900字范文 > 固体吸附 solid adsorption英语短句 例句大全

固体吸附 solid adsorption英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-29 02:51:19


固体吸附 solid adsorption英语短句 例句大全

固体吸附,solid adsorption

1)solid adsorption固体吸附

1.Research status and progress ofsolid adsorption desiccant air conditioning system;固体吸附式除湿空调系统及其研究进展

2.For the solar energysolid adsorption rotary refrigeration system using activated carbon fiber-ethanol as its pair,one-dimensional uniform pressure field mathematical model along the circumference of adsorbent bed was adopted to carry out a static simulation calculation of the temperature field of the adsorption wheel bed.针对活性炭纤维-乙醇太阳能固体吸附式转轮制冷系统,采用沿吸附床周向的一维均匀压力场数学模型,对转轮吸附床温度场进行了静态模拟计算;从吸附床的内、外部特性参数出发,全面而系统地分析了这些参数的改变对系统性能、平衡脱附率以及吸附量的影响。

3.A review and a comprehensive analysis was made of the research and application of thesolid adsorption heat storage technology, the key problem of solid adorption heat storage technology was put forward, research progress of ad- sorption heat storage workong pairs and optimization of mass and heat transfer through the heat storage beds was clarified.对国内外吸附蓄热研究现状进行了回顾和综合分析,提出了固体吸附蓄热技术的关键问题,重点阐述了吸附畜热工质对和蓄热床传热传质优化的研究进展。


1.Study on Low-concentration of Sulfur Dioxide Adsorb by Solid Sorbent;固体吸附剂吸附低浓度二氧化硫气体试验研究

2.Physical adsorption depends on van der Waals forces of attraction between molecules and resembles condensation of liquids.物理吸附取决于固体吸附剂和被吸附物的分子间的范德瓦耳斯力。

3.Numerical Simulation of the Heat Transfer Process of the Adsorbent Bed in the Solid Adsorption System固体吸附式制冷系统中吸附床传热过程的数值模拟研究

4.The Study of Heat Transfer Enhancement of New Pin-Fin-Plate Adsorbent Bed in Solid Adsorption Refrigeration System;固体吸附式制冷系统中新型针刺板吸附床的强化传热研究

5.Both sensible heat and adsorption heat of adsorbent bed can be recovered efficiently and easily.该装置能有效地回收太阳固体吸附式制冷循环中吸附床的显热及吸附热 ,且操作简便。

6.Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds in Semiconductor Industry Exhaust Gas Using Active Sampling Onto Sorbent Tubes by GC-MS固体吸附热脱附气相色谱质谱法测定半导体行业废气中的VOC_S

7.Optimum and Experimental Study on Solar Powered Solid Adsorption Refrigeration System;太阳能固体吸附式制冰系统的优化与实验研究

8.A Research on the Solar-driven Solid Desiccant Dehumidication Air-conditioning System;太阳能驱动的固体吸附式除湿空调系统研究

9.Simulation and Experimental Study on Car s Solid Adsorption Refrigeration(air Condition);固体吸附式轿车制冷(空调)模拟试验研究

10.Studies on Heat and Mass Transfer Mechanism of Solid Adsorption Refrigerating System;固体吸附式制冷系统传热传质机理的研究

11.Analysis on Applying Solid Adsorption Type Refrigeration in Fishery Ships浅析固体吸附式制冷在渔业船舶上的应用

12.Mercury speciation system for coal-fired flue gas based on solid phase sorbents基于固体吸附剂的燃煤烟气形态汞测试装置

13.Gases can be chemisorbed or physically absorbed on solids.气体能在固体上化学吸附或物理吸附。

14.capable of being adsorbed or accumulated on a surface of a solid.能被吸附或附着于固体的表面。

15.The solid on whose surface adsorption occurs is called the adsorbent.在表面上发生吸附作用的固体叫吸附剂。

16.Deduction of Absorption Formula BET of BET of Gas on Solid;气体在固体上的吸附BET公式推导

17.Particle Concentration Effect on Zn(Ⅱ) Adsorption at Water-Goethite InterfacesZn(Ⅱ)/α-FeOOH吸附体系的固体浓度效应

18.The methods of making solid coal sorbent and liquid gelsorbent from lignite are also discussed in this paper.列举了由褐煤制取固体煤质吸附剂和液体凝胶吸附剂的方法。


solid adsorbent固体吸附剂

1.The newsolid adsorbents for desulfurization of fluid catalytic cracking gasoline were reviewed.指出吸附剂吸附选择性和吸附容量的提高和吸附机理的深入研究是脱硫固体吸附剂研究的重要方向。

2.To enhance the liquid dehumidification ability,this presents paper the research from two sides:improvement of the dehumidifier by introducingsolid adsorbent on its surface;and the use of mixed solution as liquid desiccant.为了提高溶液除湿能力,本文介绍了从除湿器和除湿溶液两个方面进行改进的研究结果:利用固体吸附剂对溶液除湿器表面进行了处理;利用混合溶液作为溶液除湿剂。

3)solid adsorption bed固体吸附床


1.In this paper,the background and the system principle of the solar energysolid-adsorption refrigeration technology are introduced.本文在介绍太阳能吸附式制冷技术的发展背景及系统的工作原理的基础上,对其技术方面及研究进展做了分析,同时也对太阳能固体吸附式制冷存在的问题进行了概括,进一步明确了其研究方向。

5)Solid sorbent固体吸附剂

1.Some relevant experiments have been done in the technology of gaseous mercury sample and analysis by solid sorbent, which is also used in the measurement of mercury emission from an i.50476056),就基于固体吸附剂的烟气汞采集分析技术进行相关研究,并运用该技术对某垃圾焚烧炉汞排放情况进行测量。

6)solid absorbent固体吸附剂

1.Using somesolid absorbents, using transformer oils were regenerated in different conditions.采用了几种不同的固体吸附剂在不同的条件下对用过变压器油进行再生处理,使油品在颜色和酸值两个方面得以改善,并找出最适宜的固体吸附剂及处理条件。


特性吸附与半胶束吸附特性吸附与半胶束吸附specifical adsorption and hemi-micelle adsorptiontexing xifu yu banJ旧oshu xifu特性吸附与半胶束吸附(speeifieal adsorp-tion and hemi一mieelle adsorption)矿物一水界面的吸附的两种形式。特性吸附是因矿物表面与溶液中某种组分(离子或分子)有特殊的亲和力而产生的吸附,也称特殊吸附。特性吸附不仅可以改变电位的数量而且还可以改变电位的符号。例如,刚玉(A12O3)在NaZSO‘或RSO;Na(烷基硫酸钠)溶液中,电动电位随溶液浓度的增大由正值逐渐减小,直至变为负值,说明刚玉对50矛一或RSO不离子有特殊的吸引力。半胶束吸附是水溶液中的表面活性剂在矿物表面产生的吸附,当吸附量达到一定值以后,由于烃基的缔合作用,表面活性剂的离子或分子在矿物表面上形成紧密的吸附层,这类似于溶液中形成的胶束结构,但所形成的“胶束”与溶液中形成的胶束不同,只有二维空间,故称这类吸附为半胶束吸附。矿物表面对胺类捕收剂的吸附,当胺的浓度较大时,常可以产生半胶束吸附。 (龚焕高)
