能源评论杂志

7.Renewable energy has come of age.可再生能源已发展成熟。

8.Development of renewable energy is promoted to achieve sustainability.大力发展可再生能源。

9.Chinese Reproducible Energy Research Association中国可再生能源研究会

10.China Renewable Energy Law promoting the development of renewable energy power generation;《可再生能源法》推动可再生能源电力发展

11.World Conference on New and Renewable Energy世界新能源和可再生能源会议

12.Seminar on New and Renewable Sources of Energy新能源和可再生能源问题讨论会

13.Consultative Group on New and Renewable Sources of Energy新能源和可再生能源协商小组

14.Interim Committee on New and Renewable Sources of Energy新能源和可再生能源临时委员会

15.Inter-Agency Group on New and Renewable Sources of Energy新能源和可再生能源机构间小组

16.Intergovernmental Committee on New and Renewable Sources of Energy新能源和可再生能源政府间委员会

17.Regional Centre for the New and Renewable Sources of Energy Information Network新能源和可再生能源信息网区域中心

18.International Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy国际新能源和可再生能源会议


renewable energy再生能源

1.The conception of the optimal configuration ofrenewable energy was introduced in this paper.以能源消费的绿色经济效益最大化为目标,利用能源消费的边际效益均衡原理、经济学中的边际效用理论建立可再生能源优化配置模型,分为区域间优化配置和用户间优化配置两个层次。

2.According to the basic characteristics of ecological buildings,the application ofrenewable energy in the ecological buildings was described,which includes solar energy,wind energy and geothermal energy.根据生态建筑的基本特征,阐述了可再生能源包括太阳能、风能、地热能等在生态建筑中的应用,为住宅节能和建筑节能设计提供参考依据。

3)Renewable energy source可再生能源

1.Utilization and exploration of heat pipe technology for renewable energy source;热管技术在可再生能源利用中的研究与探索

2.The background of the recent development of the renewable energy source all over the world, especially some key issues discussed in the 2nd International Conference on the Renewable Energy Sources held in Beijing in Nov.对国内外当前可再生能源发展的背景,特别对11在北京召开的第二届国际可再生能源大会的主要精神,国内外可再生能源利用的发展概况和我国在发展可再生能源方面的政策和举措进行了简要的概述。

3.The writer thinks that China should strengthen development of renewable energy source and nuclear energy source,develop new energy source from house refuse in city and find out some new measures to realize environmental protection and energy saving of diesel enging automolbile.认为我国应加大开发可再生能源、核能源的力度 ,开发城市生活垃圾的新能源 ,找出在用柴油车实现环保节能的一些新措施。

4)renewable energy resources可再生能源

1.Analysis of Application of Renewable Energy Resources in HVAC;可再生能源在暖通空调中的应用分析

2.Research on the Legislative Protection of Renewable Energy Resources in China;我国可再生能源的立法保护研究

3.Developing prospect analysis ofrenewable energy resources in China中国可再生能源发展前景分析

5)renewable energy sources可再生能源

1.Exploitation of biomassrenewable energy sources of microalgae;微藻生物质可再生能源的开发利用

2.More specifically, clean development mechanisms (CDM) refers to the flexibility of an industrialised country to meet part of its emissions reduction obligations cost-effectively by undertaking abatement projects, especiallyrenewable energy sources (RES)-projects, in developing countries, which have no commitments to curtail their GHG emissions.更具体的说,清洁发展机制(CDM)是指一个工业化国家通过在发展中国家实施减排项目(特别是可再生能源项目)来实现其部分减排义务的一种灵活机制。

6)reproducible energy可再生能源

1.Surrounding the topic,it also puts forword several obstacles and the solutions,and points out the participation of public is important for developingreproducible energy.分析了目前开发风电存在的主要问题及应采取的措施,并指出公众的参与是推动可再生能源发展的重要途径。

2.As a mid-inland province,Hunan is abundant in thereproducible energy sources such as bio-mass energy,hydro-energy,solar-energy,and wind-energy in spite of its shortage of non-reproducible energy.针对湖南地处中部内陆,非再生能源先天不足,但生物质能、水能、太阳能和风能等可再生能源资源十分丰富的特点,调查分析了湖南可再生能源利用的现状及其优势和劣势,指出了可再生能源利用的途径,并提出了相应的对策。

3.It was indicated that rural integrated model with three kinds of energy could improve rural sanitary circumstance and producereproducible energy.分析表明,"三能合一"综合运行模式可以改善农村环境卫生状况,还能生产可再生能源,同时沼渣和沼液可以作为优质有机肥循环利用,该模式的技术和产品还可商业化,能取得良好的经济、生态和社会效益。


联合国新能源和可再生能源会议联合国新能源和可再生能源会议The United Nations Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy联合国新能源和可再生能源会议(TheUni-ted Nations Conferenee onNew and Renewable Sources of Energy)1981年8月10日至21日由联合国主持在肯尼亚首都内罗毕召开的研究能源问题的大型国际会议。出席会议的有巧O个国家的代表团和联合国所属的34个国际组织及32个政府间组织的观察员,参加会议的总人数约5000人。联合国秘书长和许多国家的政府首脑到会发表了讲话。会议期间还举办了国际新能源和可再生能源展览会。会上通过了《促进新能源和可再生能源的发展与利用的内罗毕行动纲领》(简称《内罗毕行动纲领》)。这次会议是根据1978年12月20日联合国第33届大会第148号决议召开的。会前曾召开过4次筹备会议,并设立了按专业划分的10个特设专家组:水力、薪炭、生物质能、太阳能、地热能、风能、油页岩和焦油砂、海洋能、畜力、泥炭。这些专家组都于会前提出了技术报告。会议还就能源规划、研究示范、资料交流、教育培训、资金筹集等问题进行了专题讨论。会议准备工作比较充分,但是由于发达国家与发展中国家的利益不同,一能源供需状况相差悬殊,会议上意见分歧明显,会议结果未尽达到预期目的。特别是筹资援助发展中国家的议项没有落实,为后来炎内罗毕行动纲领》的贯彻执行留下了障碍。会议的积极作用是,动员了国际社会对新能源和可再生能源的开发利用引起重视。同年联合国大会通过了本次会议的各项决议,并积极筹建联合国新能源和可再生能源政府间委员会及在各成员国建立负责此项工作的联络点,在联合国教科文组织也建立了这方面的专门信息网。联合国开发计划署、工发组织、粮农组织等还安排了一些示范项目。(胡成春)
