900字范文 > 热释放率 heat release rate英语短句 例句大全

热释放率 heat release rate英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-06 17:58:22


热释放率 heat release rate英语短句 例句大全

热释放率,heat release rate

1)heat release rate热释放率

1.By means of HRR 3heat release rate system of American ATLAS Electric Devices Company and according to Airworthiness Approval Tag of Federal Aviation Administration FAA.采用美国阿特拉斯公司生产的 HRR3热释放率系统 ,按照美国航空标准 ( FAA)要求测试厚度 1 5 mm杉木、5 mm胶合板、1 5 mm刨花板、1 5 mm中密度纤维板板材的燃烧热释放率 ( HRR) ,了解国内装饰装修板材的燃烧性

2.A set of experiment system is used for measuringheat release rate of fire in ISO 9705 standard room.为获得可燃物燃烧的热释放率 ,详述了基于耗氧原理在ISO 970 5标准火灾试验房间内测量燃烧热释放率的整套实验系统 ,然后利用该系统分别测量了普通用来装修房屋的胶合板、沙发以及二者共存时的燃烧热释放率 。

3.Analyzes the method and principle of fire detection,discusses the atrium fire detection technology and the establishment of the computer supervision system,The supervision system is mainly usde to test the two important parameters in the fire:heat release rate and temperature.分析了火灾探测方法和原理 ,探讨了中庭火灾探测技术和微机监测系统的建立 ,检测系统主要用于测试火灾中的两个特性参数 :热释放率和温度。


1.Ohio State University heat release rate apparatus俄亥俄州立大学热释放率测试仪

2.Study on the Fire Heat Release Rate and Ventilation of Highway Tunnel公路隧道火灾热释放率及通风方式研究

3.Simulation of a compartmentalized fire breaching its container under the impact of different heat release rates热释放率对单室开口中性面影响程度的数值模拟


5.An exothermic reaction releases heat(energy).放热反应释放出热量(能)。

6.Large Scale Experimental Study on Heat Release Rate in ISO 9705 Fire Test Room;ISO9705大尺度火灾热释放速率相关实验研究

7.The radiator is giving out a lot of heat.散热器释放出很多热量.

8.Diurnal Dynamics of CO_2 Released from Bole Surface of Four Street Tree Species in Subtropical Region of China亚热带4种行道树树干表面CO_2释放速率昼夜动态

9.a stove that sends forth great warmth.释放出巨大热能的炉子

10.Some reactions produced with an evolution of heat: these are said to be exothermic.有些反映伴随热的释放:这些称之为放热发应。

11.The testing methods of combustibles heat release rate based on mass 1oss rate is also introduced, the experimental figures and results are analysed in this paper.火源热释放速率的大小对于火灾的温度分布及烟气流动的影响较大。

12.Study on the Release Rate of Coated Controlled Release Fertilizer in Paddy Farmland and Dry Farmland包膜控释肥料在水旱2种模式下的释放率研究

13.It Is necessary to include as a heat source In the thermodynamic energy equation at erm which represems the timerate of release of the latent heat of condensation of water vapor.译为:有必要把代表水汽凝结潜热释放的随时间变化率的一项作为热源项包括在热力学能量方程中。

14.This heater is satisfactory; it does give enough heat.这取暖器效果令人满意,释放热量充足。

15.These give out heat all the time这些元素不断释放出热量,

16.CHETAH = Chemical Thermodynamic and Energy Release Evaluation Program化学品热力学和能量释放评价程序

17.In the process of solidification the same amount of heat is released.在固结过程中则将释放出同等的热量。

18.The heat brings about a chemical reaction,and oxygen is liberated.热量引起化学反应,释放出氧气。


heat release rate热释放速率

1.The application ofheat release rate of fuel in fire network model;非稳态火源热释放速率在火灾网络模型中的应用

2.Preliminary study onheat release rate of pool fire interacted with water mist;细水雾对油池火热释放速率影响的初步研究

3.Study ofheat release rate of normal heptane;正庚烷热释放速率测量与研究

3)peak heat release rate峰热释放率

4)heat-release rate放热率,释热率

5)heat release rate(HRR)热释放速率(HRR)

6)critical heat release rate临界热释放速率


