900字范文 > 导向矢量 steering vector英语短句 例句大全

导向矢量 steering vector英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-29 12:52:03


导向矢量 steering vector英语短句 例句大全

导向矢量,steering vector

1)steering vector导向矢量

1.In view of the DOA of the other signals attained from the weight vector of the algorithm thesteering vectors matrix of the interference signals are established.首先由MVDR算法确定初始权向量;其次根据该权向量与其它用户波达角方向的关系,建立干扰信号的导向矢量矩阵;然后通过正交投影原理,将期望信号的导向矢量投影到干扰信号的零空间上,从而求得最优权值。

2.Within the null space of thesteering vectors vectors matrix of interference signals, the weight vector which is closest to thesteering vector of the expected signal and deeply depresses the interference signals simultaneously comed be obtained with least square method through the linear combination of orthogonal basis.提出了一种新的用于智能天线中极大抑制干扰的波束形成算法 ,在干扰信号的导向矢量矩阵的零空间内 ,经过正交基矢量的线性组合 ,用最小二乘法求得最接近期望信号导向矢量、并同时对各个干扰信号零陷的权值 。

3.On the basis of analysis of constraint equations,the actual space-timesteering vectors of the desired signal can be solved using the Lagrange multiplier methodology.该算法在宽带信号模型基础上,分解空时宽带波束形成的约束方程,针对多频点约束,推导出空时二维导向矢量真值,得到空时结构可变对角加载波束形成算法的最优权矢量,并给出加载量求解方程,准确地计算出空时波束形成器的对角加载量。


1.Steering Vector Iteratively Update for Robust Capon Beamformer迭代更新导向矢量的稳健波束形成算法

2.Capon Beamforming Calibration Algorithm for Steering Vector Mismatch Error导向矢量存在匹配误差时Capon波束校正算法

3.An estimation method of interferometric phase based on generalized steering vector基于广义导向矢量的干涉合成孔径声纳干涉相位估计方法

4.Directional Performance of Acoustic Vector Sensors in Pekeris WaveguidePekeris波导中矢量水听器定向性能分析

5.A vector multiplied by a scalar quantity is a vector in the same direction as the original vector.乘以标量的矢量是一个与原矢量同向的矢量。

6.vector analysis矢量分析, 向量解析

7.array vector数组向量,数组矢量

8.Establish displacement vector equation of mechanism using vector method to infer the speed and the acceleration vector equation.运用矢量法建立机构的位移矢量方程,推导出速度、加速度矢量方程。

9.Average velocity is a vector quantity, in the same direction as the vector △s.平均速度是矢量,它与矢量△s的方向相同。

plex vector space复矢量空间; 复数域上的向量空间; 复向量空间

11.Deeply SINS/GPS integrated navigation method based on vector tracking基于矢量跟踪的SINS/GPS深组合导航方法

12.Derivation process of relationship between magnetic motive force space vector and current space vector in induction motors感应电机中磁动势空间矢量与电流空间矢量关系式的推导

13.A vector is defined by a direction as well as a magnitude.一个矢量要用大小和方向来表示。

14.The direction of the electric field vector is indicated in each picture.每张照片上都标出了电场矢量的方向。

15.Research on Key Technology of Public Service-oriented Vector WebGIS;面向公众服务的矢量WebGIS关键技术研究

16.Study on Filling Algorithm of Vector Linear Symbol Oriented GIS;面向GIS的矢量线状符号填充算法研究

17.DOA Estimation of Distributed Source Using Vector-Sensors矢量传感器阵列分布源波达方向估计

18.ESPRIT algorithm for DOA estimation using a single vector hydrophone单矢量水听器ESPRIT波达方向估计算法


oriented vector field向导矢量场

1.In order to give attention to both the smoothness of the boundary area near the seam and the coincidence of globe intensity in a resultant mosaic image simultaneously,an image mosaic method based onoriented vector field is proposed in this paper.为了兼顾图像镶嵌在拼缝附近的平滑过渡和整体色调的一致性,提出了一种基于向导矢量场的图像镶嵌算法。

3)true steering vector真实导向矢量

1.In the method,the optimal joint data vector is determined by the direction of the coregistration,thetrue steering vector with large coregistration error is computed according to the data vector,and then the beamforming technique with the steering vector is used to unwrapping the InSAR interferometric phase.该方法首先根据配准误差的方向来确定最优联合观测矢量,进而确定存在配准误差时的真实导向矢量,并且用此导向矢量进行波束形成来进行相位展开,能够同时完成图像配准、干涉相位噪声滤波和相位展开,因此可以在SAR图像配准精度很差(可以允许达到一个分辨单元)的条件下得到稳健的相位展开性能,仿真结果证明了此方法的有效性。

4)eigen steering vector特征导向矢量

1.In the proposed approach,the eigen coefficient vector andeigen steering vector are defined,the adaptive beamforming approach is used to clutter rejection,and the velocity of moving target can be determined simultaneously,the moving target can be relocalized subsequently.该方法根据图像配准误差的方向确定观测矢量,计算特征系数矢量,利用动目标的空域导向矢量和特征系数矢量构造特征导向矢量,然后利用自适应波束形成技术进行杂波抑制的同时估计动目标的运动速度,最后对目标重新定位。

5)steering vector mismatch导向矢量失配

1.There are two important factors that affect the performance of Space-Time Adaptive Processing(STAP),that aresteering vector mismatch and covariance matrix mismatch.导向矢量失配和协方差矩阵失配是影响空时自适应处理(STAP)性能的两大主要因素,基于在最差情况下的性能最优,提出了一种稳健的STAP算法。

2.In order to improve the robustness against the arraysteering vector mismatch,the norm constraint on the weight vector is used.针对Capon波束形成器在导向矢量失配存在时的较差指向性能,利用模约束来提高算法的稳健性。

6)generalized steering vector广义导向矢量

1.An estimation method of interferometric phase based ongeneralized steering vector基于广义导向矢量的干涉合成孔径声纳干涉相位估计方法


