900字范文 > 漏热量 heat leak英语短句 例句大全

漏热量 heat leak英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-28 03:51:05


漏热量 heat leak英语短句 例句大全

漏热量,heat leak

1)heat leak漏热量

1.Theheat leak through neck tube,supports and insulated structure of cylinders were also obtained to achieve an optimum design for the structure of products.通过有限元方法对充满低温液体的气瓶进行传热分析,与试验的结果相结合,分析气瓶的颈管、支撑结构和绝热结构的漏热量并对产品结构进行优化设计,来保证达到优良的绝热性能。

2.The pressure difference required by He II forced flow transfer system could be predicted according to the limitheat leak and the classical turbulent flow equation.根据特定管路结构所能允许的均匀极限漏热量,借助于具有一定实验基础的经典流体素流流动关系式,可以预测能够成功实现He II传输的系统压力差。

2)heat leakage漏热

1.Heat leakage influences the non-loss storage of cryogenic liquids directly,so to calculate the quantity ofheat leakage accurately is a very important to improve the design of cryogenic vessels.漏热会对低温液体的无损储运产生直接影响,准确测算低温容器的漏热量对改进低温容器的设计有着重要的实用价值。

2.Several control methods which could avoidheat leakage were made by reasonable design of whole support structure of the cryogenic liquid storage vessel.通过合理设计整体支撑结构,对造成漏热的几条主要途径加以控制。

3.Theheat leakage of an indirect cool refrigerator s cabinet has been studied.讨论了间冷冰箱箱体的漏热问题 ,提出了改进方案。



2.Thermal Loss Analysis for the Dewar Assembly Coupling with the Micro-Stirling Cryocooler微型斯特林制冷器与杜瓦瓶组件耦合漏热分析

3.infrared thermography survey红外线热像图法检漏

4.Performance analysis for a reheated endoreversible Brayton cycle with heat resistance and heat leakage具有热阻和热漏的再热布雷顿循环性能分析

5.The radiator sprung a leak and they had to stop the car.散热器漏水,他们只好将车停了下来。

6.heavy/light water heat exchanger leak monitor重水与轻水热交换平漏器

7.No wonder that the engine got overheated, the oil has been leaking away during the whole journey.难怪引擎发热,整个旅途中一直在漏油。

8.Copper Tube Leakage and Countermeasures for Generating Set Low Pressure Heater机组低压加热器铜管失效泄漏与对策

9.Chemical Cleaning of Shell-and-tube Exchanger and Analysis of Leakage管壳式换热器的化学清洗及渗漏分析

10.The research about DJ400 low pressure heater nozzle leaking problem;DJ400低压加热器管口漏水问题的研究

11.Leakage Analysis of Reheater TP347H Tube of a Power Plant某电厂再热器TP347H管泄漏原因分析

12.PET plant heat carrier system water leakage points investigation and eliminationPET装置热媒系统漏水点的排查及消除

13.Thermal Economic Analysis on Inner Leakage of Deaerator of 300 MW Units300MW机组除氧器内漏的热经济性分析

14.Application of helium leakage-detection method to PET thermal vaccum test氦检漏法在PET热态真空测试中的应用

15.Causal Investigation into Tertiary Reheater Tube Leakage of 700MW Unit700MW机组三级再热器管子泄漏原因分析

16.Renovation of Comprehensive Treatment of Seepage Water for Ash and Slag Dam in a Thermal Power Plant热电厂灰渣坝渗漏水综合治理的改造

17.Analysis and Solution for Tube Explosion of 600 MW Units Boiler Reheater600MW机组锅炉再热器爆漏的分析与对策

18.Leaking reasons of GH-type tubular graphite heat-exchangersGH型列管式石墨换热器的泄漏原因


heat leakage漏热

1.Heat leakage influences the non-loss storage of cryogenic liquids directly,so to calculate the quantity ofheat leakage accurately is a very important to improve the design of cryogenic vessels.漏热会对低温液体的无损储运产生直接影响,准确测算低温容器的漏热量对改进低温容器的设计有着重要的实用价值。

2.Several control methods which could avoidheat leakage were made by reasonable design of whole support structure of the cryogenic liquid storage vessel.通过合理设计整体支撑结构,对造成漏热的几条主要途径加以控制。

3.Theheat leakage of an indirect cool refrigerator s cabinet has been studied.讨论了间冷冰箱箱体的漏热问题 ,提出了改进方案。

3)Heat leakage热漏

1.Through the use of an irreversible Carnot heat engine model of Dulong Petit nonlinear heat transfer rate and heat leakage derived is its basic optimization relation with the issue of the heat engine efficiency during its maximum output power being also discusse采用包括Dulong-Petit非线性传热率和热漏的不可逆卡诺热机模型,导出其基本优化关系,并讨论了热机在最大输出功率时的效率问题。

2.The performance for a class of generalized irreversible universal steady flow heat engine cycle model consisting of two heating branches,two cooling branches and two adiabatic branches with the losses of heat-resistance,heat leakage and internal irreversibility was analyzed and optimized using finite time thermodynamics.用有限时间热力学方法分析了热漏、热阻和其他不可逆效应对工作在两恒温热源之间的普适定常流不可逆热机循环性能的影响,导出了由两个绝热过程、两个等热容加热过程以及两个等热容放热过程组成的循环的功率、效率和利润率的特性关系,并由数值计算分析了循环过程对循环性能的影响特点。

4)heat leak漏热

1.The objective is to minimize their resultingheat leaking into HTS AC magnet.通过研究交流超导磁体气冷电流引线两段式模型的优化设计,使得其向低温系统的漏热达到最小,并自行设计热测法实验装置进行了实验研究。

2.In order to guarantee the good quality of transfer lines,the numerical thermal simulation of the supports of cryogenic transfer lines were made by FEA package ANSYS by which theheat leak and temperature distribution on the supports of transfer lines were obtained.为了确保BEPCⅡ低温传输管线的设计质量,运用有限元软件包ANSYS对低温传输管线的支撑进行了热负荷的数值模拟,得到传输管线的漏热和支撑温度分布。

3.The relation of all theheat leak factors is determined The result shows that theheat leak along the radial direction is much more than that along the axial direction.对磁制冷中的关键部件主动式磁蓄冷器 (AMR)的漏热进行了数值计算 ,得到了漏热的组成关系 ,发现沿径向的热传导影响最大。

5)Heat loss漏热

1.The heat loss is a significant factor which influences the performance of a puls e tube cryocooler.漏热冷损是影响低温制冷机性能的一个重要因素。

2.Current lead is an important part of a cryogenic device, and it is also one of the main sources of heat loss of the system.励磁电流引线是超导装置的重要组成部分,其漏热量往往占低温容器总漏热量的主要部分,是决定系统运行成本的重要因素。

6)Heat leak热漏

1.Finite time thermodynamics of real combined power cycle operating between internal combustion engine and Stirling engine with heat leak;存在热漏的内燃机与斯特林联合循环的有限时间的热力学研究

2.Influence of different heat leak on power versus efficiency characteristics of heat engines;不同热漏对热机功率效率特性的影响

3.Cooling Load Density Optimization of Irreversible Air Refrigeration Cycles With the loss of heat leak;考虑热漏损失的实际空气制冷机制冷率密度优化


