900字范文 > 回风方式 air return mode英语短句 例句大全

回风方式 air return mode英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-17 06:43:44


回风方式 air return mode英语短句 例句大全

回风方式,air return mode

1)air return mode回风方式


1.Numerical Simulation and Comparison of Air Distribution Inside Gymnasium;体育馆空调系统不同送回风方式的模拟及比较

2.Study on Indoor Air Movement of Up-supply Down-return Supply by 2DPIV上送下回送风方式室内空气流动的2DPIV实验研究

3.irrevocable control regime不可撤回的控制方式

4.a decisive person, answer, manner果断的人、 回答、 方式

5.The children take a short cut to get home.小孩们抄快捷方式回家。

6.Discussions on Recycle of Hot Exhaust of Air-cooled Air Compressor Station风冷式空气压缩机站房的热排风回用的探讨

7.Which do you prefer, buy-back or counter purchase?徐: 您愿意接受回购方式,还是互购方式?

8.Love,Recall and Sentiment: Content, Form and Style of Literature and Art爱、回忆与感伤:文艺的内容、形式与风格

9.Experimental investigation of heat recovery with thermosyphon heat exchanger热管式通风换热器热回收的实验研究

10.The Empirical Study on Redemption Risk of Equity Open-ended Funds in China Based on the Two-Stage Panel Data Model我国股票型开放式基金赎回风险研究

11.Eastern architecture东方式建筑物(风格)

12.in a sultry and sensual manner.以风骚、色情的方式。

13.in an outlandish manner.以具有异国风情的方式。

14.Research Style and Orientation--A Response to Mr.Zhou Shi-peng s Response to Mr.Sun Hui;文风与方向——回应邹诗鹏先生对孙麾先生的回应

15.On the trading model and risks of outright bond repo;国债买断式回购的交易模式与风险防范

16.On the earning model and risks of outright bond repo;债券买断式回购的盈利模式与风险分析

17."Far out to come in when the wind shifts.“驶到远方,等转了风才回来。

18.Review of and Enlightenment from the Dissolution of Financial Risks in Guangdong Province;广东省化解地方金融风险回顾及启示


returnair of variety forms多种形式回风方式

3)withdraw way回撤方式

1.Through using the special support form andwithdraw way,the stopping mining time can be shortened in removing and withdraw at the high grade common coal face.通过采用特殊的支护形式及回撤方式,使高档普采工作面在搬家回撤时能够大大缩短停采时间,同时降低了材料消耗,为今后同类型采煤工作面的回撤提供了经验。

4)return water mode回水方式

1.A discussion is made on two kinds ofreturn water modes including return water tank control mode and switch valve control mode,used in heat-supply system based upon atmospheric oil-fired and gas-fired hot water boiler.对常压燃油、燃气热水锅炉供热系统采用的两种回水方式———回水水箱控制方式、启闭阀控制方式进行了探讨,分析了实际应用中应注意的问题。

5)Way of answer回答方式

6)recovery methods回收方式

1.Through the study on therecovery methods of the college student credit card,this paper puts forward somerecovery methods of national student loan.通过研究大学生信用卡透支消费额回收制度,对国家助学贷款的回收方式提出了一些建议。


油气田开发方式(见油气田生产方式)油气田开发方式(见油气田生产方式)development pattern of oil and gas field:see recovery pattern of oil and gas fielda垃d gas月e卫d)、‘。尸卫Jlent见油气田小冰、*pa士teroof ojl
