900字范文 > 燃气锅炉房 gas-fired boiler room英语短句 例句大全

燃气锅炉房 gas-fired boiler room英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-05 14:03:48


燃气锅炉房 gas-fired boiler room英语短句 例句大全

燃气锅炉房,gas-fired boiler room

1)gas-fired boiler room燃气锅炉房

1.By analysing the hidden dangers ofgas-fired boiler room in system of burning,leak of gas and system of steam-water,the paper presents some safety measures considered during designing of blast shelter,gas pipeline,aeration and fire controlling of boiler room,and advanced some prevention measures to realize the safety run.从燃烧系统、燃气泄漏、汽—水系统三方面分析燃气锅炉房的安全隐患 ,提出工程设计时在抗爆卸压、燃气管道及通风与消防等方面应考虑的安全措施 ,并提出了预防锅炉房事故发生的值得注意的问

2.A comparative analysis of layout types of undergroundgas-fired boiler room is carried out in aspects of explosion relief,ventilation and lighting,equipment lifting,safety evacuation etc.从泄爆、通风采光、设备吊装、安全疏散等方面对地下燃气锅炉房的布置型式进行了比较分析,提出了改进的布置型式。

3.This paper introduces the importance and necessity of the boiler operating data monitoring system in cost keeping of thegas-fired boiler room and in economic operation, as well as the monitoring system s principle,composition,hardware system,monitoring software,choice of elements and operating result.叙述了锅炉运行数据监测系统在燃气锅炉房成本核算和经济运行中的重要性、必要性;介绍了监测系统原理、组成、硬件系统、监测软件、元器件选型以及运行效果。


1.Discussion on Safety Precautions for Electrical Explosion Protection in Design of Gas-fired Boiler Housing燃气锅炉房电气防爆设计的安全措施探讨

2.Atmospheric Environmental Impact Simulation of Gas Fired Boilers as Peak Load Heat-Sources燃气锅炉房调峰供热的大气环境影响模拟

3.Energy-conserving Technology and Application of Gas Boiler Room;燃气供热锅炉房节能系统技术及应用

4.Safety Design of Atmospheric Gas Hot-water Heating Boiler Room燃气常压热水供热锅炉房的安全设计

5.Discussion on the transformation from a Pulverized-coal Fired Boiler to a BFG-fired boiler in the power System动力燃煤锅炉改造为燃高炉煤气锅炉的探讨

6.oil fired-exhaust gas boiler燃油-废气两用锅炉

7.exhaust-fired-boiler combined cycle排气补燃锅炉联合循环

posite oil-exhaust gas fired boiler废气燃油组合式锅炉

9.alternatively-fired exhaust gas boiler废气-燃油交替式锅炉

10.Manufacture Technology of Blast Furnace Gas in Burner of fas-fired Coal-fired Boiler燃气燃煤锅炉燃烧器中高炉气的制造工艺

11.Submerged Combustion Method Application to Small GAS Fired-Boiler;浸没燃烧法在小型燃气锅炉上的应用

12.Numerical Simulation of Combustion Process of an Oil-fired Boiler Being Converted to Burn Gas;燃油锅炉改烧可燃气炉内过程数值模拟

13.The Method and Function for Changing Cable Length Row Type Boiler to Burn Coal Burn Gas Type Boiler-Take the Example of the Boiler Reform of Datong Coal Gas Company;链条炉排型锅炉改为燃煤燃气式锅炉的方法及作用——以大同市煤气公司锅炉改造为例

14.Flow Characteristics in CWM-fired Chamber Retrofitted from Travelling Grate Boiler链条炉排锅炉改燃水煤浆后炉内气流特性研究

15.Numerical Simulation of Air-staged Combustion for a Pulverized Coal-fired Boiler Furnace in One-dimensionality;一维煤粉锅炉空气分级燃烧数值模拟

16.The Run Control and Long-Distance Supervise System of the Gas Boiler;燃气锅炉的运行控制及远程监控系统

17.Research on Coal Gas Straight Burner of Small Automatic Boiler;小型自动煤气锅炉直管燃烧器的研制

18.Discussion on questions related to transformation design of gas-fired boiler燃气锅炉改造和设计有关问题的探讨


oil/gas-fired boiler room燃油燃气锅炉房

1.Analyses the hidden dangers ofoil/gas-fired boiler room fire prevention,put the point in the design to ensure segregation and refractory level,according to standardized procedures for running the boiler ignition and building;to prevent fuel leakage,improve the ventilation in storage oil,alarm and fired prevention facilities,measures to ensure fired safety.通过对燃油燃气锅炉房火灾隐患的分析,提出在设计上保证防火分隔和耐火等级,规范锅炉运行、施工;防止燃料泄漏,完善通风、储油、报警和消防设施等对策,确保消防安全。

3)gas heating boiler house燃气供热锅炉房

1.The influencing factors for energy utilization ingas heating boiler house are analyzed.分析了燃气供热锅炉房能源利用的影响因素。

4)boiler house fuel gas pipe锅炉房燃气管道

5)gas-fired district heating boiler room区域燃气供热锅炉房

1.The economy of coal-fired andgas-fired district heating boiler rooms is compared.对区域燃煤、燃气供热锅炉房的经济性进行了比较,区域燃气供热锅炉房虽然具有清洁、环保等突出优点,但其经济性较差。

6)atmospheric gas hot-water heating boiler room燃气常压热水锅炉房


