900字范文 > 解相关常数模算法 de-correlation constants modulus algorithm英语短句 例句大全

解相关常数模算法 de-correlation constants modulus algorithm英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-15 19:48:18


解相关常数模算法 de-correlation constants modulus algorithm英语短句 例句大全

解相关常数模算法,de-correlation constants modulus algorithm

1)de-correlation constants modulus algorithm解相关常数模算法

1.The FSDDFE employs the FSE for obtaining the more detailed channel information,uses decision feedback filer to eliminate the effects of channel distortion or multi-path,and utilizes thede-correlation constants modulus algorithm to improve the convergent rate.针对波特间隔盲均衡算法的缺陷,利用分数间隔盲均衡算法能获得更多更详细的信道信息,判决反馈滤波器能补偿深度谱零点信道畸变所产生的影响,解相关常数模算法能加快收敛速度的优点,提出一种分数间隔解相关判决反馈盲均衡算法(FSDDFE)。

2)Decorrelating algorithm解相关算法


1.DOA estimation of coherent signals based on data matrix基于数据矩阵的非圆相干信号完全解相关算法

2.Study and Design Acoustic Echo Canceller Based on Decorrelating Algorithm with Variable Step Size基于变步长解相关算法回声抵消器研究和设计

3.Algorithm of Equal Line Sum Decomposition for Sample Correlation Coefficient Matrix样本相关系数矩阵的等行和分解算法

4.An Improved Variable Step-Size LMS Algorithm Based on Decorrelation一种改进的解相关变步长LMS算法

5.Improvement on the Algorithm of Equal Line Sum Decomposition for Sample Correlation Coefficient Matrix关于样本相关系数矩阵等行和分解算法的改进

6.Study of a Decorrelating Multiuser Detection Based on Genetic Annealing Algorithm;基于遗传退火算法的解相关多用户检测的研究

7.Integrating Graph-Based and Transition-Based Chinese Dependency Parser基于图和转移算法相结合的中文依存关系解析

8.Solving Stochastic Dependent-Chance with Efficient Algorithm of Based on PSO基于PSO求解随机相关机会规划的有效算法

9.Calculation method of relational similarity based on singular value decomposition基于奇异值分解的关系相似度计算方法

10.A novel fractionally spaced de-correlation decision feedback blind equalization algorithm一种分数间隔解相关判决反馈盲均衡算法

11.Algorithms to Find the Set of Relevant Views and Quasi-Identifiers for K-Anonymity Methodk-匿名方法中相关视图集和准标识符的求解算法

12.New Chemometric Algorithms in Multivariate Image Analysis and Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships Studies;多变量图像解析与定量结构活性相关性研究的化学计量学新算法

13.Research and DSP Implementation of Decorrelating NLMS with Variable Step Size Algorithm for Acoustic Echo Cancellation;变步长解相关自适应声回波对消算法研究及其DSP实现

14.of or relating to or having the characteristics of an algorithm.算法的、与算法相关的或者具有算法的特点。

15.Trading financial equity calculation and related problem explanation;交易性金融资产核算及相关问题解析

16.In order to solve such problem, a FFTbased fast method to compute the periodic correlation function is presented.为了解决大运算量问题,论文基于FFT给出了一种快速计算周期相关函数的方法。

17.Image Registration Based on Phase-Correlation and Keren Algorithm基于相位相关与Keren算法的图像配准

18.Meaning about the fact that basic course of the computer is designed of brief introduction, this teaching link set up thinking and relevant ways to solve the problem.介绍了关于计算机基础课课程设计的意义,该项教学环节设置的思路及相关问题的解决方法.


Decorrelating algorithm解相关算法

3)constant modulus algorithm常数模算法

1.At present,constant modulus algorithm (CMA) is widely used,but it has disadvanta- ges that the convergence speed is slow and the residual error is large.目前,常数模算法(constant modulus algorithm,CMA)应用非常广泛,但它存在收敛速度慢,剩余误差大的缺点。

2.Constant modulus algorithm is a most popular algorithm and is widely used for blind equalization of non-constant envelope signals and constant envelope signals.常数模算法是一种最为常用的盲均衡算法,普遍应用于恒包络信号和非恒包络信号的均衡,但存在收敛速度慢和剩余误差大的缺点。

3.To overcome the disadvantages of slow convergent rate and large residual mean square error (MSE) ofconstant modulus algorithm (CMA) and least mean kurtosis CMA, a square kurtosis cost function is defined as a kurtosis factor of error signals and its performance is analyzed, a least square kurtosis CMA for updating weight vectors of blind equalizer is proposed.结果表明 :该算法在收敛速度 ,收敛后的均方误差及码间干扰等方面的性能优于常数模算法与最小平均峭度恒模算法。


1.In particular, the Constant Modulus Algorithm (CMA) has become a favorite of practitioners.常数模算法(CMA)是实际中应用最广的一种盲均衡算法。

2.Based on the constant modular algorithm (CMA), a new type of blind equalizer wit h filtering in discrete cosine transformation (DCT) domain is proposed for the amplitude- and phase-modulated digital communication systems.在常数模算法 (CMA)基础上 ,提出一种适合于多电平调幅、调相数字通信系统的基于离散余弦变换(DCT)域滤波的新型CMA盲均衡器 。

3.The problem was tackled with an evolutionary programming strategy, in which the order, as well as the taps of the equalizer were evolved simultaneously with the objective function of constant modulus algorithm (CMA) adopted a.利用模拟浅海水声信道数据进行的仿真实验结果表明:本算法可有效避免常数模算法在低估阶数时造成的性能下降,适用于未知阶数情况下的信道盲均衡。

5)constant modulus algorithm (CMA)常数模算法(CMA)



