900字范文 > 高压静电除尘 high voltage electrostatic precipitation英语短句 例句大全

高压静电除尘 high voltage electrostatic precipitation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-31 12:28:37


高压静电除尘 high voltage electrostatic precipitation英语短句 例句大全

高压静电除尘,high voltage electrostatic precipitation

1)high voltage electrostatic precipitation高压静电除尘

1.Design and Implementation of High Voltage Electrostatic Precipitation Controller;高压静电除尘控制器研究与研制


1.Voltage Regulation Characteristics Analysis of Power Supply for High Voltage Electrostatic Precipitators高压静电除尘用电源调压特性的分析

2.Study on the Application of Electrostatic Precipitator in the Kelp;高压静电除尘在海带业中的应用研究

3.The Development of the Power Supply Control System for Electrostatic Precipitation Based on PROFIBUS-DP System;基于PROFIBUS-DP的高压静电除尘供电控制器的研发

4.Control System of High Voltage Electrostatic Precipitator Coal Ash Based on Fieldbus Technology;基于Fieldbus技术的煤粉高压静电除尘控制系统

5.Automatism Monitor System Design of High Voltage Static Remove Dust Commutating Equipment Based on Scm;基于单片机的高压静电除尘整流设备的自动监控系统设计

6.Design of Intelligent High-Voltage DC Power Supply for ESP静电除尘器用智能高压直流电源的研制

7.Control System of High-Voltage DC Power Source for Electrostatic Precipitation Based on DSP;基于DSP的高压直流静电除尘电源控制系统

8.Design and Implementation of Three-Phase High Voltage Electrostatic Precipitation Controller静电除尘三相高压电源智能控制器的研制

9.Control System of Voltage Regulator based on MCU for Electrostatic Precipitator Power Supply单片机控制的静电除尘电源调压系统

10.EMC Design of High Voltage High Power DC Power Supply for ESP静电除尘用大功率直流高压电源的电磁兼容性设计

11.The Function and the Parameter s Fix of the Low Tension Reactor of the Electrostatic Precipitation Power;静电除尘电源低压电抗器的作用及参数确定

12.Electrostatic Forces and Dust Collection in High Electrostatic Field高压静电场中粉尘静电力及收集的研究

13.Simulation of Voltage Optimization Control for ESP电除尘器高压供电优化控制仿真研究

14.Research on High Voltage Power Supply Optimal Control for ESP Based on IGAIGA用于电除尘高压电源优化控制研究

15.On Saved Power and Increased Efficiency of Three-Phase HV Power Supply for ESP电除尘三相高压电源节能与提效研究

16.Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Electrostatic Precipitator with Stagger Plate-electrodes for High Resistivity Dust Collection;板电极交错式静电除尘器收集高比电阻粉尘的理论与实验

parison of efficiency of bag dust collection and electrostatic dust collection for cement kiln;水泥窑袋式除尘与静电除尘效果比较

18.Study on Influence Factor of Collection Efficiency of the Electrostatic Precipitator静电除尘器除尘效率影响因素的研究


high voltage electrostatic precipitator高压静电除尘器

1.The foundation fieldbus technology which control 16 sets of HDhigh voltage electrostatic precipitator for coal ash in harbour of Qinhuangdao is adopted, the similarities and differences between FCS and DCS are analysed, the systematic model, principle and realization ofhigh voltage electrostatic precipitator for coal ash based on FF are provided.采用基金会现场总线技术,控制秦皇岛某港16套HD型煤粉高压静电除尘器,分析了FCS与DCS的 异同,给出了基于FF的煤粉高压静电除尘系统模型、原理与实现;阐明了各个子系统的功能实现方法;多台煤 粉高压静电除尘装置可应用基金会现场总线技术实现远端综合控制,具有全数字化、系统全开放、控制分散的 特点,其技术经过变异可用于钢铁、石化等工业生产控制领域。

2.Many sets ofhigh voltage electrostatic precipitator for coal ash can carrycomprehensiv.采用基金会现场总线技术,控制秦皇岛某港16套HD 型煤粉高压静电除尘器,分析了FCS 与DCS 的异同,给出了基于FF 的煤粉高压静电除尘系统模型、原理与实现;阐明了各个子系统的功能实现方法;多台煤粉高压静电除尘装置可应用基金会现场总线技术实现远端综合控制,具有全数字化、系统全开放、控制分散的特点,其技术经过变异可用于钢铁、石化等工业生产控制领域。

3)electrostatic precipitator静电除尘

1.Electrostatic Precipitator Model Simulation Based on FDM and Software Implementation;基于有限差分法的静电除尘模型数值仿真及开源软件实现

2.Industrial waste gas including dust and asphalt gas was purified and processed by the technology of dryelectrostatic precipitator in order to effectively reduce the concentration and to decrease the capital input as well.采用干式静电除尘技术,对炭素焙烧炉排放的含有烟尘、沥青烟的工业废气进行处理,达到既能高效净化有害气体,又能降低资金投入。

3.This paper introduces a constant current power supply used for middle and mini typeelectrostatic precipitators, its basis is LC resonance theory and its manipulative kernel is chip microcomputer.介绍了一种用于中小型静电除尘器的恒流电源。

4)electrostatic precipitation静电除尘

1.Simulation research of fuzzy control for high voltage power ofelectrostatic precipitation;静电除尘高压电源的模糊控制仿真研究

2.Control System of High-Voltage DC Power Source for Electrostatic Precipitation Based on DSP;基于DSP的高压直流静电除尘电源控制系统

3.Theelectrostatic precipitation with long life and high efficientcy was achieved,having no any sewage and applied both the atomizing corona discharges and the circulating water.提出了一种新型静电除尘器结构和原理,采用新的电极结构,通过雾化电晕放电和水的循环利用,实现长期、高效并且无污水排放的静电除尘,解决了烟气污染源中黏性的微米及亚微米颗粒对传统除尘器所带来的种种弊端;对雾化电晕放电静电除尘的构造、放电特点、雾化电晕放电伏-安特性、雾化状态、温度的影响和电极清洗效果均进行了实验研究,为采用雾化电晕放电净化黏性粉尘的烟气提供了理论依据和必要的实验基础。

5)electrostatic dedusting静电除尘

1.The paper described theelectrostatic dedusting principle, presented a tentative application idea ofelectrostatic dedusting technology in coal consuming furnaces.论述了静电除尘的原理,提出了静电除尘在大、中型煤粉锅炉中应用的初步设

2.A ventilation method combining traffic control andelectrostatic dedusting devices is proposed to cut the engineering cost dramatically,and an example is taken to apply the method in this paper.应用静电除尘设备与交通管制相结合的通风方式,可以大幅度削减隧道建设成本,并以工程实例进行了比较分析,得出这种方法具有显著的经济效益。

3.If the air demand from smog concentration index is higher than that of the CO concentration index,then the application ofelectrostatic dedusting unit may reduce the air demand inside tunnel,so to improve economy of operation.如果是烟雾浓度指标的需风量大于CO指标需风量,则静电除尘装置的使用可以降低隧道内的需风量,从而提高了运行的经济性。

6)cottrell precipitator高压静电集尘器


